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About danieltsss

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  1. danieltsss

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    Yeah man but we all know that EA and Dice really doesnt even care about feedback, i was saying because i think this is a different kind of company that maybe care about their products and not really about just money
  2. danieltsss

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    they should do a open free alpha or a very cheap one with "upgrade in the future" "if testing purpouses" are needed, most of the people are pissed because they paid $30 for a game that they event cant play (at the moment) yeah there was a reminder access but i dont get why they sold the game to all the world like that, i mean, the remainder will be the same forever and if someone buy the game like in 6 months he will be buying a totally different game like if you buy it today or 4 months ago, the thing is that a lot of people dont really know what kinda of "alpha" theyre buying and that is the real problem about the bitching on the socialnetworks because this particulary game have like really bad bugs that lot of people cant stand like others, plus theres a lot of hacking right now imagine just how a really new guy that never bought a buggy game or played arma series feel when he experiments all of the real shit, and let me say this lot of people buy this game because they see a popular streamers play and get a little fun, but when they buy the game its a different story they want those $30 back or the devs to update it fast and they come here to complain about that because the anger is so bad. just imagine yourself wasting 30 on a game that you wont play on a year or 5 months but the problem its because in fact the reminder is not that specific and the price and everything makes you think that its not that alpha shit you just dont imagine that the game its like 5% finished you need to pay those 30 and see for yourself that you wont like it like that. thats a humble opinion, by myself i experimented a lit bit of this because i was very very hyped about this game saw lot of videos streams etc but when i played it, it wasnt "that cool" to me i was kinda disapointed because i wanted to buy other games at that moment but i give it a try and i love this game but not really at this moment i imagine all the upcoming features and thats really why i love this game
  3. danieltsss

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    This come with All of the other previous updates like the Loot respawn? by the way thank you so much i hope i see the new navemesh soon
  4. danieltsss

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

  5. danieltsss

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    ok so i played a lot of this update and i can only say that there are a lot of people with glitched ammo of M4 same mosin same with food and sodas (sodas are super common) a lot of people glitch thru buildings like berezino apartments those apartmentes are the death too many people glitching thru the whole building, sometimes massive drops fps on berezino it happen me twice like 10 fps or less (usually 30 or 20+) near the pubs same to all people close to me, in the factory a lot of snipers ran off just because they jumped off the building and they lived. sometimes you cant punch or eat and you need to relog to do it. so thats like kinda of things that usually see in this patch.
  6. danieltsss

    Pistols should spawn w/Magazines {POLL ADDED}

    Yes and we need more pistols spawns and less M4 spawns there are a lot of M4 Spawns
  7. danieltsss

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Why all the people still complaining about the zombies got tough i mean its a zombie game not a KOS game its supposed that the zombies are difficult to kill or at least theyre a thread, what are the guns for? only for people? maybe the people should get arma 3 instead of this game
  8. danieltsss

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    lol all the people complaining about the zombies but this is a Zombie survival game. WTF? do you guys think its a KOS open field game? obviously theyre disturbing and shit thats the point its a zombie game
  9. danieltsss

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    i mean because now "at least" there are zombies that can add more "action" to this game in particular, i know that theyre kinda adding innecesary stuff instead of more features but i really like this game and im glad every time they add any kind of crap, of course i would appreciate a better and more inmersive features but im patient and i can wait, i only dislike when things like connection issues or something related arent fixed in time
  10. danieltsss

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    YES THANK YOU!!! :D now is worth playing stable branch
  11. i got a lot of desync in the Experimental, with a 50ms ping its kinda unplayeable with friends, i met 7 guys and 3 got lost because of the desync it was like i see you standing still but he wasnt there and that happened to all of us lot of times
  12. Please put a Simple Respawn Mechanic for the loot pls pls pls thats all we need by the way AMAZING (: ty for the zombies and lot of fixes adds more immersion to the game because without zombies its just PVP massacre
  13. danieltsss

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Well i agree with pee and opening containers in HARDCORE but the other things are excessive xD but pee its totally aceptable
  14. danieltsss

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    They need to Add drugs to the game like cigarretes alcohol or marihuana maybe mushrooms and of course their respective effects like you cant 2X W when you are smoking or everything moves when you are drunk this would be an amazing feature. Psychedelic berries should be a very nice thing they really can add more immersion to the game like you could be searching berries to eat and eat a wrong one and surprise everything is in colors and distored so you now need to wait or get some charcoal pills or mortal berries that can kill you in 1 minute if you dont use antidote
  15. I got this feeling too because i experimented many times and feels bad because at some point you think you loose a complete hour or hours. this could be a "game" but a lot of people dont think in the fact that killing someone in this specific "game" makes the other person feel bad and loose like 3 2 whatever hours of playing, in dota you kill someone but both sides of the game are getting a good time when its a great match, i love this game because makes me feel a lot of different kind of feels like fear most of the time, or happy when found amazing things like weapons but i feel KoS its broken because isnt really the point of the game, maybe because the game its in alpha but i think they need to make the PVE stronger so you need to think about killing someone that could help you to "survive" against zombies, other groups, diseases, weather etc. At this moment you can survive alone very easy, zombies arent a thread, you can find food very easy and water too and if you cant find food doesnt matter because dying for starving takes a long time. so you stop and think, what the hell im supposed to do?? i have everything to "survive" zombies are super dumb and easy, the only easy way to get fun its hunting people or something like that because the game its very easy to survive vs the enviroment and there is no other "special things" to do like build a base or repair a car or gather resources to eat. in the game im just like collecting things and spying other players because i dont like to KoS and i really feel the games need a PVE really more hardcore. sorry for bad english