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About Spart248

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  1. Spart248

    Duct tape fixes everything

    Broken leg? Duct Tape Bleeding? Duct Tape Hackers? Duct Tape Win
  2. Shooting arrows or bolts with raw meat strung to them is a bit arbitrary I feel. Aside from the impracticality of attaching heavy chunks of meat to delicate arrows or bolts, If having pieces of raw meat in your inventory only affects the attraction of zombies slightly, applying it to an arrow or bolt would be even less effective (considering you would have to apply insignificant amounts in order to keep the projectile somewhat on-target).
  3. Spart248

    720p HD Live Stream - DayZ - Lingor Island!!!

    So... Gunna be running around chasing Bigfoot?
  4. Spart248

    Self-gutting animals. {Standalone maybe}

    That is the exact issue that ruins authentism in the game. With so many different ways you could go about gutting an animal and all the outcomes that could come out of it, just making it a win or lose situation is laughably unrealistic and will ruin the immersion without a doubt. A very simple, primitive way to improve the situation you have would be (like in real life) depending on how large the cut is on the bladder, what angle the animal is on, and where the fluid from the bladder blows, certain areas of the animal would be spoiled and certain areas of meat would not be spoiled. The idea of "right or wrong" or "win or lose" is the exact and utter opposite of what Dayz embodies. It is about all possible outcomes and how those can be achieved. Not only achieved, but created by the player themselves. The environment should not be tailored for the player, but rather the player should tailor how the environment acts. And with this said, the environment must have many different options and outcomes paired with many different actions in order to sell the effect as authentically as possible to the player.
  5. Spart248

    Self-gutting animals. {Standalone maybe}

    I have thought about this kind of things but these kind of "mini-games" are the things that can lessen immersion quite easily. They can not only become repetitive, but also be nearly impossible to feel authentic. It would be like playing those surgery ipod games or whatever the hell they are. The first step to doing something like this would mean that you would have to program it so that all faults are possible and many outcomes can happen when gutting the animal. Otherwise it would be akin to playing a surgery game with a dotted line guiding your knife. Some of the difficult things about an action like this would be programming such precisions like cutting too deep down the gut and nicking an intestine, bladder, stomach, etc. and part of the meat being spoiled due to the spillage. Just from that example alone, you can see many different specifics that would need to be met when making an action like this. Not only would one need to be careful with controlling the pressure and direction of their knife blade (or it would be a simple non-immersive click-and-drag), but they would also have to be able to make any type of cut when ridding of the membrane and connective tissue of the organs to dispel them. We can see how complex this could be to be totally authentic and not ruin the immersion. Not too mention the way the guts move around would have to be unique and different every time otherwise it would end up being "ok, cut this on the left, then that membrane on the right, then another one further to the right" over and over again, getting repetitive fast. Now don't get me wrong, I am completely for the idea of doing something like this and would love to help contribute, being someone who does this myself, but I would just like to put forth the fact that in order to not fuck it up, alot of work and precision would have to be put into the activity to make it work with the "simulation" and not make it feel simply like a "game". It could extremely increase the authentism and fun of Dayz, but it would need to be very well made, even possibly being 90% of an update simply because of the work that should be put into it.
  6. Let's sue Greece for large amounts of money ....oh wait
  7. OKHERESDAPLAN We will gather every single person on the planet, and bring them together to work like ants on this videogame! We shall bring the nations of the world together to contribute their national budgets to the world's most realistic videogame! North Korea can work on authenticating in-game concentration camps.
  8. 1. You are not being trolled. All the responses to this thread have been serious. Learn what "to troll" means before throwing it around and making yourself look like a troll. Nobody is trolling you. Everyone has provided a real opinion or feedback that is evidently serious (the opposite of trolling), whether it is an insult, a compliment, or whatever the hell you think it is. 2. "Time" is not "Money". It doesn't work that way. To start off, frankly, there are few men on the entire Earth that could even afford to make a game as you dream of within a somewhat reasonable time limit (we'll say in the next 10 years). And that is just an estimate of the amount of time it would take to code the entire damn thing. Now, that is assuming that we have the technology to make something that advanced. To literally make a game that simulates life down to the very damned particle level would likely require technology years, if not decades, beyond where we are now. Not to mention it would probably cost a king's fortune to afford it when it is just developed, along with computers to handle it. I am no programmer, but I can certainly comprehend the scale of what you are asking. Is that "easy to understand"? Now I am not trying to "stomp on an innocent's hopes and dreams" or any dumb shit like that. I told you in my first post, and I am telling you again that although Rocket (along with the entire community) would want a game that is as authentic and real as real life itself as you say, it is just not plausible, nor will it be for quite a long time.
  9. How do you even play on it? I don't see any servers hosting a Utes map on the Six Launcher.
  10. Haven't seen something this blissfully ignorant on these forums since......well, never. Rocket would love to do this and strives towards it. He even said in an interview regarding how far he would go with the authentism of the game and he said (roughly) "Oh yeah, I would let players die of sunburn if they sat out on the beach for too long if I could!". However, these are mostly dreams (what you are saying) simply because it would require years and years, possibly decades, to literally simulate real life in a video game. We may not even have the appropriate technology to do something like that. Well you certainly gave me a good laugh regardless of whether you meant to or not, so thanks :)
  11. Spart248

    Mountain Dew

    Found one on a dead guy with a ghillie on the outside second floor of the Elektro Schoolhouse. Picked it up. Went to climb up the ladder to the roof. Got shot to death while climbing...
  12. Spart248

    why are so many children playing this game?

    Well bringing up Anders Breivik reminded me of what would probably clear up this conversation a little bit. As said before, I do respect your opinion, but I must ask, what exactly is your opinion? You suggest that any children under the rating (17+) of this game should not play this game because they are simply not mature enough to do so. I can understand that, but what exactly do you mean by "not mature enough"? I mentioned it earlier and referenced an example where a child (not mature enough to handle it) taught the word "nigger" might not understand the significance and then run around saying it wherever they go. That should be pretty clear of an example, however it applies on a more general basis of defining maturity and does not work with Dayz (or violent games in general). So I would like you to provide an example of your logic as to what exactly defines someone who is "not mature enough" to be exposed to something like Dayz. As a guideline, perhaps an example of what would happen if you exposed an immature person to this game. What would be the consequences and how would they play out. Regardless of whether you think it is bad because they will go around injuring people people they know no better, or because it will effect them later in life, I would just like to know so that the conversation could be cleared up a bit. But yea, if you do, I will thank you in advance.