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About Ironclad11

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    Bulgaria, Eastern Europe
  1. Yeah, man like some frying pans fell on the floor. I got hit in the arm and saw 2 more bullets plink near me so it wasn't a zombie.
  2. Lovely. I'll make use of the week old morphine in my inventory, then.
  3. I have a UK Assault Vest, so I don't think that will protect me much. Indeed, the second shot hit my right arm, so that's why it registered. Any ideas on how to repair my right arm, then? haha
  4. Hey guys, I was just running toward the North-East airfield to meet up with a friend, on a server of 5 people. As I was running down a dirt road east of Khelm, here http://dayzdb.com/map#7.130.042 I heard a loud metal crash, my screen goes grey for a second, like I got hit by something. The weird thing is, I didn't start bleeding until I got hit a second time, this time in the right arm. The sniper made two more attempts to hit me, both missing as I was flailing my arms panic running into the nearby forest, followed by a quick bandage and logout. My question is, could my Hunter backpack, being full of cans and stuff, protected me from the initial gun shot? I find it kind of strange that I can just walk away from two Mosin shots and not die. Cheers,
  5. I'd love to help out in 'populating' all of this space with little towns and bases, but it seems like the publisher (who made 12 million so far) can't hire some more map designers and make this game better.
  6. Ironclad11

    plz help berazino morphine plz help

    You're better off biting the bullet, son.
  7. Ironclad11

    Using the Superior Ammo that was MADE for the Mosin

    Bulgaria here. You can literally shovel them, we have so many.
  8. Ironclad11

    My first firefight...

    Way better than my first experience! At least you shot a couple baddies. All I managed was to shoot a guy who threatened me with his crowbar.
  9. Ironclad11

    Why is the game a 32-bit client? Change it to 64-bit!

    This would imply that building the executable as 64bit would magically start using more than 2 threads.
  10. Ironclad11

    Fix shoutgun ranges

    ^Have you ever seen a shotgun fire before? Not in Call of Duty, I mean.
  11. Ironclad11

    Pistols in hands should not be ruined when shot

    You don't have to "change the whole system". You just need to add a check to see whether the stored item is currently in hands or not. (Easiest way would be to set a flag "in_use")
  12. Ironclad11

    Improved Loot [SA]

    Indeed, I like the containers idea too. It'll be a lot more immersive and better than the current "find random things on the floor" system.
  13. Ironclad11

    Why is the game a 32-bit client? Change it to 64-bit!

    Ask yourself: Does the game need to address more than 4 GB of memory at the same time? Does the game use more than 32 cores or CPU threads? It doesn't need to be 64 bit.
  14. Ironclad11

    From Dusk till Dawn (

    Yeah, I like your attitude, but third person play is imperative to some people, and removes your awareness disadvantage in-game.
  15. Ironclad11

    Roaming Zombie Hordes of Doom

    6 M4 mags? Check. Nothing to do with them? Check. Zombie horde threatening my life? Check. h-here we go!