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Everything posted by BiggityBatse

  1. BiggityBatse

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    You know that is good when there are hardly any people blowing up this Pending Update thread :P
  2. BiggityBatse

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2 has been amazing. The only bug I've ran across so far is flies. I am almost constantly hearing flies, even when there is no corpse around. I don't actually mean "constantly", but very, very often. I don't know if this has been reported yet, or if it's just me. Cheers!
  3. I could be wrong, but if the DayZ dev team used a free resource like mediafire to host commercial updates for their mod, they could get in trouble. This is simply a guess, and I could be completely wrong. I'm just using common sense, and it's telling me that mediafire wouldn't be very happy if this was taking place.
  4. BiggityBatse

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    u'd need an updated server Thank you sir.
  5. BiggityBatse

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Question. Do we need to wait until servers update/advertise or do we just join a server running 1.7.1? Is there a different server side architecture for this hotfix or only client side?
  6. BiggityBatse

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    You dirty bastard! Did you implement Easter Eggs into the mod already too?? Am I going to find a Rocket voodoo doll on the top of one of the buildings in Elektro??
  7. BiggityBatse

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    You are an instant wish granter now? Right!? Someone reports a bug in the forum. Not even 10 minutes go by and the bug is investigated and fixed.... how in the hell
  8. BiggityBatse

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    With the amazing response time of the DayZ dev team, it really makes me question why bigger teams with more money who actually profit from their games can't manage this. You guys are amazing. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does NOT take it for granted. Thank you for your guys' hard work.
  9. BiggityBatse

    And suddenly, everybody dropped from the sky

    Read my very short post history, I haven't complained about this mod a single time. I realize it's in Alpha. I realize there are going to be bugs and things that go wrong. My only issue is with your posts in this thread. You are complaining about how DayZ and it's community destroyed ArmA II. And then you are giving shit to the OP for posting a thread about people falling from the sky. I don't know what the original intention of his post was, but stuff like this needs to be known. Does it require an insta-fix? Of course not. Rocket and the dev team have their plate FULL. But if things like this aren't brought to light, how do you know that they even know the problem exists?
  10. BiggityBatse

    And suddenly, everybody dropped from the sky

    "Oh noes not my gear not with the ease of finding literally all you could need within 5 to 10 minutes." Good job contradicting yourself, moron. It's an alpha, if you can't laugh at the exploits then you're missing out on half the fun, especially when it causes crying. I'll be a retarded moron all day if it keeps me from crying over an alpha build of a mod on a game that's three years old that had a great MP community until it got overrun with cry baby carebears. I'm sure if there were hackers in ArmA 2 you'd be crying too. Fact of the matter is, hackers cause people to rage in any game. There's no reason to hack in ArmA 2. Not even for lolz since it's more fun to make something like the battlebus than it is to hack to piss people off. Just to save you some time, you're right maybe I would rage, but I don't play games that have hackers, there just isn't a need. I'm laughing at this new community we have that has brought along this awful feature into a previously hacker free title. So DayZ ruined ArmA for you... cool story... then get the hell off the DayZ forums
  11. This is the only issue I see. Your humanity should NOT be affected if you kill a very low humanity player. That wouldn't make sense.
  12. You make a great point. The only problem is addressing playability. True, in real life, being a bandit would be the easiest way. And I know this is a difficult game, and it should stay that way. But for playability purposes, I think SOMETHING needs to be done along these lines. I think the community would agree that there is a general "kill on sight" mentality in the game right now. This may not change that. But it is a step in the right direction to help calm down the "deathmatch" that is currently going on, and may encourage players (strangers) to help each other out once in a while instead of constantly killing each other. Players will play how they want. I'm sure there are other people like myself who want to find other people in the world and work together. With the current setup, that isn't really possible. I don't have a choice but to kill anyone I run into because they may kill me first. Sure, that uncertainty makes the game fun, but it doesn't allow certain people to play how they'd like to. I hope that makes sense.... Is the heartbeat system a solution? Maybe, maybe not. But I strongly believe in order for DayZ to thrive, something has to be done about the rampant and random killing of other players.
  13. Why not? If everybody now automagically can hear their heart beat faster whenever they look at a bad guy' date=' the bad guys are going to be shot, which everybody else is not. My idea simply gives the bad guy a fighting chance. I couldn't recommend my hair going up on the back of my neck, so this seems logical to me. Actually, I was being serious, for the reasons above. If you don't like the idea, don't take it. It's certainly your prerogative. Edit: Wow. I feel pretty bad that you would think that my idea was some kind of troll post. I spent a good deal of time to try and NOT come off as an ass in under 20 words. I guess I didn't do a good enough job. 20 words though. That's pretty tough. I see the point you are trying to make, and I'm not trying to sound like a dick, but that suggestion is just absurd. Being able to detect people all around you? Come on... The heartbeat thing is line of sight. It is a very practical way to simulate something that can't be implemented. Gut feeling. We all have it. Banditry is a way of life that some people choose, and that's fine. But being a bandit should be no walk in the park. It should be HARDER to be a bandit/murderer than not. Why? Because other non-bandit characters spend a great deal of time finding loot, etc. Bandits can just kill them and bam, all that work goes out the window and the bandit now has great loot. And that's fine, that is a great part of this game. But I think it should come with some disadvantages that non-bandits do not have. The heartbeat system is a subtle way of doing this.
  14. This is insane. Please don't do this. He's being sarcastic and generally unhelpful in an otherwise generally civilized thread. Oh, ok... I support the original idea, but this would be taking it too far... I'll show myself out now...
  15. This is insane. Please don't do this.
  16. YES There needs to be a subtle way to help indicate the humanity of other players. Also, killing someone with very low humanity shouldn't lower your own humanity.