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About c0d34w4y

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I understand and agree with the analogy. I don't mind the wipe on each stable update, I frankly could care less. But subsequent random character losses are frustrating.
  2. I paid for the product so I duly feel obligated to exercise my right to complain. Nothing right is ever going to get done and on time unless users are allowed to provide constructive criticism and the devs have their ears perked up to listen without getting offended. Childish straw-man arguments aside, my points of concern are as follows: 1) Don't move untested product with CRITICAL issues into stable release, ever 2) Don't have CRITICAL unsolved issues in stable release for > 24 hrs without as little as an ETA for a solution or rollback plan (look here: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=7291, time reported.. and still no traction) 3) Have adequate dev resources in place to handle CRITICAL issues even at the expense of odd spray cans and other eye candy not making it into subsequent release. These are just such no-brainer items that I fail to see how people could have any issue with that? And if you are content with mediocrity why even bother participating in a discussion or testing for that matter?
  3. Why does everyone on here feel like they have the right to talk from "experience" like they ran their own dev team for years when obviously they don't have a clue. I'm not talking about them throwing the design team on server-side issues. I'm saying that if it takes them > 24hrs before they even wake up to the show-stopper type issue such as hive character reset then they clearly don't have enough dev resources to throw at the problem of this type in the first place and maybe it'll serve them right to throw more dollars at it, of which they should have plenty considering over 1 million units sold. So in short.. I'm not talking about assigning art resources to dev issues but beefing up their dev team to be able to handle critical type issues in stable releases better next time around. Get the drift? And LOL @ the tit reference.. couldn't have come up with anything more creative? You know, there's no need for personal attacks in a mature discussion or is there?
  4. No one dev team works alike. But successful dev teams keep their priorities straight. You don't pile up miscellaneous eye candy type items into the dev queue at the expense of major issues. That's the point. We all accept this is alpha and going to have to deal with issues. What's annoying is noobs salivating over some spray can feature whilst character save issue hasn't been fixed some 24 hrs after "stable" release. And not even an eta provided to that affect. Again, unless we quit suckling on the dev tit and instead actually keep their feet to the fire, nothing good is ever going to get done and on TIME. I guess we could all agree we want this thing to succeed. So to dev team: please for the love of jeebus don't take noob hi-fives too much to heart.. you've got shitload of work ahead of you yet! stay focused and professional! Thanks
  5. Why even add the spraycan feature into the work queue if they don't have enough hands (apparently) on deck to address the core issues FFS?? That's the point! You are making it sound like hive dropping character state every now and than 24hrs AFTER stable release should be of minute concern and is well covered off by amazing features put in place such as spray can.
  6. Well maybe you are, but one is no longer a 'tester' when he paid for the product. They got enough money in the pocket to hire any number of qualified QA/test personnel as well as an A-list development team. Instead of passing the blame to server hosts and the user (re: misconfiguration), they should just get on the ball and fix the glaring issues that prevent paid customers from enjoying the product OR at least provide a concrete ETA for a possible fix. And I'm not talking to bummer issues such as occassional server lag, disconnects, etc. I'm talking about my character loosing all progress and items every half-goddamn-hour. There should be no excuse for pushing a 'stable' release with a potential for such monstrous failure and no plan for a fix for 24 hours after the release! We are not talking about a team of amateurs here are we?? So quit sucking up for no good reason and cutting 'em slack. Unless this community keeps their feet to the fire, nothing's ever going to get done.
  7. I paid for pre-alpha release, that's gotta be help enough. I could take the occasional server problems, disconnects, lag issues, but loosing my goddamn character and all items every half hour is at the top of the annoying list. Clearly they screwed up communicating the new server/hive set up details to the various server hosts. They need to get their act together and get the job done right, not blame the client/user. Question that needs to be answered is ETA for when the servers are going to stop loosing player shit??
  8. +1 I completely second that!! The resets, if not fixed soon enough, will lead to a lot of people leaving this game behind. In fact, I'm already contemplating asking for my refund. I just can't understand how this build went to final with such fantastic bugs in place. Very disappointed. And yes.. who gives a flip about bunch of sprey cans and weapon cleaning kits... focus on the goddamn bugs!!