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Everything posted by leo235

  1. leo235

    Pro vs Con - My List of Balanced Mechanics

    Shouldnt keys just be generated in the persons inventory that fixes the car? seems more sensible to me. apart from that: boring suggestions and suggestions about learning that I dont think will happen and if they do it likely wont be rare books...
  2. leo235

    Suggestion: Realism please!

    why dont the clans do that with painkillers and bandages now? animals to kill arent really scarce
  3. leo235


    It's already mostly the case because of loot. Having motivation to survive increase with time seems to be the right direction for motivation to go' date=' unless you're suggesting that people will be less inclined to take the risk of playing, in which case damn, that's a good point. [/quote'] Yeah I meant that the motivational "hit" that you take with dying gets bigger. That can mean you dont play because youre scared, or you take your life, because you lost too much in a game. Or you have the time of your life because you live in a first world country that would pay your rent till you die if you simply decided not to care anymore and you dont know the feeling of beeing existencially scared. Loot doesnt do that to me because I play with a friend so my most valuable loot only gets lost when both of us die and since you can run to your corpse not even then. ( I find it highly confusing how your idea is too WOW for people that enjoy realism when you can run to your own fucking corpse)
  4. leo235

    Ammo Scarcity, Military Gear, and more

    I love your post OP. love the points you make love the reasoning behind them especially military gear. However beeing knocked out for long periods of time is realistic, stimulating teamplay and just generally awesome as it gives you a timeout where you can do nothing but byte your nails, wether you will lose everything or just your ability to see and aim and walk. I expect you to read this and then to alter your post acordingly. You could for example substitute that part with an insult to people who have said similar things or to the revival with defib idea.
  5. leo235

    Suggestion: Realism please!

    how is it realistic to have a sign above your head that declares your alignment? How is it realistic to have NPC-maintained order not collapsing in a world where everything else has and where people are apparently the evilist breed of human imaginable (not only did they kill me next to my tent, they also took TRASH from my tent, and there was a lot of it. They mustve opened their inventory multiple times to make sure there are no more tin cans in there) for character equipment Im kinda on your side, seeing as I would like to have RANDOM STARTING GEAR, but depending on the scenario its entirely realistic that those evil bandits who brought you to the island didnt properly equip you.
  6. leo235


    Nature didnt prepare me to check what I have selected. The clunkyness of the throwmechanic is in no relation to how awesome and easy throwing is in real life. OPs suggestions are all good. Man I love throwing...
  7. leo235

    Spawning in groups

    So... you guys really see not beeing able to spawn together as a feature? I mean that pretty much excludes gaming together when you dont have at least x full hours of time or are willing to respawn and even with 3 h it might be a damn anticlimactic evening. (There is a possibilty to spawn on different ends of the map and you cant very well plan to game together with a friend when there is a chance that you wont actually game together) I mean its not authentic or realistic that I spawn away from people I know is it? Either way get rid of compromises. If theres no groupspawn coming then take respawning for better positions out of the game.
  8. All awesome. Even the townclearing flavor you use is bearable. Although only because I could expect that like this it would always be fucked up. As if you could keep us from shooting...
  9. leo235


    Then you've never been a smoker. I smoked for 10 years. Hungry? Nothing to eat. Light one up. It is realistic. I know less than socrates, but I dont believe youve ever been really hungry. Cigarettes would be awesome. Just for the visuals of people smoking. Maybe you should have a coolness meter on the hud? We all imagine to be these super-badasses when the zombie apocalypse (finally) comes, so we would have to need to compensate... Maybe they could make you invincable?
  10. leo235

    Player Revival

    Did I already mention here that longer unconciousness would bring all the gameplay-effects of this proposal without the twist of "defibs dont revive people that have half an AK-mag in them"?
  11. reducing damage wont help at all. If I know that one full mag from the makarov wont kill me I can shoot makarovians from any distance. Damage should be superrandom. Dont really know if it already is from the few hits ive gotten, but there should be a chance to get hit by a sniper-rifle and only lose 1k blood without starting to bleed, while a hit from the revolver to the chest should have a chance to be be deadly. even instantly deadly.
  12. Just totally accidentally posted in my own thread here, bumping it in the process...
  13. leo235

    Day Z: Zombies Need Overhaul

    still zombies should be subject to more change. They are likely going to be a key feature of the game. can you localize them so that there are loads of slow zombies in electro and cherno and faster ones outside? Just try more shit with them. Have a zombie-week, where theyre fast on monday, superfast on tuesday can fly on wednesday, shoot you with a slowing shot on thursday are slow on friday and dont exist in cities on saturday. Then take a break on sunday and see if what you did was good.
  14. leo235


    part of me would really like to see this too, but it would also be a huge incentive to cheat. Also if you make the amount of archievement that someone can lose by dying higher and higher that gets tricky motivation-wise I would guess. ...part of me really would like to see this, even though its such an MMOTD
  15. leo235

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    You can survive without a weapon You can survive without NVGs but it's still too dark for too many people at night for some reason You can use flashlights at night cant you? also Please tell me why this argument doesnt work on sniper scopes or just on binoculars, because they make you a fucking superscout even in daylight really your problem is that so many players have cheated their hands on one, or just your bad luck. In any case its wrong to ask for something awesome to be taken out of the game.
  16. leo235

    Smell (need to bathe)

    YES definitely cool for a try as the more of this kinda stuff gets added the more players are forced in the same spaces/ to coorperate / to have dynamic firefights
  17. leo235

    In Absence of Bandages

    would be a cool idea, but clothing is not inthegame enough for it. Just as a bandages-shouldnt-be-needed suggestion its stupid, but when youd have to balance between how warm you are and how much blood you have I dont know
  18. GUYS THIS IS JUST PROPOSING A DIFFERENT GAME AS A SOLUTION TO (nonexistant) PROBLEMS IN THE OLD GAME. just play arma2 just play counter-strike deathmatch just play x...
  19. leo235

    Shacktac collision???

    Funny. There's a link in the OP with a video on the other page showing exactly what the addon does. But I suppose ignorance gets the best of us~ On a more serious note' date=' I actually just remember another reason why I would love this: You cannot sidestep along a barracks hallway with the doors open. It's always been a pain because if someone is in one of those rooms, I have to stop and turn to even be able to try and hit them. Which if I was going into a possibly hot building I wouldn't realistically be wasting so much time moving about. [/quote'] I am indeed the best of us and that is why ignorance has never gotten me. The link is just some text about how great this is and a video. In my opinion thats not information. if its actually good i want it.
  20. leo235

    Niemands "Cleaning a Village aka Settling down"

    :D really uninspired nickname. when youre copying stuff that goes back to homer, you are really copying almost every author ever. The idea is unoriginal too and i dont know what I should think of it. first: REALLY LARGE CHANGE is unlikely. Better drop all your hopes about politics and the human race and all that (and this game), because nothing big will ever happen due to individuals. What about towns that have gas station really near? What about one group with a helicopter just clearing a large part of the map, and then just fueling the generators knowing that every moving thing is a player? when were a strong enough group to attempt this, why would we even want to do it? Zs are not a threat anymore, and reducing loot frequency and quality would be bad even. and just generally, I dont think its smart to fuck with loot frequency and quality. You kinda solve this by saying "all the interesting spots should be exempt from this" But now where back to why would we want this then?
  21. leo235

    Shacktac collision???

    i guess nobody knows your strange addonyouveneverheardof.pbo and thats why we cant answer. if its good I want it.
  22. leo235

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    Im for NVGs to stay in the game, but what you wrote there isnt a valid argument. "It would be hard without them" shouldnt really be a reason. I dont have one and I get around, so you should be able to survive as well without them. Also the game with NVGs could also be described as "sitting around wait for somebody stupid enough to walk by". You cant see without them is like We cant take away the starting weapon, because then you couldnt shoot. but please OP reason why the same arguments dont apply for scoped weapons Please OP reason why the same arguments dont apply to explosives Please OP reason why the same arguments dont apply to barbed wire (controversial I know)
  23. Id like to be able to have a long flag, so i could get noticed by other players. Either to show Im friendly or just to find my buddies. Doesnt need to be found, because a stick and a T-shirt should always be in reach and would take the primary slot. just make it big enough. maybe a white flag isnt the perfect implementation (it clearly is!) but just some way to get noticed when you want to. Wave your hands, jump and shout or a whatever