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Everything posted by nimmerzz

  1. nimmerzz

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    New mouse controls were really weird for me at first. I was doing 360's and more with a small flick of the mouse. So I turned down the sensitivity by about half of what it was, and now it feels great!
  2. nimmerzz

    Zombies need to be a real threat.

    They are being reworked, the current situation is more of a placeholder. The game is still early in development and will change drastically down the road.
  3. Im glad you are sticking with it. But would it have mattered what online game you were playing at the time your internet went out? If my cable goes out I don't swear off Real Housewives of Atlanta re-runs(Guilty Pleasure). Most online games have some serious issues. I couldn't play BF4 for weeks after I bought it.
  4. nimmerzz

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    You hate this game so much, yet here you still are. Thank you for contributing to the development!
  5. nimmerzz

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    All problems that can be summed as it being IN FUCKING ALPHA!!! Youre comparing finished games to one still in development. Just today they added new mouse movement. Keep your traps shut until full release. Then you can judge.
  6. nimmerzz

    This game. And the people who play it

    What I see is that you're too trusting of freshspawns. Especially around Elektro. You have to remember these guys were probably just killed in the city and are trying to make it back. Now here you come in with all these weapons. They befriend you and earn your trust, then they take all your loot. You should avoid all other players for the most part. You don't have to kill them, but if they wont scram you have no choice. Especially around the coast. I only communicate with other players inland. Even then it's only after i stalk them and make sure they arent server hoppers.
  7. You contradict yourself in one statement. you say it's not playable, yet you say you have fun playing it? It may not have all it's intended features, but it's CLEARLY playable.
  8. For us or them? Of course it was good, or we'd be sitting here impatiently waiting. You(buyers) were fully warned that the state of the game was not intended to be playable. More just for testing. The fact that people can already log hundreds of hours is a testament to the fact that releasing now was right and is good for development. I just hope they don't start catering to the whiners and give us little things. Add the big stuff, then the little, then optimize, then RELEASE!!!
  9. nimmerzz

    Tell us what the devs have interest in.

    There is a dev blog, you just have to look for it. Follow them on twitter. I'd rather them focus on the game than talk about it every step of the way. If you need constant updates maybe check back only every few weeks.
  10. nimmerzz

    It´s time to retire for DayZ

    I cant wait until the other games come out and people start to complain about their short comings. DayZ has some issues, sure. But wait until the finished product before you pass final judgement. People like the OP who put that much time into this then get burned out are whats at fault. Youre playing something not ready for prime and expecting it to be everything for you. We're supposed to be testing it, and any fun being had is just a bonus. H1Z1 reminds me of house of the dead. It looks way to arcady for me, so far. Then again, it's not done yet... So i'll wait to pass judgement. I hope H1Z1 or other games take away the fast twitch kiddies who want to use their allowance to buy shirts. And leaves DayZ with the core that enjoys the game for what it was worth. The mod was buggy, glitchy, etc. But millions played and loved it. So this is all a step up.
  11. You can always go play BF4 or COD.... Dont know what you expected by posting this...
  12. nimmerzz

    How do you think DayZ Standalone is going?

    Personally if they stopped development and just fixed the bugs, I could still have fun with this game. It might even feel like too much with vehicles and bases. I like simple survival, lone wolf for the most part. But that's just me.
  13. nimmerzz

    Hardcore players

    I was on my usual server, but only 4 total players. I made it through Cherno after discovering the new high rises to the north. I ended up approaching Balota AF fro the north east. I scouted it out for a bit and determined that with only 4 players on the server I must have it all to myself. I looted all the way to the ATC tower and loaded up on some really nice goods. M4, tons of ammo, ACOG, etc. I stayed up top of the tower looking in all directions and didnt see anyone. So I started my exfiltration. Once I got on the ground floor I forgot about one Zombie that had trailed me in, she aggro'ed and a few more spawned and joined the orgy. Being tote's alone and unable to swing my axe in a confined space, I opted to run out for a little cushion between me and the Zeds. Now mind you I just spent about 5 mins looking around for people, but my blind spot was the hangars. As I ran out toward them, two guys popped out of one and I think we both scared each other because they kinds ran in circles for a second. Then they opened fire as they must have though I was rushing them with my Axe. So after all that looting up without server hopping, and careful scanning of my location , I ran into 2 of the other 3 guys on the server!! And we scared each other enough that I died. I know they werent server hoppers because the list of names didnt change, same names and only 4. JUST MY SHITTY LUCK!!!
  14. nimmerzz

    Im so bad at this game I'm almost crying

    To the OP, you gave up both of your advantages. You knew where he was and you had a better weapon with long range. By going in you negated both. You should have waited until he tried to leave. If you were trying to hold him up you tell him to get on ground while from cover. If he doesnt comply you shoot. Or you can just wait until he clears the area. You have to keep the upper hand in this game.
  15. nimmerzz

    DayZ in real life: "I have peace!"

    This was pretty good, am I missing something or is there a Melee element with your weapons?
  16. nimmerzz

    Not sure how to start the game

    Just join an empty server. There are usually a ton.
  17. Yes, the point of this game is survival. If you are actively hunting other people who dont pose a threat then you are just being an asshole. Ive seen people gun down bambi's as they enter a buidling with a lot of loot. You could argue that them taking the loot is a matter of survival and you eliminate the competition. But ive been shot outside of Elektro in a field by a guy who was stalking me. So clearly just a guy who wants to kill. That being said, I think having those guys out there make the game better. You really have to be careful. You dont know what to expect when you run into someone out there.
  18. nimmerzz

    Fucking lag...

    So did you just stand there and swing wildly OP? And the guy you were up against was using tactics like dodging and backing away? If its lag you need to choose a better ping server. Or its something on your end because he didnt seem to have that issue. Let me guess? Settings maxed out on a bestbuy built computer? 20 things running in taskbar? Norton anti-virus doing a full scan? Have you been torrenting whilst playing DayZ?? #1 OP you need to give more info. I dont have this issue. So dont blame the game.
  19. nimmerzz

    rivers and higher mountains

    Some more natural obstacles would be nice and could break up an otherwise boring trek across the map. But I highly doubt they have the time to incorporate something like this into the map. They'd have to alter quite a bit to add bridges, and everything that would make a river seem natural to the area.
  20. Wish people would stop calling them hackers. They are cheaters. These are kiddies that find cheat codes online. Hackers makes them sound smarter than they are. Most likely this was a case of lag. Could have been someone with super low ping getting a leg up on everyone with high ping
  21. nimmerzz

    The bullet that broke the bambi's back

    He did say only those brandishing a weapon. that doesnt sound like KOS to me. KOS to me means anything resembling a human being is shot regardless. Just the mere sight of someone induces murderous intentions.
  22. nimmerzz

    Potential player for Dayz

    I tried the MOD first and only paid $6 for the Arma2 Complete pack. It was a sale so search around on gaming sales sites. I prefer the mod right now. There is so much more to do other than run from town to town dodging snipers. Hauling ass on a bike through Elektro is a hair raising experience. I hear all kinds of close gun shots but so far no hits!! LOSERS!!! LOL Get the mod so you can understand the DNA of DayZ. Its clunky for sure. But you will understand the vision of DayZ much better. There are plenty of servers to play on, both empty(good for learning) and full(good for scaring the shit out of you) Especially if you can find Arma2 for super cheap.
  23. nimmerzz

    Why Arma 2 Engine?

    Hi guys, Just getting into the mod here. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! Nothing like running into another real player and having your heart start racing. That is scarier than the zeds!! My question is about the standalone which I have not bought just yet. Why did they go with the Arma2 engine and not 3? While 2 still looks great I am just curious as to why. Also, will crossfire ever be enabled for the SA? I have 2 7850's that I really dont want to have to switch out yet. Although I have my eye on a 290x. Thank for your time. And take it easy on me out there! Im so vulnerable and fragile!!