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Everything posted by Rauchsauger

  1. Rauchsauger


    Ya the reason why I canceled my server. Could not stand the offchance that my hard earned cash provides for the likes of Byrgesen (just an example of attitude) - demanding everything giving nothing. I can understand someone who runs a server and says this server is only for paying/select players which are chosen by those who pay. The whole "nazi" stance on total control over the hive wether the server is private or not (The only reason why there are no private server to begin with) is bullshit (*But it will ruin the game qq !!!oneeleven* Yeah sure that is why nobody plays the mod anymore o_O) . I can decide for myself where I want to play - and if I don't like it it I move somewhere else...or I rent a server myself instead of whining
  2. Rauchsauger

    Cherno - Land of traitors and liars! ( Betrayed )

    I think he did very well - and got out on top every time. The kill on the sniper while wounded induced sway was very impressive. Wish there were more players like him.
  3. Rauchsauger

    If i do know who's cloning equip

    So you will be one of those people that will ban on their private when you get killed at nighttime because - obviously - the other player had to gamma exploit!
  4. Because if he did not he would have been nailed. I assaulted several people on experimental with varying melee weaponry because I wanted to check the "improved" melee. (It was horrible btw.) There are reasons to kill other players on exp.
  5. Rauchsauger

    The 'war on snipers'

    That is aside from making a hidden player more translucent (depending on distance / terrain) the best solution. A player in the long grass prone that cannot see himself should be invisible for everyone that is not looking from top.
  6. Rauchsauger

    The 'war on snipers'

    That exactly the point - the word level can be used to state a certain point in time/achievement it must not necessarily mean leveling like in MMORPG games. The more I loot and plunder the more I have to lose. Killing another player to get his stuff gets more and more exciting up to the point when you have nothing more gain so its better to die and start over. The longer it takes to achieve said state the more fun is to be had until it is better to start over. Also it is way more gratifying to kill someone that you know had his char alive for a long time and was protective of it - because you best them. If that is griefing to you - yes I am a griefer then... On topic: If they ever make sniping more difficult by any means that require training to master it - everybody will be my target (and not only mine) until I feel like I have mastered the new mechanics. (So in a way that makes the game bad for other players because they are just live targets while snipers adjust)
  7. Rauchsauger

    The 'war on snipers'

    Ahahaha nope, the longer it takes to get to a specific level the more risk/reward ist in the balance. Also I will enjoy sending some to respawn knowing he spent hours to acquire his gear instead of duping it.
  8. Rauchsauger

    How does everyone here break up the DayZ monotony?

    MWO / CS:GO / Steam Sales Singleplayer (I just finished DMC Devil may cry and it was awesome) now Killer is Dead is my refuge from DayZ
  9. Rauchsauger

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    I just checked a old instance of epoch servers - update queries are logged in the binlog. Since there is a replication of sorts from slave (gameserver) to master (hive) in the DayZ SA I suspect binary logging as well. (If they stuck to the old system and did not create something on their own) I think there is a major difference between mod and SA -> there are public hives! So players that are a bit more experienced will go to good, non abusive private shards and everybody else can still fall back to public hive. Even if there is someone selling loot/vehicles for money on their shard - it stays on that shard only. So just pity the one gullible enough to fall for that. I am saying that as long as a server is private there is no harm done since it does not carry over - and the public hive exists.
  10. Rauchsauger

    The 'war on snipers'

    We do not talk about zero sway at all - it is the amount a "rested" weapon has at this time. And given what goes down in DayZ the guns you would find would look bad. but a scratched stock does not equal a damaged barrel or receiver
  11. Rauchsauger

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    So you are telling me the DB server of the DayZ mods did not write logfiles? I am pretty sure it did. Also if you wanted to save progress for example in ArmA 2 OA you had to configure a DB server for the addons like Ed!s Persistentscripts which then wrote logfiles (But maybe your servers did not do that ^^ how did that work for dayz mod without DB? - high horse?) So yeah you made your point - kind of. Since we do not know how DB works for private shards (I suspect the same as the others but maybe they changed it) we will not know. BTW the other 2.5 million players can think of their own and they do not need you to decide if they can choose a server for themselves or not...
  12. Rauchsauger

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    Removed from the server. You do not need logs for banning. You only do ban if you catch them red handed (far reaching admin tools are good for that). If it pops up in the BE Logs BE can do the banning (Or do you want to set those regulation like OMG the player has 4 NVG in the backpack that must be cheating so ban - could be could not be) There are also other reason for bans. If I have a community of regular players and say one one them is toxic but legit - it is reason enough for me to remove someone from my server that annoys the other players. Like if you visit my barbecue and start behaving badly I will tell you to behave and if that does not work show you the door. If someone wants to enforce a french speaking server only it is fine with me...I would not play there but that is their business on their own server. And if you do not like all available servers - rent your own one and be the admin yourself (and dish out the money every month) (Feeling entitled and not contributing is the worst) All said for a private shard/server where all that happens is restricted to that shard/server. Public hive should have no admin at all.
  13. Rauchsauger

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    You just talked about server logs. And if I remember correctly (at least in DayZ mod) you could read the DB logs for the update statements for main.pos You do not play on a server with bad admins. End of story. That server costs a lot of money and will die after a while. On the other hand there will be less good servers that provide unique experiences (aside from PvP and base building) DayZ gets stale real fast. For the last part - how many server have you had (rented/hosted yourself) in the past? Also stop pulling number from your ass about good admins and bad admins if all you have is your personal experience. Either back it with data or just let it go.
  14. Rauchsauger

    Unpinned grenades dont explode when not thrown?

    Yeah Heav is right. Do not under any circumstances try to cook off a live grenade. The fuses are short and they are NOT all the same.
  15. Rauchsauger

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    It is so sad. I begin to suspect all those "badmin" crying people are afraid that they will get removed - why is that? something to hide? Also what do you want with log access? You do not think that through. Given log Access it is piss easy to write an external program in pearl or heck even php that will read said log and display player position and whatnot on say the dayzdb map. So if you are against DB access you should be against log access as well. In the mod there are enough servers that created unique gameplay and had good admins that removed the cheaters. You witness someone cheat? Type admin in chat - and boom an admin ported to your location and handled the situation. (Oh my god the admin ported!!! what a badmin) A server where a kid abused it admin privileges - never visit it again done. Also those admins used access to the server to create events and such. Which is indefinitely better than everything the devs will come up with. When (if) base building is implemented we will stick to one server mostly so just pick one with good admins and you are set. Just my 2 cent - all servers in the past were full access and it worked. So all you crying out loud here are suspect.
  16. Rauchsauger

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    You stay in your world. I like it here in what I call the real world - it is sane and tranquil so do not come over and ruin it please.
  17. Rauchsauger

    The 'war on snipers'

    Go prone - rested weapon kneel near a parapet - rested weapon and so on
  18. Rauchsauger

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    That is crap. First of all if it is private it is limited to that server/shard nobody needs to play there if they don't want to. Then this whole BS about just renting the servers and not administer them is relatively new. All servers I had for CS, CSS, BF2, L4D, L4D2 etc. had full access. Nevertheless I canceled my Dayz server because a) there are enough hardcore servers for me to play on b ) I could not do shit with it aside from broadcasting number codes and hints to try to create some interesting gameplay and last but not least because I am appalled by what I read from some users here and even the slim chance that I could provide them with a service pisses me off.
  19. Rauchsauger

    The 'war on snipers'

    Bleh. They can make sniping hard by simulating realism. That then can be learned. The lazy randomizing is nothing but a clutch implemented for the qq given that sniping was very easy. It is a solution to a problem but is is really the wrong one. Also nice rant...totally off topic since snipers are in no way run and gun... Also that weapon sway on a _rested_ weapon is plain stupid. Let us rest a weapon and then have a rested weapon a limited movement radius like when you deploy a MG in Day of Defeat
  20. Rauchsauger

    The 'war on snipers'

    They simulate nothing. They just added sway and random dispersion instead of simulating.
  21. Rauchsauger

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    If it is a private shard admins should be able to do what they want. You do not need to play on other persons servers. And if someone rents a server and wants to provide tailored gameplay - yap since he pays and it is private he should by all means.
  22. Rauchsauger

    The 'war on snipers'

    it is problematic, that you have the current sway when you rest your gun on something... If you are prone or kneel in front of a parapet there should be only minimal sway. It should be possible to rest the gun on a table inside a room for example. So all in all they should make sniping harder by implementing it right (ballistics, weather, wind, realistic sighting of a rifle) instead of going the absolute lazy way.
  23. Rauchsauger

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    How about giving the people that pay for server you are playing on - means to keep them tidy? Wish I could permaban you from mine just in case...
  24. Rauchsauger

    Well I've officially teamed up with a weed smoker.

    This is BS. I happened to be a pothead myself until my son was born and the same way I managed my relations and my job I managed my games: Without any problems - just a lot more relaxed. It really is the person that defines how you act when you are stoned.
  25. Rauchsauger

    I think I've lost my humanity.

    The problem is the players and not the game. The other day a friend and I were approached by someone who was "friendly" - I told my friend to finish him of and be done with it since the player was only friendly because he had not found a gun yet. My friend insisted that we should team up. We gave him a blaze - but he was on the lookout for a mosin. So we went to Novo industrial and we showed him possible spawns. Sure enough the second there was a distraction because of yet another player - he killed my buddy and then tried to kill me. Luckily I had noticed that he changed from the blaze to a shotgun and had pulled my sawn off while evading. I managed to dodge his shot in a way that enabled me to unload my sawn off before I passed out. While it was kind of fun because I really knew what would happen and there was the tension of what would be the point he decides to backstab us - it is also annoying. When you play with friend or you have a goal in mind - why bother with it? > 95% they will try to kill you. So if your set goal is not just to interact with others you are better of to KOS. (Needless to say my friend was turned into a KOS that instance)