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Everything posted by leo235

  1. leo235

    Bounty hunter system

    NO unoriginal, overly protective idea that has nothing to do with reality. I wouldve kept a tiny bit of respect for you if you had said there should be a possibility to store Items as bounty on specific players and whoever killed them would get a way to obain those items. But no you want the server just to punish people who like what you dont like. Instead we should have a system on the forum where you could vote people into categories like "care bear", "ffa deathmatch" or "strange realism" so we could hate on them. And if your vote got really high it should display your real name and address.
  2. leo235

    Semi Perma Death.

  3. leo235

    How about a Bow and Arrows?

    MEH like the idea, but I think there are risks to it. I dont like all those ideas trying to bring more weapons in the game. Rather give more uses to existing items. Bows would make a nice realistic addition to a world with high ammo-sonumption and no factories. If damage could be dealt with throwable stuff Id prefer that though.
  4. leo235

    buryable loot instead of tents

    Everything you write also applies to tents. Just make tents invisible and placeable in smaller areas and call them "buried stuff" is my suggestion I would appreciate it if there was a limited serverban or something to make death an actual separator from your equipment but meh. clans would still carry it to the other server I guess. So this is a slight improvement to tents. Maybe there would be a diggmark for 5-15min...
  5. leo235

    Health Regeneration & Eating (v2)

    YES the rates here are too high though. You should regenerate 2k blook over 2 hours per can of beans you eat.
  6. When you die in real life: Theres just nothing probably so 0 consequence When you die in DayZ: You lose all your stuff So death is actually worse in DayZ than in real life. Please dont read this as serious buisiness Also you missed that there is currently no zombie apocalypse going one wich would In real life if you survive you can: Tell stories with friends / all dead Watch TV if you find one / no power / no signals Have sex / apocalypse kills more women than men ( because men do the killing) Listen to music / no power Enjoy food / likely canned or disgusting without all the nice additives Sing songs / I can do that in DayZ Play games / no power / you can play chase in DayZ and much more / minus all the things I can do better in DayZ like running for a long time, throwing like a man or have fun so yeah, very high chance that people would break and shoot people or just shoot people because theres nothing better to do. (The dog says killing is the best and I dont think he would lie to sansa)
  7. I actually didnt really checked my facts here and still wont because Im just that stupid but I assume if he was a dev for arma he wouldve been paid? Anyways just check all my posts and whereever my opinion differs from yours youre wrong
  8. YES I support more unconciousness. Unconcious players could have extremely reduced bloodloss and fall unconcious quicker. Wouldnt make the game easier but might make it less lethal. Though waiting 5min when youre alone would suck.
  9. leo235

    WARNING: Do not install!

    As if people payed 25Bucks for Arma2OA to test some alpha... Of course they just wanna shoot stuff. People should revert if they wanted to and every single detail of evrey game on the planet should be customizable so we could have different LoS parameters and spawn rates on different servers. That would be useful testing for the gameplay at least. Rocket can probably use one single 12yr old to test all the things that are as obvious as item changes on drop or server crashes every 5 minutes. We dont need 100000 players for that.
  10. Meh dude Liked this thread very much. All that was missing was more math and a discussion on significance
  11. leo235


    NO Bad Idea, defibs dont cure open heads. One more item with only one specific use that wont benefit most players. Also bloodbags and epipens are extremely close to that use. Dont bring in more weapons and medicstuff when thats already 70% of stuff in the game Instead maybe use the "longer unconciousness" idea from another thread.
  12. I actually gave rocket money, since he developed arma which i bought on release and now again on steam I see value in people pointing out what they like and dont like. on what other basis would rocket make those alpha changes? If hes smart he actually likes feedback of all kinds. You want people to be banned from the mod? Entitled? You are stupid. Every game you play would be better without you in it. At the very least refrain from using a microphone and stop posting in forums or /v/.
  13. leo235

    Fall damage.

    gets complicated when you have to estimate the whole invetory-weight and there are too. Would really like to be able to move quicker if i drop the backpack, because i can just make drops of 4m or so. if you fell because you vaulted over the edge that could be a simulation for lowering yourself carefully
  14. leo235

    Throwable bricks vs Melee

    I think you DO need more characters. What is your exact worry here? I dont doubt that when the apocalypse eventually happens we will see a lot of shit thrown at shit here in germany, where guns are not so abundant. i actually lost my motivation to really insult you for how stupid the "I dont need to explain my opinions" attitude is. I lost it because I know youre too stupid to get it anyways. BAM!
  15. doing much better on the 30 replies now. good Hmm yeah, so normal slowwalk would probably be lost, or it would be something complicated like having an option to smear zombie-skin on you near a dead zombie after which your animation is changed, but I just think it would be awesome to just wander near cherno with your gun in the inventory and no backpack looking exactly like zombies and waiting for other players. This would make zombies more scary, because they could actually be players. and again. dead players should get up.
  16. leo235

    Throwable bricks vs Melee

    sounds fun, but molotovs sound funner
  17. So why does this thread not have 30 responses yet? Tell me what makes this idea so shitty?
  18. leo235


    YES molotovs would be great though. I like the ideas of players who have no weapons, but 2 or 3 molotovs beeing no danger and an extreme danger at the same time. also area denial
  19. leo235

    Semi Perma Death.

    hmmm serverban would be good but sucks because of shitty servers. limited respawns just sucks. I wanna play whenever I want to play.
  20. I dont even get punished right away in the real world when I take people down with my sniper rifle. What might be interesting for you would be the possibility to find out who killed a dead player you find. Then you could become the police ingame that you wish for. But yeah, you should use the search function and go read or visit school or do stuff like sudoku for a week then learn to juggle then learn to write with the left hand and so on until your smarter. Then you wouldnt have such difficulty to understand that "negative cosequences by the environment" and "punishing a playstyle" are the same thing.
  21. leo235

    heightened alert zombie.?

    if you just run straight up to a building and then closely run around it so that you continue in the same direction away from the building that you were running intwoards it you should lose most zombuies
  22. leo235

    Reasons to huddle around a campfire..

    body heat should be more critical.
  23. YES no sights though please.
  24. leo235

    heightened alert zombie.?
