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Everything posted by leo235

  1. leo235


    Well I don't know about u but if I had to choose between a bear trap n and ied id take the ied The function of an IED is to impede logistics I would imagine. Who in a Zombie apocalypse would want to do that? If Im sniping cherno hospital I wouldnt really gain an advantage from an explosion behind me. I mean I would really like to have to have all kinds of items in the game with realy low chances to spawn so youd continously see new fancy stuff, but Mines/IEDs would be one of the last things to add, because the typical player will just place it and run somewhere else, getting nothing out of it except ruining one other players fun. Although that might make the NWA hilarious... Oh but to close on something gay: I stilll really like the idea of tripwire that could be connected to all kinds of stuff. Just beware not to make this completely into minerafts spiritual brother
  2. leo235

    Mechanic for Self-Defense.

    @greenjedi All you say is right. Didnt really fully completely intend to draw you into an argument about sensitive topics, but dont you think that the idea of a god is kind of an immoral thing in itself?
  3. leo235

    IF this was an actual game...

    one time purchase would be coolest Though 5cents per respawn could really increase the feel of this. But you can always just do that in addition to everything else, like 2 dollars to spawn with a truck full with an AI squad...
  4. MEH Morphine should help you for 10min ;1h of wearing a splint should help you permanently. That would make medics "a thing". But meh
  5. leo235

    Mechanic for Self-Defense.

    That could also play into it. I mean hey, anything to justify killing someone, eh? :P Theyd get shot anyways, its just we arent murderers for protecting our lives preemptively just like the USA arent this evil nation that murders 1000s of people in self-defence amIright?
  6. leo235

    Body Armor

    Isnt rocket really big on the idea of different clothing? I think there is a high chance for this happening anyways
  7. leo235


    So... you dont see a similarity here?
  8. leo235

    Mechanic for Self-Defense.

    I dont know about supression, because thats an effect of nervousness, which should just naturally happen (I know were all superbadasses, but loud noises from your speakers will affect your aim in a bad way. No way around it) But yeah, if the game could pick up that someone has aimed at you for a longer time before you shot them dead and just give you a self-defense kill that would be cool. But meh
  9. leo235

    penalty to sérial killer

    IRL serial killers are often called "soldiers" and while they might all be permanently damaged we dont talk about that and thus shouldnt make it a thing in our games. Personally I think some nervousness after shooting something (zombie/survivor/bandit) would be cool, but it should be temporary and after a lot of kills not appear at all. That way people who are playing a long life have a slight sdvantage without introducing mechanics that make playing PvP more sucky. And that still sounds shitty even to myself.
  10. leo235

    Teargas & Gasmasks

    YES awesome idea, we need more stuff that doesnt shoot.
  11. leo235

    NPC integration

    Blew my mind! Ive only read this exact idea three times now and then like 50 slight variations of it. I didnt get it the 52 other times, but the way you put it it makes perfect sense. But heres the kicker: What if we made all those NPCs playable? Imagine actual players running around as a medic, or guarding the Barracks. WHoah!
  12. leo235

    Get rid of Barbed wire

    would be cool if we could vault over larger things. Maybe bleed after vaulting over barbed wire. probably not possible though I guess...
  13. leo235

    AI players for the pk's to feast on

    Yeah Im sure people shoot at you beacuse of the way you look and not because youre a human player. This will work. maybe we just make them immobile, so all those bandits would be stationary just shooting at AI-targets who dont move.... If there were AI-players added they would have to behave like survivors, thus shooting other survivors frequently. So you see this idea doesnt work like you imagine it.
  14. This is like really close to 30 replies now... contentwise closer to zero, but thats not what Im aiming for anymore.
  15. Imo the coolest ideas in the suggestion forum all have to do with players leaving persistent stuff on the server (mines, dead players become zombies, generators, longer cooking times...) Is that easily done for the engine and the servers? would this game break if everyone placed 3 tents right now?
  16. leo235

    engine question

    And remembering around 3 objects per player is no problem? Thats awesome.
  17. leo235

    QoL changes for Crossbow

    quiver yes ironsight no.
  18. leo235

    Stealthing and what to do about it.

    Works right now. Screaming seems like a cool idea, but I can also see how that could frustrate me.
  19. leo235

    Turning into a zombie

    This needs to happen. Then if we could walk like zombies: bandit, survivors and zombies would be one indiscernible mix
  20. What makes this idea better than just a 3min timer to logout? With your system people could still avoid the second shot from your sniperrifle by disconnecting.
  21. leo235

    I dislike the spawn system.

    I think its better than what we have right now with spawning
  22. leo235

    Debug Zone temp. Quick Fix

    YES This would be easy and good
  23. leo235

    Barbwire really?

    YES barbed wire should only be placeable outside. AND it should not spawn in cities.