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Everything posted by PineappleWolf

  1. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Who the fuck says its brand new?
  2. PineappleWolf

    Please say NO to Biplanes

    Wait, why was my original post locked and not this copy of my post?
  3. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Submarines were never in the mod, Frost. Regardless the boats thread was a counter-argument to let people agreeing with your opinionated thread see how stupid it is, to everyone else. Though in reality, it'd be nice to have actual islands.
  4. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to boats.

    The vast majority of us have played the mod and know the joys and pains of having boats - broken windows causing fuel to leak, propeller parts being nowhere in sight when you needed them, the joy of fixing your first boat... Then taking to the seas to find every possible clan island/base on the seas... Good times! However, thanks to the mod I have experienced the potential benefits and downsides of having boats and came to the conclusion that they should NOT be included in the stand alone. My main gripe with boats is simple - whoever has one, controls the sea/coasts. Boats not only nullify distance, but also the threat of other players. When you're moving fast along the seas, way off coast, you're not in any danger at all. Small arms fire barely tickles you, if it even reaches you far off in the waves. This is a huge problem in my opinion, as it allows on group of players to have an immense advantage over everyone else. Players who can die can instantly be picked up at the shore and dropped off at an island or a coastal base to regear in no time. At least when you're taking a car down the shore, you're risking not only the vehicle but also your gear - is it really worth it risking your car just to pick someone else up? Groups who control boats have supreme reign over the server's coastal areas and quite frankly destroy the server - trust me, finding islands, coastal bases, among other things, in a boat is very easy, these are the only things holding groups to a server, so when they're gone, so are they. Boats are basically too good. You can make them only have space for 2 players, and my opinionwould remain the same. All the other vehicles have serious disadvantages. In my opinion the period of time when boats were disabled, but cars were about was some of the most fun I've had on DayZ. Searching for players and camps on foot with my squad, yes please! Paddle boats IMO could work, since they require a good bit of hard work and tire your character out, not to mention don't have the raw speed advantage when it comes to raiding the coast. If 3rd person is disabled, it's very hard to see anything around you, or behind you, as easily. Thoughts, opinions? (Parody of: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/195288-please-say-no-to-helicopters/)
  5. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    I concede to you, Sovet.
  6. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    @ Svet While yes, admins having powers to deal with hackers and such is a good thing, they're also abusable in other terms. Realistically speaking, the fault of hackers lies with the developers for not implementing a decent anti-hack system. Doesn't this shit have battle eye or VAC?
  7. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    I would like to note that Frost, admins or anyone hogging, rare shit, is not the point of this argument. And if that is your main point now, your argument is invalid. Cheese.
  8. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    @Frost I point to the other person once more. And how the fuck is this about Admins? Screw admins, screw any power they had, realistically speaking they require none other then basic server control. You're comparing the faults of the mod to a game that isn't even at the same point yet.
  9. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Epoch was a comparison due to it being my most recent experience, at that a relatively tame Epoch experience as compared to these cheat easy servers. I wasn't also mentioning specific things in Epoch, just making a comparison to Helis in general from it, in contrast you referenced servers with a decent amount of admin abuse happening. Any servers with admins hogging shit is a shitty server and should be avoided. I point towards Sovetsky, regardless.
  10. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    @Frost You're referencing modded/admin abused parts of the Mod, not the vanilla mod. Your point/argument is therefor invalid. Past of mod =\= future of SA Also, screw the cheap cheat abusers at that note.
  11. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to boats.

    What even is that thing he's on, and why is he rotating that?
  12. It shall happen, prepare the ketchup and mustard dispensers.
  13. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Considering I'm a shitty pilot, I'd rather grab a motorcycle. Less obvious somewhat too, perhaps even some ATV type vehicle. Helis while not as OP as you think they are, are not everyone's cup of tea.
  14. The boats thread once more is a joke thread to show the other side of the Heli debate, and how ridiculous the anti-heli people are being. I think its clear from the wiener boats IMO.
  15. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to boats.

    Hotdog boats with attachable hotdog flame thowers, to keep all your weenies and beans roasted during those cold, wet, potentially viking like, raiding parties.
  16. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Helis realistically speaking are somewhat balanced, especially if they're difficult to find. See my post again on page 5. I disagree with finding bases and dropping people, realistically speaking, Hide them in the fucking woods. Dropping people? Maybe after you get out, even with armed ones, seriously, its called a building. Destroying the game? Hardly. See Page 5. See boats thread. Finding a camp from the AIR is incredibly loud, more so than on foot when I can move near silently through the woods. Also, perhaps its called fucking up the Heli if some douchebag has it? Especially with civilian models which would be less resistant to weapons fire. Edit: I agree with Sovetsky, making some of the same points on my larger posts on page 5 and 6.
  17. PineappleWolf

    Please say NO to Biplanes

    Though biplanes is a good point, Imagine if they spawned like infront of the woods, or dear gods IN THE WOODS. Let alone the decreased maneuverability when it comes to shooting, if they're armed. Having to make strafing runs and the inability to hover. On the upside, they'd perhaps be more quiet relying on a propeller and wings rather than bigass propellers.
  18. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to boats.

    Should prob mount 360 rotatable MGs on them too, to help balance them.
  19. PineappleWolf

    Please say NO to Biplanes

    Okay, now you're copying me copying someone else, and its just getting old. You also forgot to replace some boats with planes. Infact, you haven't even replaced most coastal/sea references, let alone boats. It'd be better off if you copied the original Heli thread like I did =\. Though realistically speaking, bi planes is even better of an example. Dear god imagine if someone put something in the way while you were trying to lift off. You'd be fucked. Let alone trying to land with needing a wide and long strip of flat clear land. +1
  20. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to boats.

    Make that into a mod.
  21. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    They have mentioned somewhere, don't quote me on it, that the first implementation of bases will be underground bunkers, and then eventually you'll have base building similar to Epoch or other such mods. And you'd be able to find them, and break inside regardless. Who also says we can't have some cool batman thing to store vehicles inside of, or that the entrance is small? I have a video of Beck being a 1337 Helicopter pilot, and by that I mean parachuting into his own rotor. Things like that by inexperienced pilots, which there are plenty of, are what makes them more difficult than vehicles. Also the fact they're noisy as hell and need open flat areas to land. Besides, we're talking about helicopters, not bunkers nor cars. If you wish to discuss boats however, you know where to go. Fun/Good Gameplay > Opinions, alas. And I've had several competent pilots fly me, mostly because I'm a shitty pilot. These were not the ones who decided to see how fast it went.
  22. PineappleWolf

    Does the Binoculars have a x20 zoom or something?

    Bororm beat us all to it, meiz22.
  23. PineappleWolf

    Please, say NO to boats.

    Realistically speaking you could fly a plane or a helicopter there as opposed to boats. But this is a joke thread to counter the Heli nay-sayers, so yeah. On that note, did we ever had islands, I mean islands far off into the sea, not those few along the east coast that you could swim/walk to? Would be a great idea to expand the map in new locations, and make boats actually usable/worth something. Especially for sea faring clans such as Beck's Privateers.
  24. PineappleWolf


    I said similar things in my raisins for helicopters, pointing out how parachutes could be implemented with them. Otherwise, I like the add ons with the gliders and things, especially the turtles. Me Gusta Tortugas
  25. PineappleWolf

    Does the Binoculars have a x20 zoom or something?

    If you legitimately have that issue, then I am confused to how such a things to happen, and hope it gets fixed. Otherwise, one of the main reasoning behind these binoculars is that it allows those with out a previously "rare" LRS to look at things from a distance. Even now, I no longer need a mosin or my shitty 2x zoom to look at things. I have these beautiful binoculars, and I can still use my shotgun, crossbow, M4, or whatever I have with out sacrificing the ability to look at things from far away. Despite having to stand up, which I hope gets fixed, I think its a lot less inconspicuous and less threatening then aiming a mosin.