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Everything posted by Rauchsauger

  1. Rauchsauger

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    So a MacBook is no PC? (PC = Personal Computer) Also if you want to know if something is a good setup - you should specify what you intent to do with it.
  2. Rauchsauger

    Hackers, WH

    Can't we just insta graveyard those posts? You can modify your pbo files so that all buildings/trees are gone for your system... There is a detailed bugreport in the dayz bugtracker (half of you will try it yourselfes - hope you get banned)
  3. Rauchsauger

    ESP hacks are annoying

    No ESP hack at all. Just modifed game files: There is even a bug report detailing how this works... (everybody please try it - hopefully you'll get banned in the process when they fix it :) )
  4. Rauchsauger

    Loot temples (irradiated zones)

    Sooooooo you want better geared players / hoppers to get even better gear?! And on top of that you then would like to operate with irradiated / contaminated gear? That does not sound safe at all.
  5. Rauchsauger

    Do these types of buildings spawn any loot?

    So go play on hardcore... Every participant of that video willingly joined a 3PV enabled server. So no need for being a jackass here
  6. Rauchsauger

    i died! and why i liked it!

    I smell male bovine manure
  7. Rauchsauger

    Feeling remorseful...

    Aaaaaands thats why I shoot them bambis if they do not stay clear of me...
  8. Rauchsauger

    Food poisoning woes

    Did you eat/rehydrate after vomiting? If yes then it seems it did not cure you
  9. Rauchsauger

    Wall of Shame (Played Time)

    I really think you should edit out the account information in the top right of your screenshots! It is presumably a valid email adress you are using and part of your account credentials. Greetings
  10. Rauchsauger

    My first brushfire (and combat log)...

    Yap that fixes it just hit escape - click video and then close the menu again.
  11. Rauchsauger

    I Think I'm Too Trusting And Nice.

    But it just does not work that way. It is kill or be killed. I tried talking to others first and make friends or even solve a a holdup I stumbled upon without killing. All I ever got for that was a more or less gruesome death. ATM - like it or not - zombies are a annoyance while players are the bane. I just adjusted.
  12. Rauchsauger

    Have scopes been removed from the game?

    Was searching for a LRS all around... NE Airfield -> Svetlo -> Berezino -> down the coast -> Elektro -> Cherno -> Balota -> military base in the woods -> Seleneo... Nothing... Then when I started the trek in the reverse order on another server yesterday while I was at the mil base in the woods (still nothing) someone spawns in...shoots at me... I manage to return fire before being unconcious. When I come to the other guy lies dead and has a LRS (damaged condition but it will do) in his Backpack despite using a SKS. I was never so glad being shot at ^^
  13. Rauchsauger

    I Think I'm Too Trusting And Nice.

    How can you say that? If you see someone and you let them be - chances are darn high they will come back/after you and kill you. So since ammo is there in abundance you'll just dispose of 'em to be on the safe side... The last days with the lag you even had to kill unarmed/melee since they could just "circle lag" you while pummeling. Also I only address others by "Hands up". If the next thing they do is not to raise 'em in the air - they get shot and I get to live another encounter.
  14. Hi, I read the thread: Sometimes my character doesn't save and I come back as a freshspawn! (http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154078-sometimes-my-character-doesnt-save-and-i-come-back-as-a-freshspawn/) That thread is not very constructive... Can we have this threat as vessel to cumulate the circumstances from players with this problem so we can then open a bug report with detailed information? (in before: "it's alpha duuurrr": Yes we know it is alpha...that is exactly why it is important to gather information and to relay it to the devs so they can capitalize on the info to better the product) -------------------------- In my case my gear/char is saved on hardcore servers. On regular server i always spawn fresh (I even favorited a regular server and rejoined the exact same server (cause server history is no good atm) and had a fresh char) I wonder if that has something to do with the renaming? When I played dayz pre the latest patch my char was autamatically named like my current steam alias (Rauchsauger that is) When I started dayz up post patch it changed my name to the initial Steam alias when I first registered Steam back in 2002 - I had a new char I then changed the name in the dayz main menu back to Rauchsauger but still i get a new char. (maybe there is a glitch/bug there. Though I hope they did not decide to bind chardata to a username based on a string comparison) Please do contribute if you have the same or a similar bug (also please give your supected cause of error if you have one) and then I will create a bug report with the gathered information.. Thank you in advance.
  15. Rauchsauger

    Sawn-off Shotgun, not what you'd think.

    Yesterday I was invincible. (at least from zombies) I got caught out by zombies on my trek north and had nothing and i mean nothing because just a minute earlier I lost my pants + flashlight in an attempt to pick up baggy pants (which also disappeared in the ground) The Zombies hit me over and over again and i took no damage and did not bleed. I could knock them down shortly with my fist but they got up real quick and started attacking again. Then I just ignored them since they scared the other players away from :)