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Everything posted by leo235

  1. leo235

    Character wipes with patch releases

    YES kinda have to agree. Also might make cheaters easier to spot.
  2. leo235

    Used bullets on the ground

    almost as cool as the bood trail
  3. leo235

    Zombies or Infected, not both

    or have far fewer guns, but these games exist already
  4. leo235

    Make Shadows Useful

    wanting good grafics =/= carebear Game has high expectations on hardware idea not possible
  5. MEH nice idea. Makes perfect sense for the toolbox. Dont really see this as important. really all items should also be carriable in the primary and secondary slots, but thats not going to happen right?
  6. leo235

    Bury survivor to regain humanity

    Well yeah youre right its a moral thing. This makes sense, though I still think more so for zombies than for humans. Also bruying someone with loot on them is immoral when that loot is essential to survive for other people.
  7. leo235

    My Suggestion.

  8. leo235

    Health mechanics:a study of the tap like man.

    DONT CARE more variability everywhere is always nice though. Your title should give the suggestion already Your post is too blocky and should come to the point. Im pretty sure the devs can do the maths so that stuff belongs after the suggestion. If a dev has say 10min on this forum a day and that dev was me, I wouldnt read your post
  9. leo235

    Bury survivor to regain humanity

    This should be for zombies. Burying them needs to be done for health reasons so its good. Burying people isnt a human thing to do. Its a religious thing
  10. You can camp in real life You cant disconnect in real life
  11. leo235

    Drugs, Drugs, Drugs

    or maybe we could add rape? how are drugs or sex or rock and roll positive for the gameplay? Lots of things would add authenticity, we should pick those that also add gameplay aspects or at least fit in the rest of the game.
  12. leo235

    DayZ Progression Rate

    So what? I dont really care if theres a spotlight on the game im playing. maybe ill cry when I have to pay for the game again, but thats the world for me.
  13. leo235

    READ before you POST

    thats really only a problem of people who read posts.
  14. leo235

    BOSS zombie

    NO yes! we should have a zombie that vomits acid too. Oh and one that can climb up buildings everywhere. Oh and maybe a zombie that can shoot like the one in Romeos movie
  15. So.... i posit that people who have these kinds of ideas are damaged people. A: wtf? Do you think rape should be added to GTA? or to S.W.A.T.? or frozen synapse? B: this would in no way be a deep spychological addition. I would just laughingly rape everybody I can and laugh my ass off if I was raped Disclaimer: I am completely against raping and abusing of any other lifeforms in general, but i think this could add something to this game, adding to the harsh psychological deepness of this awesome mod. NOBODY READS YOUR THREAD AND THINKS THIS IS COMPLETELY TRUE The Idea: -Introduce the ability to rape other players. HERE IS WHERE THEY STOP THINKING IT Function: -Raping could raise your body temperature. IT WOULDNT Background: -Female Characters get both an advantage and an disadvantage through this: on the one hand, they are likely to be forced to be raped by bandits, but on the other hand this can spare their lifes more often then if they are male. a player who would normally get instandly shot at if he is male,might be able to stay alive if he is female because the bandits rather try to hunt him down instead of killing, so there would be a chance to escape. HE IS A FEMALE -this would give the gender selection a real weight on the decision. IT WOULDNT BECAUSE RAPE ISNT GENDEREXCLUSIVE -this adds a psychological layer that is highly important in (post-)apocalyptic enviroments like a zombie outbreak. IT WOULDNT AS I SAID What do you think? THAT YOU HAVE ISSUES
  16. This is what it looks like when some insecure idiot who comments on how many replies he is expecting bumps his own thread, because he likes his idea and wants to hear other people tell him why it could actually suck.
  17. NO dont just hate please hear me out: [The exact same thing as everywhere else] is a shitty thread for itself the idea is overly complicated and would take the coding time of 100 better ideas You coupled it with "bandits should not be allowed" which makes you extra stupid You didnt address the points brought up IN THE OTHER THREADS ON THIS TOPIC like bandits just camping outside the camp. Rocket has made multiple posts that pretty much say this wont happen anytime soon I believe, so really youre just aggrevating easily aggrevated people like myself and then claim you wouldnt care Bosseti made good points, your reaction didnt say anything to those points instead you acted as if it was the other way around and you made points he wasnt reacting to... Your "its only rockets opinion that counts" should lead rocket to ignore your suggestion because it is not your opinion that counts. You are getting defensive quickly. This makes insulting you more fulfilling. You dont seem to get the point that ALMOST NOBODY likes your idea. Which is a strange attitude to have if you see the world as a place for save-havens where people should get along.
  18. leo235

    Different Types of Zombies(Not Like L4D!)

    YES This beeing a zombie game I think its pretty obvious that zombies will continue to improve in larger steps than the rest of the game. Yes zombies of varying speeds and senses would be cool but complicated and therefore risky to the game. (Yeah Im pretty sure the world hasnt stopped to function as it always did and people are making this for money thus want many players)
  19. YES, BUT 10 new items = no way this is gonna even work much less improve the game maybe add one nonlethal weapon traps are cooler than poisons. Both are risky but awesome additions. There is no crafting right now, whats up with all the suggestions for crafted stuff?
  20. leo235

    Respawn Confirmation

    obvious good idea
  21. leo235

    Zombie Aggro Realism

    YES I think there are many threads on Zombie-Aggro behaviour I think this is so basic that rocket would have to be as inept with making games as you are with using the search function I think the problem lies more with making that actually work AI-wise