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About ch33zys4ck

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  1. There should definetely have hordes of zombies, not like 10 zombies scattered around a town who respawn often in my opinion.
  2. ch33zys4ck

    [Discussion] What is the funniest/best way you died?

    I was a fresh spawn too, running on the railway for like 5-10 minutes towards Elektro, then out of nowhere 3 bandits fully geared-out appeard, then one of them ask me where I was heading, but I couldn't speak and I couldn't write so one of them ask me to lay down and before I even managed to obey, i got a axe in the face. If you can read this, i hope you got your precious flashlight, since I had nothing else. LOL
  3. ch33zys4ck

    someone please teach me the basics

    My steam is Ch33zY S4ck
  4. ch33zys4ck

    someone please teach me the basics

    I'll add you and play with you on steam when we'll be connected at the same time if you want to, I'm not a veteran or something but I managed to survive long enough multiple times
  5. ch33zys4ck

    Zombie Hordes

    I thought of zombies spawning in buildings, and it would be actually a lot better! Say you're trying to espace from a group of zombies by entering a small house, but there's one inside also. Would be scarier and more stressful to loot a building. The thing is, what if you disconnected in a house and reconnect in the same house but there's a zombie inside and it would kill you before you're all set...
  6. ch33zys4ck

    Zombie Hordes

    Would be great even if it has been confirmed that there will be more zombies. The thing is, I can't wait to see the day that the f*cking zombies will stop nocliping through stuff + be able to climb up stairs to pursue you even on top floor.
  7. ch33zys4ck

    Realism suggestions

    As the title says, I think it could be great to have a post that list many ideas that the community would want to see in future DayZ to make it more realistic. Even though developpers have better things to do, if they are looking for some stuff like this in the futureit will be here, like when the game is almost finished (if they finish it one day) or something. As for example, i'd find it cool to be able to use items like canteens while walking but not while running (at this time your character stops moving when you drink from it).Loot should have spawn location based on chances see them at certain place you could see them in real life (like matches in the kitchen, but no boots in the kitchen -- next to a door or on a shelf. There should in my opinion exist more houses with 'jackpot' kinda thing with a lot of loot in it, like if the people who 'lived' there wouldn't have time to take a lot of things, but there would be less loot in other houses or building. Give some ideas or criticism in the comments below!
  8. ch33zys4ck

    Daytime servers

    I think it's because build 0.32 rearranged the way server works a little so, it may take some time to actually see servers that works in daytime since I only see one kind of server (gameserver.com) or something
  9. I think this game has so much potential it's amazing! What a great MMO it will make in about a year from now when everything or so have been implemented