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Everything posted by nimmerzz

  1. nimmerzz

    Head/Neck/Torsoshot breaks my legs?

    Paralyzation confirmed!
  2. nimmerzz

    R.I.P Tent City.

    Ever seen a giant dong with a 90' angle??
  3. nimmerzz

    Is anyone in DayZ Standalone friendly?

    You're damn right that's my cake LOL!! I'm glad there are assholes in DayZ, honestly it's what makes running into other people so interesting. If you DO meet someone cool that makes it even better.
  4. nimmerzz

    Is anyone in DayZ Standalone friendly?

    Treat anyone you see as just another Bandit without their weapons. They were probably just killed and of course will be super friendly, until you have something they need. The name of the game is survival, and we do this through looting. So if you see ANYONE they are a threat to your survival. Even if not directly, they are competing over the same stuff. I only pal around with people I meet on reddit, here or regular friends that play. Anyone else i avoid or kill if given ample opportunity.
  5. nimmerzz


    Really isn't much to go on there sport. Got the specs on that thing you're trying to play on? Sounds like a laptop? Might not meet spec...
  6. You think people will just sit there with a black screen for 5-10mins. Pretty sure anyone will just alt-tab out and crash anyway. I wait about 30secs and if I don't come back I assume I won't come back and respawn.
  7. nimmerzz

    Is the update as bad as everyone says?

    Can you post your specs? I have a good computer that runs all other games damn fine. But this one is all clunk city. Mine is an Phenom II x4 980 Black, 8GB DDr3 ram, Radeom HD 78502GB 2x in crossfire
  8. Still in development my friend. You think every game released had all it's elements functioning at every stage of development? They are working on fixing the zombies
  9. nimmerzz

    To the guy just outside of Zelenogorsk

    The way the post is formatted it is intended for one person. Yet posted to a forum to discuss the game amongst all players in the General Discussion area?!?! I odn't mind if people post their experiences but put an interesting back story with it.
  10. Only problem with them being rare is that once somebody has one they become overpowered over the rest of the people. I say make the weapons available, but the ammo sparse. So even if you find one of these powerful weapons you will be hesitant to use it unless absolutely necessary. I'd like to see finding only maybe 5-6 rounds. So no sitting up on sniper hill taking pot shots. Every bullet counts.
  11. nimmerzz

    My first bandit

    You have to think of it as survival. He needed an Axe, you had one. He could have just KOS'd you and I like that he didn't. Too many times as a fresh spawn I see a player and try to talk to them. End up getting shot without so much as a word from them. I don't care that people KOS. Frankly it's what makes DayZ interesting. It's my choice to make contact. But when it just becomes a deathmatch it's no fun. I'd rather see more incentive to try and communicate. If I see someone and i'm not spotted yet I'll wait until i'm sure they're alone. Usually I get ahead of where I think they'll be headed and ambush them. I wont kill em unless they run or attack. But I like to hold em at gunpoint and make em tell me about them. It's usually a good exchange and I ask them if they need anything. I keep extra food, water and a can opener to hand out. But if they talk smack, we'll it gets all Tarantino up in there. Did have one guy I could tell was calling in a friend or friends and we had a little standoff. Honestly that was soo much fun. Even though I died. I had to execute the prisoner as they all tried to ruch in. He tried to run so he got GOT. Told they guys as I lay unconscious that was probably the coolest interaction i've had in DayZ. They called me a fag. Oh well. Just the way I like to play!
  12. nimmerzz

    Dayz on Sale

    It's not the money. All the loyalists already bought it at the rate we thought were being rewarded with for early access. It's the fact that the game is not finished and goes on sale. They are carrying on like it's been finished and out a year. Who's to say it wont be 50% off in the holiday sales? They are now targeting the guys on the fence. And if Rocket isnt in control of how is game is being marketed, isnt that a problem? Valve has control of putting their Early access game on sale? I'm sure someone from Bohemia just put some of their games in there to get involved.
  13. nimmerzz

    How to locate where people are shooting?

    What do you listen with? 2 speakers gives you left or right. Harldy a way to narrow it down. My headset gives me really good surround sound and they were $40
  14. nimmerzz

    Rocket on Ghosting vs Barricading/bases

    They should do this with regular ghosting as well. Anytime you log off then back in it should spawn you in a radius of a 1/8th mile.
  15. nimmerzz

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    You test with small groups. If they get what they need from 3-4 servers why open it up to more? The next step is moving to stable.
  16. nimmerzz

    Binoculars need to be implemented

    Hold them up with spacebar, then right click. It helps if you zero your sight on the center of them before you right click though.
  17. nimmerzz

    Hello Everyone-Unfair Deaths Anyone?

    You need to log out in better places. Go into a shed or better yet out in the woods. You are probably logging off in the middle of a street or in a popular building.
  18. nimmerzz

    no such thing as friendly lol

    Haha, well played...
  19. nimmerzz

    More WW2 guns?

    Man, you're certainly splitting hairs aren't you. You should be a lawyer. Of course "Modern" includes other methods of making them more advanced than a WW2 iron sight weapon. I guess I need to be more specific. But a high powered rifle with a really advanced optics would outwit someone with an M1 Garand and iron sights. Not to say you cant kill anyone with an M1. I just dont want to see everyone in game running around with machine guns and massive clips just spraying when they see someone. I think ammo should be rare. You have 7 bullets so you have to use them sparingly.
  20. nimmerzz

    More WW2 guns?

    Youre focusing on the "high powered" statement. When 'Modern" should be the focus. I want to see less of the stuff you find in COD, BF4, etc. And more of what you find in Red Orchestra 2.
  21. nimmerzz

    More WW2 guns?

    And, in an unrelated note, to whoever said that American mid-century weapons should not be found in Eastern Europe... Lithuania, I believe, has a surplus stockpile of tens of thousands of M14s. And here's an image of two Thompsons sitting in a gun shop in Prague... I didnt say there wouldnt be ANY, just not as much as German or Russian. Im sure you can go into any state in America and find examples of guns from other regions, but not as much as you'd find of local stuff. It's the ratios that would be off.
  22. nimmerzz

    More WW2 guns?

    I agree. Being that you never really see who killed you, i'd hate more and more high powered modern weapons. But the setting would dictate that there would be at least SOME. Since we do have some military presence naturally there would be high powered weapons. But mostly what you would find would be personal guns in homes. We'd have to pretend that the military was overrun and pulled out. Leaving behind a little bit of stuff, but not much.
  23. nimmerzz

    More WW2 guns?

    Being that this is Eastern Europe I dont think we'd see to many american made WW2 guns. I think we'd see more German and Russian. The PPsh makes sense, i'd like to see that. Maybe a Gewehr 43, or a MP40. I personally would like more rifles. I dont want too many high powered modern guns. It will just turn into COD, or BF4.
  24. nimmerzz


    You can only muster 2 lines to ask your question? Clearly not going to get any help as you don't seem to have enough attention span for much.
  25. nimmerzz

    Dayz players evolving together with the game

    KOS is the only reason my heart starts pumping in this game. I don't KOS. I normally try to avoid anyone who looks armed. But if I get trapped it's ON! Without KOS this game wouldnt be what it is. Im not saying i want everyone to play that way. But the fact that you just dont know someones intentions is what makes DayZ great. Ive met up with players who after an hour try to kill me because I found a gu they wanted. Ive also had to kill someone I met because I was about to die and we only had one can of food between us. I wasn't proud of what I did, but I needed to survive.