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Everything posted by The-MCV-

  1. The-MCV-

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    Weird, I had a FPS increase. 5-8 frames above the previous patch boost.
  2. The-MCV-

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    Also, hitting the wall with a melee makes the proper sound, not the bullet ricochet. New sound for swinging axes too.
  3. So this is in effect now because of the emergency patch? Including the fall damage?
  4. Well yes, for orientation it's great. Get a compass and you can travel long distances in a straight line through any forest, but as for loot, it's inaccurate.
  5. I stopped using that map. Pretty much useless except the weapon locations which were obvious.
  6. The-MCV-

    Painting The Mosin

    I haven't tried yet, and I'd rather not because I like it how it is now, but can you paint a Mosin gradually? I used a can only once (25%) and it was dark brown, not black.
  7. The-MCV-

    Will DayZ be able to use AMD Mantle?

    It would be good, but meh, my 6850 wouldn't have that treatment :(
  8. The-MCV-

    288 secs. until respawn ? QUESTION

    Wasn't it 30 at start then gradually growing to 300 seconds? I got kicked out because BattleEye updated and restarted and I had to wait 300 seconds straight up . . . Not such a big deal, even 5 minutes, but still.
  9. The-MCV-

    How many of you can read/write russian?

    I have russian relatives, but I don't know the language almost at all. I only learned some letters so I can at least translate the road signs.
  10. The-MCV-

    How I shat my pants over nothing

    I don't know how many games of this type make you shit your pants so easy. I love DayZ. Been in plenty situations like OP's.
  11. The-MCV-

    Is it right to avenge?

    You might have been next. More luck hitting him next time, though. Although isn't the timer in place? I think he just vanished in a legit way.
  12. The-MCV-

    Healthy Status!

    Did they adjust the status? I ate only two cans and I got the healthy status. Also why are there two separate ones now? I got light green healthy and darker green healing. Haven't taken any damage this life.
  13. The-MCV-

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    It's the Down Jacket that used to spawn only at the ship(?). I found a regular raincoat, it didn't replace it.
  14. The-MCV-

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    5-10 FPS increase, that's good. Also why do I gain 10 frames only from pressing esc, then when I leave the menu I lose it again? This is pre patch btw.
  15. The-MCV-

    Ammo Container bugged?

    If you need a quick pick, yes, but you don't see all the stacks in the box, same with the medkit, if you put it in the hands and they are full.
  16. The-MCV-

    Important bug about looting ?

    Known bug already. Loot a guy then hide the body. I saw it in action, didn't really duplicate anything, just caused a lot of confusion if you are with someone, both looting the same person.
  17. The-MCV-

    Sick of the M4.

    On regular I'm packing the M4 with acog and mp atttachments. I ain't dropping that unless dead for nothing. On hardcore however... I got sawn off and mosin, might get the SKS.
  18. In the same house next to the church a friend got shot through the stairs from down below.
  19. The-MCV-

    Do clothes offer armor protection

    Two times already I got one shot from 500 meters with a mosin because my check shirt and jeans were ruined, tac vest was pristine tho. When I had all the said items pristine, I started bleeding, didn't die instantly. I was crawling on the elektro hospital roof, got killed from the sniper hill. Couldn't have been headshot twice, one shot one kill.
  20. Because combat logging isn't only quitting after you get hit. It starts from the point someone is firing at you, hitting you or not. Well ye, it could mean more, but this is in regards to your case. You can log out if you see someone coming and they haven't seen you, but you might have the tough luck of them finding the body. So now you can actually wait for them to leave or at least fend for yourself if they find you.
  21. The-MCV-

    When are we going to see music?

    There should be some ambiental music in each city.
  22. The-MCV-

    Is there a benefit to surrendering gear?

    There's no point. If someone wants your gear let them have it ruined.
  23. The-MCV-

    Longest Surviving Character?

    Before the patch rollback I had 14 hours on my survivor char. I tried to avoid hotspots. Now I get geared and stick to Elektro. Life expectancy is roughly 2-3 days and I usually get sniped from the hill, but not before killing some armed in the city.
  24. The-MCV-

    Reduce The Common Lag In Dayz [Tutorial]

    He is kind of right tho'. Imagine a tv commercial about a drink then during it another commercial just interrupts it saying "Fuck the first drink, buy mine" lol. I will try this out too.
  25. The-MCV-

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    About twenty so far (150 hours). Most of them in actual PVP, while some that I wouldn't have done unless they tried to KO to steal my gear.