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About Garz

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  1. Haha, good way to look at it, that I have highlighted a rare bug, that's what alphas for! :D
  2. Thanks for the reply man, much appreciated, I know you guys are hella busy with everything currently so I have no problem waiting, it's just nice to get some clarification on the matter. I agree that you should wait till the weekend aswell, no point trying to fix a rare issue while you are stabilizing a new build. Once again thanks for the reply and keep up the good work.
  3. I agree but it doesn't help when your character is invincible lol.
  4. Hi rocket, could you please have a look at a post I made about my character being bugged? The servers you have linked are actually the only ones I CAN play on, the ones that have been updated with the correct hive etc are the ones with my bugged character on making the game on regular server unplayable, thanks. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/167335-dayz-character-bug-has-made-the-game-pretty-much-unplayable-really-need-some-help-or-a-fix/
  5. Like I said in the original post, I have been swimming for over 24 hours real life time dying of de-hydration and starvation but the character just won't die, I'm pretty sure it's bugged as it died once but when I respawned it put me in the sea again still dying. Thanks for the link but if anything I think it proves how fucked I am lol, the server I.P's he listed are the only servers I can actually play on, all the 'Working' ones with the correct hive are the ones on which I have the bugged character :/ I'm up shit creek without a paddle it would seem :(
  6. Don't worry mate just a simple misunderstanding, I have no idea where to go to land, someone linked me a server saying the sun was always over the east cost on his server so if I swam towards it I would reach land no matter where I was in the sea, after 10 hours of swimming my friend joined the server and said the sun was in the south, so I had been swimming away from land, and after this rollback I have no idea where I am in the sea. With me being so far out aswell I can't really get anyone to shoot me either so thats out the question. Sure I could perhaps start swimming away from the sun but with no idea where abouts I currently am I'm sure you understand after all this fucking swimming i've done over the past 6 days I'm really sick of it haha.
  7. So you believe that all the servers will eventually be updated to the new hive that has the fresh spawns? I hope so haha. Thanks for the response, yeah I have a fresh character on the hardcore server, yeah this makes the game 'playable' for me but i'm sure you understand I still want my regular character fixed aswell, not only incase I can't get into a hardcore server but when playing with friends it makes it harder to all get into a hardcore server with multiple people and they might not want to play hardcore.
  8. I have read about these servers with different hives, but so far what I have read people are saying the hive the servers are all going to be put on is the rollback character hive, not with the one with the fresh characters, but I hope I am wrong. I dont mind regearing my character, the probelem is he is stuck in the middle of the sea dying of de-hydration and starvation but will not die, and I don't mean I have waited an hour and he hasnt died, I have been swimming for nearly 24 hours real time, while dying of de-hydration and starvation and he isn't dying with a full grey screen, thats the issue.
  9. About 6 days ago me and a friend along with others in the server all got teleported into the ocean, after about 6 hours my friend died of de-hydration and about an hour later so did I, but when I pressed respawn it put me in the same spot in the ocean dying of de-hydration, skip forward way over 24 IRL hours of swimming and I'm still not dead. I have been dying of de-hydration and starvation for over 20 hours aswell, my screen has gone as grey as it possibly can but I'm still not dead. With this new patch it has rolled me back but because of how long it I have been in the sea it has just rolled me back in the same situation I was in before the patch, in the middle of the sea dying of both de-hydration and starvation. I have also tried every trick in the book to wipe the character, the steam name change, reinstalling, deleting profile files, server hopping to try and de-sync from the hive and trying to set a new default character, pretty much every tip and trick I could find on reddit and here on the forums. I was hoping this patch could of been my saving grace with a character wipe but it's not quite gone that way haha, so does anyone have ANY idea on what to do? I would love some input from someone who is heavily involved with the game but I obviously understand they will be getting spammed daily with 'my character is gone' etc messages so I understand if they are busy. Thanks in advance for any replys, Garz.