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Everything posted by leo235

  1. I dont think players kill other players "accidenially" all too often. The player in zombiewalk would also have good chance to spot players coming in and get out of the way. Although turning your head would identify you as a player.
  2. leo235

    Amazing game takes dive. Player worries.

    Light pollutions funnily enough comes from light sources, which will be dramatically reduces when there is no power. Think ahead.
  3. leo235

    heightened alert zombie.?

    Rocket your doing good work man. we all love what you have done and how you basically saved the survival horror Genre with this mod. words cant describe man.. keep it up.. we chose to keep 1.7 after testing 1.7.1 on our server. just for reason of the bugs ..not the added content.. we need a little more challenge.. the new patch although harder felt like the zombies were somehow cheating and the immersion was broken.. we actually have a short film director in our group who loves the mod and critiqued its atmosphere before and after. it was too easy to aggro .. --------------- Ok this is already hard to read.. but I tnik one can be able to do it. Also contardicting.. like "we need a little more challenge.. the new patch although harder felt like the zombies were somehow cheating" and this double dot is really confusing.. I actually have a friend who plays a lot of LARP and he doesnt care what your short film directing friend. He also is easy to aggro ------------------------------------------------------------------- So i think the trick/challenge is how do you make it more challenging "without" breaking the lore of what the living dead should be? keep the challenge and uncertainty but not give things for free ... WELL i think some of us may have figured out a way with the help of my friend.. why not make SOME zombies not all... specific marked zombies be like a flag bearer? or ones that have better site then others instead of all.. So when you come to a clearing you can tactically asses the situation from a far.. like a paranoid zombie with red eyes or something.. that spawns randomly .. ----------------- somehow gets easier to read, but maybe thats just getting used to it.. especially here... "why not make SOME zombies not all... specific marked zombies be like a flag bearer?" what did the "..." mean there..? also I dont speak english as my mothertongue but with words... like "asses" I always make sure not to miss an s. .. ... .. --------------------------------------------------------------------- maybe you run into one, maybe you dont, but if you do spot 1 get ready for major stealth and planning or a huge battle..he could spawn in a group of regular 1.7 type zombies and he can and will see you if you mess up... and if he does the rest will become hostile if aggrod ..unless of course you can head shot him quietly? thats key!Smile that's the lore we want and the tactical planning we need to take him out of the equation .. 1 thing hopefully you dont miss.. lol or maybe you do and he cant spot you with a sniper rifle and silenced rounds .. .I think this may work and give eveyone what they are looking for.. cheers Rocket hope this helps.. long live Arma and DayZ! Rocket if you see this what are your thoughts? -------------- gets harder to read again... 1 thing maybe because getting close to the end? Do you read a lot of threads that have aggrobearer in their title Rocket? I think we would all be happier... if you just searched the forum for my excellent posts on respawning and buryable boxes instead of tents. Dude your style is horrible to read. Your title should maybe be more along the lines of "Master zombie that spawns other zombies" and your post should be shorter and Not contain a single "..." . Like: "I feel the new Line of sight dynamic is not working well. Maybe we could have special zombies that can see and then get other zombies aggroed on the player they spot. They could have groups of zombies spawn around them, so killing/evading them could become a real quest, when they block a hospital. The other zombies should be rolled back to what they were like in 1.7 or a least have their sightrange heavily reduced" then my answer wouldve just been NO More important suf right now and all humans are equal. So should be all the Zs
  4. leo235

    Amazing game takes dive. Player worries.

    everything you said is wrong and your post if poorly formated.
  5. leo235

    Petition to make Zombies harder.

    YES players should get up too if killed by a zombie. Maybe zombies should drop for a while when not shot in the head, but get up again?
  6. YES there should be randomly changing areas of different spawn frequencies for zombies. thus Your title should be like "Zombies should spawn in mobs" or "Zombies should be randomly concentrated over the map" Your post should then quickly come to this point. Or have a newspaperlike part summarizing it in the front Then this would be easier to read for devs and maybe we could try this
  7. leo235


    bandages could be made from clothes and clothes would be more vital to keeping the temperature nice. this is just a hicup. spawns and zombies should not be points of critique as they will change anyways right?
  8. leo235

    Suggestion: Respawn on tent

    NO rather have a 10min serverban after death or better gear for people who spawn after not having played for 2hours
  9. leo235

    buryable loot instead of tents

    yeah, but I think there will be spots where its likely that people will bury stuff. like at the bottom of high Landmarks and so on
  10. leo235

    Stopping to change weapons...

    whats going on with realistic movements = CoD ? You SHOULD be able to change your weapon without having to stand still. This isnt pacing its stopping and pacing in combat situation shouldnt even be slow to begin with.
  11. leo235

    Weapon Suggestions

    reasonable suggestion I find,but priorities should be (realism) on gameplay aspects not (realism) in the specific models and details.
  12. leo235

    My list of Suggestions

    -Change weapons while running, please... this is basic Wink @peoplewithknowledge: How easy would this actually be? because yes.
  13. yes I think the spawn tables should be more experimented on anyways.
  14. leo235

    Jerry can + Box of Matches!

    YES to megaphones and more gasoline uses.
  15. leo235

    Pick up bolts from zombies you kill

    it realy should be put in the inventory though, or have a giant area where you can get it with mousewheel, cause its 70/30 to lose it right now
  16. leo235

    NPCs, Instances & a Safe Zone

    NO at the very most have very occasional convoys move through with military shooting evreything around them.
  17. are all in the game. barbed wire and sandbags can be set up with a toolbox and are all found in industrial / warehouses tents can be found to store and silences weapons exist as well. The crossbow for example is the best weapon in the game. It can be found in farms.
  18. leo235


    ys very much for moer food and water also. Or more matches knifes and animals. kthx4reading
  19. YES great notion exept the crossbow should be everywhere always. Maybe only reduce ammo though or seperate more ammodrops from the weapondrops
  20. leo235

    Semi Perma Death.

  21. exactly what I would imagine the end of th world to look like: people running around with chairlegs chainsaws and swords making epic last stands. On the shore with only your wits to protect you, it has been days since you had your last meal or something to drink. You hear distant grunts of zombies. It is dark but the hunger and thirst are driving you to the town. You slowly hide and crawl to the supermarket, the growls are louder and louder but it is so dark you do not see anything. You reach the entrace and see a pistol with only one magazine, suddenly you trip over a can of beans. The sound of the falling cans echoes trought the town, you realize in terror that the growls turn to screams. You quickly go trought the last of the bullets but more zombies are comming. Its run or be killed. Your instincts kick in and adrenaline flows trough your veins, and you make your daring escape to the door. Two steps further a crawling ex-police officer with a magazine on his belt grabs your ankle. You think of it only for a half-second before he trips you and you hear a loud crack of separating joints. The last thing you see is zombies eating you and a silent survivor observing you from outside... for equally epic situations dont bring in melee. I think it would either make people loose the last bit of fear for zombies when they are close or have to be so weak, that theyd just be another item overcrowding spawns. At most make the hunting knife usable I dont know
  22. leo235

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    same problem here I have OA build 87580 (strangely after installing 93825) and I alsways spawn in the wilderness or the debug forest if I go to cannada 2. Canada2 sucks though because its not running dayz1.7.1 Is there any good fix? Did you guys solve this by waiting or can I maybe delete my char some other way? can I just delete @dayz folder and let steam cleanup the game before copying it back in?
  23. generally I find the no weapons proposal nice, but I think it will really decrease fun. Personally I would be for a crossbow on spawn ( a bow would be more realistic, but meh) or more random gear ( massive suicides until sniper rifle in gear) definitely less ammo though and no beans.