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Everything posted by FuriousJam

  1. FuriousJam

    Private Hive Server needed

    Hi, Myself and few freinds (around 5 or 6) are looking for a server to play on, we are all mature gamers and have been playing Dayz since release. We're not heroes and we're not bandits, looking for a server to play on daily. Main reason is we want to get the most out of the game and RP private servers are the way forward we think, it seems to reduece the number of hackers and limit the amount of KOS. We are all based in Europe so looking for a european server. Please pass on your suggesions. Thanks
  2. FuriousJam

    Private Hive Server needed

    Great thanks
  3. FuriousJam

    Private Hive Server needed

    Do they have websites?
  4. FuriousJam

    Private Hive Server needed

    Thanks guys will look them up :)
  5. FuriousJam

    Now this is how you camo wrap your mosin.

    ha ha excellent
  6. I love this game, each update now reveals a wealth of new features and items, and the odd bug. But hackers are just demolishing this game, i play too ways! 1st person is my lone wolf character. 3rd person character is my clan based game, we loot, help new spawns and PVP against others, its great fun! Most of our battles come in Berezino, but the hackers are a joke! Last night, i log in we make our way to Berezino and into a pub, lock pick the doors, and get ready. Doesn't take long until we spot some armed people, then a mosin round comes smashing in through the window and kills our stair guard. An awesome fire fight ensues and after about 15 minutes, 3 enemies lay dead and two of the four of us are dead. Great, then the efing hacker arrives, with all the doors still locked shut i lay prone in the back room, then i hear the sound of an axe hitting something, ARGHHH i think my leg is broken! WTF?? then i see the impact dust next to my body, THUD! You are Dead! i tell me mate on TS to get out, i just got nailed by an invisible Axe man, then BANG before he could move he's smacked in the head by an axe and hes dead. I strike lucky, i get a factory respawn! i leg it to the pub, with nothing to lose i run to the back door, locked! i hunt and find an axe, smash the door open and upstairs is our gear, i tell my mates on TS its all here! i gear up load my mosin with rounds and relock the back door, guarding the gear until my friends arrive. I clear each room, pubs clear! i wait....... i decide to head downstairs, my final mistake! as i walk into the front, a player magically strolls through the locked door and blasts me away with a shotgun!!! I quit the game! This must be the 100th time a hacker has killed me.... really zaps the fun out of it!
  7. FuriousJam

    Fix the DROWN ISSUE!

    For weeks we have been promised a fix, I drowned and CAN NOT RESPAWN!!! FIX it because i can't play and it is immensely annoying. I have tried all your hot fixes! NONE of them work!!!!! HELP!!!
  8. FuriousJam

    Fix the DROWN ISSUE!

    I fell in off the dock! and couldn't get out because it broke my leg! Now im stuck!!
  9. FuriousJam

    Met four human players so far!

    Welcome, its a good game, but do not trust anyone! IF you make contact ensure you have the upper hand, and only interact if you want to/need to. There are friendly people out there, but most KOS because its the safer option! just make sure you have the advantage when starting a dialogue with a human player.... normal i wait until they holster or shoulder their weapon to do something then i spring out on them, make it clear i am friendly but if they make a move for their weapon i'll kill them. Anyway, be cautious and move slow.
  10. FuriousJam

    Last Of the Rangers (creeping death)

    Thats a lame ass ghosting c^&t
  11. FuriousJam

    You may win the battle...

    Dude for the love of god get a headset, the sound is awful!
  12. FuriousJam

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    looking forward to playing
  13. FuriousJam

    Log Out Safe - Log in and Die

    I'll try this, i have had the above, thankfully it wasn't fetal but i have re spawned smack bang in the middle of a town before when i logged out in the forest
  14. ha ha that good :beans:
  15. FuriousJam

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    Any server restarts?
  16. Ha ha really? amazing what people think off! New meaning the the words, "bug trap"
  17. Stop being lazy, how about you read the forum for 5 minutes and you could have found the answer!!!
  18. FuriousJam

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    i don't mind making this guy a Multi MULTI millionaire, as long as he and his team continue to put so much hard work into this game and continue to keep the fan base informed as superbly as this. :thumbsup: :beans:
  19. FuriousJam

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    I too have that sounds bug, on rare occasions! really loud, scared the s&%t out of me the first time i heard it lol
  20. Nice work Matt, i know you guys will get it fixed ASAP. Keep up the great work! :thumbsup:
  21. FuriousJam

    Dayz in real life

    ha ha awesome
  22. FuriousJam

    Losers gonna lose....

    Glad you got him mate, hate scummers like that!
  23. FuriousJam

    The God Tier Look

    Normally all characters are wiped! get ready to start again .....
  24. FuriousJam

    How to trick a survivor

    And you are the reason i have gone from trying to help everyone to avoid or kill, and also the reason two people i know have already walked away from this game. Either kill or help, don't be a troll and pretend to be friendly only to get him killed! You sir, are an idiot!
  25. FuriousJam

    Extremely Lucky Situation!

    HATE loser ass snipers like that! That sort of player are just scum.