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About mattcorman

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. mattcorman

    Delete texture map behind the lines!

    I will check it! Thx M8
  2. Hello survivors and BI STUDIO exactly! I wanna speak about problem of map! The lot of people is still walking and driving with car behind the lines of map, thats mean they are using end line where is a map of Chernarus + ending and texture nothing start! Can you rework it for example add any river across a round of map and when someone will try use this easy way, he will die ? I dont understand, when someone will fly with helicopter (2025+) from point A to point B and he will fly through the map on the texture only vision ? In this stable branch 0.61 and others old, lot of people made a big bases behind the lines of map ! Why you dont made from Chernarus + only ISLAND? EASY bussines not? I know, thats a big problem, but Biggest problem is about end of map, when someone walking on the texture map or not ? BI pls give up! VOTE FOR ANSWER : https://strawpoll.com/a42e1bd PHOTOS : Someone drive vehicle behind the lines! bull**** Fix it pls! Problem of a map When camper sit on the lines! Island or Mountains fix it! mountain or Island! *Sorry my english is not good, but everybody will understand! THX
  3. mattcorman

    End of Map

    Parad0xdaa89 we will see later, but i guess they will never fix up!
  4. mattcorman

    End of Map

    Hello everyone, My question will start around End of map chernarus. For example, lot of people going to end of map ( texture ending ) and play savefully. But why BI cant make a barrier or rework to ISLAND and close thats problem? I know thats a only estetic problem, but when game will be finish, lot of people will play and build some bases on the textures like hiden. But thats a bull*hit so why BI cant rework this map and made around CERNO SEA or higher mountain atp. ghm ? Separate this and try make a new way for best.
  5. mattcorman

    Extension Island?

    Hi guys i was thinking about dayz map! In this times, we havent good location where you can take tent somewhere and hide loot. When you are looking on DAYZDB map you can see lot of cities and less then low locations where you cant hide tent. So problem could be solved, when developers will change map like not closed map but rechange to open island for example like Altis or something like that, around island only see and some islands like skalisty island ! I think this is good sugestion because BI and developers make a total overfull server of cities. And a few sites where you can camping. Please try to change map. My english is not good :) But you can understand me :)
  6. mattcorman

    Big Bugg.

    Sorry guys for this topic, but i cant make report on feedback to dayz and nowhere. I dont know why. But this is only one chance where i could show you big problem in 0.48.124737. On the NW airport in forest in north where is military base. Me and my friends find loot bugg. On the image you can see! PLS guys report this problem on FEEDBACK. Thanks so much.
  7. Hi guys when iam talking about new industrial city what is coming soon to new experimental branch named Novodmitrisk. I wanna talk about new vision industrial city what is interested for game and have very good atmosphere in dayz. I wanna get to the game pretty good industrial monuments and more things like foundry, blast furnances atp. ( Photos here ) For example i live in CZECH in Ostrava biggest industrial city and lot of memories. And i am working in one of industrial foundry where i am producting some components from Iron and steel. That have a big awesome atmosphere. For example you are runing escape from zombie horde and runing betwen blast furnances and lot of stridents machines and atp. Just look to the photos what i mean. I you will know what i mean :) http://www.newcastlefoundries.com.au/upl/website/home/Greyironcastingfoundrya189642800.jpg http://www.sokolska33.cz/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/P3209300.jpg http://media.novinky.cz/830/308309-original1-m9jw0.jpg
  8. mattcorman


    I know, but i must. Dayz for me is not a game , you know dayz for you is only game . But Dayz for me is the first game that I can live , breath, hope and do everything like in real life. I play around with the character and her world in dayz , and to experience one's life in dayz , etc. I wish that I had the option of setting dayz was pure PVE server . Why? I do not want shootout with players from that I have another game though dayz is not bad pvp seems to me There unfinished . I would like it to be based community groups to mate when you arrive in a barricaded elektra where you are welcomed by mercenaries and other players . Where everywhere you see dilapidated buildings , makeshift tents , hospitals , defense fencing , shooting station , HQ , and more. And outside the gate incredible army of zombies and the task is to hunt for food and stuff out there . So this is what i need. I wrote this and why is this unrealistic ? Because man can not convert them into reality games , I can not empathize with the situation as I do if this really happened. Therefore I ask would be able to read the pve server where the shooting to friends and enemies melo bulletproof effect without death? Or purely unconscious without death , thanks ! It's mainly because I want my own server where you want the communities to pve . Building a world of Chernarus , the city proper , etc. thanks
  9. mattcorman

    Server and player Suggestion

    1) Restartujte server - Proč, když je server restartován, hráč se automaticky odstartuje ze serveru a ne zůstat ve hře (vlastně serveru, kde se hraje). Například: Restart se blíží, takže hráč po restartu bude refresh (automaticky systém je odhlášení a připojit se k serveru), tento systém funguje například v oblasti boje proti stávce jako konzole opakování nebo automaticky, když je server, restart. * Velkým problémem je, když hrajete na dobrém serveru a ztratíte název serveru po restartu. Asi dobrý nápad je, když hráč je automaticky znovu připojen k serveru. Counter strike recconecting.Pravděpodobně je to dobrý nápad, aby? 2) P - Ukazatel hráčů a serverů - Možná by nebylo na škodu, když se stisknutím tlačítka P, když hráči vidí ostatní hráče a můžete možná vidět název serveru a IP serveru. Dokáže tak snadno a snadnější řekl název serveru a IP pro přátele, kde hrajete. Jeho docela dobrý nápad, a můžete najít spoustu času v historii, kde jste hrál. 3) P - Přidání serveru do oblíbených - Bylo by hezké, aby zavedly systém, který chcete přidat do záložek s P, kde by byla možnost vidět všechny hráče, nebo přidejte server do favs. Například: Stiskněte klávesu P vidíte název a adresu IP serveru a všechny hráče. Pokud chcete, můžete hlásit někoho za něco (Hacking, mimo jazyka APC.), Nebo pozvat tento server do oblíbených. Možná, že výzva k zapomněli systému, kdy je třeba se odhlásit ze serveru a podívat se do historie> ho najít> přidat ho do favs. Ztráta času musím řekl, že jo? Thx moc za odpovědi a reakce. Přiložený miniatury
  10. mattcorman

    CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A1

    This is real scropion vz 61 what game could have!
  11. mattcorman

    CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A1

  12. mattcorman

    New Camos?

    For example : Rafinery suit, Surgery suit, Monk suit, police and fireman suit, Salesman suit, Tuxedo, teacher suit, Hip hop suit, Fishman suit, pilot suit,90s suits, 80s suits, homeless suits and more. game can have so much combinations. I not want see when 99% all players have only military clothes and +70% players from 99% have ttsko. Its big s*** and Its not interesting. I want see real survivors in real camo. I want so much combinations how to distinguish myself and others.
  13. mattcorman

    Remove Payday Masks from Game

    I want better chance to find payday masks. They are cool. Its pretty good when you going in city and somebody runing with payday masks on face and fireaxe in hands and going to ruin your face. I want let masks in game.
  14. mattcorman

    3 suggestions for DayZ

    New suggestions to improve for Dayz 1) Restart Server - Why, when the server is restarted, player is automaticly kick off from server and not staying in the game (actualy server, where he is playing.) For example : Restart will coming, so player after restart will be refresh (automaticly system is logout and join to server) this system is working for example in counter strike like console retry or automaticly when is server restarting. * Big problem is when you are playing on a good server and you lose server name after restart. Probably good idea is when a player is automatically re-connected to the server. Counter strike recconecting. Probably this is good idea so? 2) P - Indicator of players and servers - Maybe It would not hurt when you pressing P when players see other players and you can maybe see the name of server and IP server. He can so easily and easier told server name and ip for friends where you're playing. Its pretty good idea and you could find lot of time in history where you was playing. 3) P - Add a server to favorites - It would be nice to introduce a system to add to bookmarks with P where would be the possibility to see all players or add the server to favs. For example : You press P you see a server name and ip and all players. If you want you can report anybody for something (Hacking, off language apc.) or invite this server to favorite. Maybe call for forgot system when you must logout from server and look to history > find him > add him to favs. Waste of time i must told, right? Thx so much for answers and responses.