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Everything posted by knyghtfalcon

  1. I see plenty of posts, people asking for help or not knowing what to do. And of course people offer advice, some people write guide posts as well, and I've decided to try and make a 'Player Handbook'. Something that includes information from all sorts of posts and resources to make a handbook for both the new player, or even the more experienced players. It will be updated regularly, with more added to it. I'll try to keep it simple on the outside, and provide more in depth information as the guide continues. Section one - You're here, you're in the world. You spawn, you have pants and a shirt, and some battery and a flashlight. First thing a lot of people do is get curious, look around, click on things. Some people laugh when they see you can lick your battery, or they'll just enjoy the way the world looks. No matter what though, unless you've already recieved advice or you're very familiar with survival type games, you might start to panic. It's a big world, with lots to think about, and it's easy to get turned around or lost if you're a new player. A few things first! Get out a seperate device, phone or tablet or a laptop maybe. Open up these. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/ http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus A map, and access to a wealth of knowledge in the form of the gamepedia page. A lot of information is present here. Now, look on the map, the second link. First thing is to get your bearings. Find a sign where you are, and check the map. Can you match up the names? If you can, you have a huge advantage of knowing where you are. Find out information about the area and plot out your course of action. If you can't match the names, look for landmarks you see and check the map for them. It's a little less accurate, but it's useful. Now, once you have this done, begin your traveling. It's good to start by going house to house and picking up what food or clothing you find. Good, high inventory slot clothing is useful, and it's better to find clothes that are either worn or pristine. With the added inventory slots, you can carry more food you find. A backpack is also a good advantage, but if you can't find one now you'll be able to later. Good things to look for are - - Water Bottles/Canteens - Can Openers (If you can't find one, screwdrivers, knives, and bayonets work as well.) - Splitting Axes/Fire Axes (Fire axes are way more rare.) What this will give you is a way to open canned food without spilling much, a weapon(The Axe) and a refillable source of water. While you're wandering, you'll find small ponds and streams around to drink from and fill your bottle or canteen, which will allow you to stay alive in the wilderness longer or re hydrate you when you need it. Keep at least one bottle of water with you, it'll come in handy. The axes are good for killing zombies, but not as effective with human players. Putting yourself in melee range puts yourself at way higher risk in PVP, and players with guns will... Well, gun you down. If you can be stealthy, you may get an easy melee kill, but more than likely you'll get a bullet. Once you've looted the first town you're in, find another town nearby. Some players stay on the coast, some players go inland. I like to stay on the coast for a short time when I start, but if there is a high population of players, you're better off inland. So, after you've picked a place, next pick a goal location. A place you want to get too, maybe with good loot or a higher population for PVP if that's what you're after. Find this place, make a note of the name. Now go to the first town you spotted, and from there keep going from town to town to your destination. It works well this way, and you shouldn't get lost. You'll also pick up some good gear along the way. Things to look for - Binoculars. Compass. Backpacks. High capacity food/Good nourishment food (Rice/Tuna/Canned Goods) Green, Brown or Black colored clothing. Ammunition Once you reach your first destination, great! You've made your first trek in a large, dangerous world. If you die along the way, that's no problem. DayZ is a game where death is very prominent. Don't get mad, figure out why you died and make plans to avoid it in the future. Die of starvation/Thirst? Find more food and stock up on more! Die to a zombie? Make sure you have an axe or other melee weapon, and try to avoid them when you can. PVP? Avoid that town if it has players and try a different route. Section two - Movement, things to know, tactical advantage! Players some times don't realize the mechanics that can help you. Mainly versus other players, or for spotting zombies. When approaching a corner, edge yourself to the very end and press either -q- or -e- depending on the direction. You'll peer around the edge and may see something you hadn't before. Use third person when you can! It's a huge advantage, and everyone has access to it. See around walls, see above you. It's useful and is used constantly. If you do not appreciate this, or if it seems to break immersion, there are servers with a small tag listed as 'First Person Only', which ban the use of this feature. Use the numpad, it allows you to look behind yourself, or to your sides. You can do this while running, climbing, crawling, etc etc. It can save your life. Crawl, move slow, don't run head first. When dealing with other players, you have a huge advantage if they can't see you. Stay hidden, be stealthy. Don't take shots if you aren't sure you won't kill. People can fire like crazy, but depending on the situation, most of the time they won't land but a single shot. People fail to realize you can aim down sights, and use PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN to zero in on your range, and place accurate shots. While this doesn't go for all situations, it's a good thing to remember. If you want to lay down covering fire or suppressing fire, then be my guest! It's great for groups. But if you aren't in a firefight and you're not at risk yet, use patience and take the time you need to lay down accurate shots. Don't trust people you don't know. People may call for help, some may say they're friendly, but most of the time they are dangerous. Don't approach people who are armed or seem like a threat. Don't put yourself at risk! Camo clothes actually help! Depending on the area, camouflage clothing can seriously benefit you. DayZ is not a game where your tag appears when they put their cross hairs over you. If you look like a bush, and they think you're a bush, they have nothing else to tell them otherwise. It can save your life if you lay down in foliage while people are attempting to kill you. You might convince them you've just left or dissipated. Do you want to be a super duper army trained L33T ghille suit sniper? Well, it actually works in this situation. Section three - Find your place in the world, pick your play style and the gear based around that. Do you play solo? Try these generalized 'Load Outs' if you're having trouble picking through countless layers of items to find what is best. Do you enjoy close ranged areas or combat? Maybe good zombie killing weapons. Maybe you like to stay in cities? You can try a 'CQC' (Close Quarters Combat) Loadout. Guns to look for - Shotguns Assault Rifles Pistols Clothing to look for - Gray or black clothing, try and get vests and helmets to give you extra protection. Advantages - Close quarters in cities allows you to be near loot constantly. Focus on stocking up on what you need, find food as you go, constantly fill your pack! Pistols and Shotguns aren't useful in long range, but they are very useful and can dominate in close quarters. More intense, stressful battles, more fun! More zombies in cities, for the PVE enthusiast! More cover, lots of escape routes, ways to escape. Disadvantages - At risk of being sniped. More at risk of being snuck up on. Close areas, tighter fighting, more dangerous. Zombies can become an issue. Players appear more often in cities, and puts you at more of a risk. Do you enjoy staying at a distance? Perhaps you're a long range enthusiast! Try this 'Sniper' inspired loadout. Guns to look for - Marksman rifles (Preferably a mosin, but an SKS is also a good rifle.) Assault rifles (Preferably use semi auto only when in these situations of long range combat. It's useful though, because you can switch modes of fire if you're suddenly thrown into close quarters.) Side arms (For emergency, if you need something to fire fast at close range. Good if people outflank you or try to sneak up on you.) Clothing to look for - Green or camo clothing, ballistic helmet or a green bandana. (Best if you stay in foliage with this. A bush walking through a city isn't exactly... Being hidden.) Advantages - Safer, at a distance, less likely to be noticed. Less stressful, some times slower paced. Take your time to make the shot. Less risk of being snuck up on. Easy to escape. Disadvantages - Little access to more supply. Risk of being outflanked. Risk of running out of ammo. Once you shoot, people will be all over you. Requires more skill, knowledge of distance adjustments. But if you want to be versatile, you can try an assault rifle or a semi auto rifle like the SKS, pick the clothing that suits you best, and stay moving! Section four The in depth mechanics that most people don't see. Blood Hunger Thirst Energy 'Health' These are all in affect, and these videos are very useful in explaining it! Better than I can at least. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7-m7Hjc8zk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zci9FnbXoNE ((Blood and Health, hunger and thirst, In depth guides! /\ )) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDmVcJe94Wo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BI1Jpr3ASI ((Status guides and medical item guides! /\)) ((Guide will be updated, it's in progress currently. Contribute if you want, you will be credited appropriately.))
  2. knyghtfalcon

    NPH - New Player's Handbook, what you need to know.

    I'm teaching people survival tactics available to all players. It may not be intended, but unfortunately they are there. Not using them is putting you at a disadvantage. @Stryker
  3. knyghtfalcon

    Why does everyone kill me?!

    Ah the complaining. I love it so much. When little children cry and complain, and people bash and bash everyone else. It's a very, random, and dangerous game. Protect yourself, join a group, don't run to every crying child to try and help. Look for things that seem shifty, watch corners, move slow. Take care of yourself and your team first. It's a tactical game and is meant to be played with strategy and a certain level of cognitive function that most players seem to lack. You need to be careful, because one wrong move or turning one corner you didn't check, can lead to instant death. Snipers, Zombies, Crazy Bandits with nothing better to do. It's not a problem or something to cry about, it's part of the game and the dangerous world we call DayZ. You have a low level of health, hunger and thirst, and even your blood levels are an issue. This isn't call of duty, this isn't battlefield. This isn't left 4 dead either. There are no rules beyond what the game allows to function. Kill or be killed. Survival. That's what this is all about. It's not a FPS Zombie Shooter, it's an Apocalypse Survival Simulator. Some tips I can offer - Check corners, use 3PV (Third Person View) when you can or on servers when it's allowed. Don't run into populated areas, if you hear someone hide. Don't run to calls of help, people use this often. I love when I'm stuck in a situation where there is a player in my way, and I know if I get in sight he'll kill me. So I call for help, something like "Hey, legs are broken, can you get me morphine?" then kill them. Now they're out of my way and I can keep going. Use your intelligence, surroundings, and equipment to your advantage. KILL OR BE KILLED.
  4. Playing SA from day one, I've had a blast doing so. I kept a sniper character alive for almost a week, and my friend for two. Now, the term sniper might be different from what you think. Most might assume just a KOS sniper, but that is not the case(At least for me). I typically try to take out players trying to kill others, diffusing fights and keep people pinned down until they cooperate. I often provide over watch for friends entering potentially dangerous areas, removing players and zombies alike from their path and keeping them safe. I often help newly spawned players(If friendly, of course) move through possibly dangerous or populated areas, giving them over watch and helping them along their way. Usually my tactics and positions vary, I do prefer to stay hidden and a decent distance away from where my targets are, but I'm interested in how others play. So, discuss here I suppose. One problem I do have is judging the range, I can usually find it after a few test shots, but it gives away my position obviously. Does anyone have any sort of tips or tricks for that?
  5. knyghtfalcon

    "I Nearly Sh*t Myself" or Startling Moments in DayZ

    Creeping along the Elektro rooftops. I look down and see a group of almost ten guys walking in a straight line, fully geared up. I kinda panicked because one looked up, so I ducked back down into cover. They started blasting 'My nigga' over local chat, and started trying to get up to me. I took out a few of them before they decided to leave me alone and go.
  6. knyghtfalcon

    Suggest an Item Thread!

    L96A1 - Armor piercing variants of rounds ( 1/2 shots required to kill with ammo type) Ice Pick Camo slip-ons for weapons (Like a ghille suit for your rifle) Tranquilizer gun Tranquilizer darts (Three variants, short length, medium length, Long length) Grappling hook (Deploy-able ladder)
  7. knyghtfalcon

    Time to be a bandit.

    After my last encounter trying to help players, I think I'm done being a friendly sniper. I've been helping noobs along the coast, nine times out of ten I get attacked ormurdered. I mean, I try to be nice to people, and I know people complain about the KOS. It's just not working. Being murdered and swarmed by newspawns while I'm trying to hand out food really irks me. So, I think its time I stop playing friendly and start shooting everything that moves. Everyone wonders about KOS? This is the reason. No one is friendly anymore, because you can't be. To the new spawn who got my gear, enjoy! I'll just spawn in and get it back in 30 minutes. It wasn't that big of a deal, I'm just angry at the fact that its impossible to play a hero anymore. Anyone else have thoughts on this? ((For the record, this isn't a "Oh my gosh I'm going to bandit all y'all" thread, its just a discussion on the fact that being a hero seems to just not work, and too many new spawns jump to kill when I'm trying to help.
  8. knyghtfalcon

    Time to be a bandit.

    Nah, I'm not going to be a 'Big o'l mean bandit', although going neutral is starting to appeal to me. It was a discussion starter, not a rage about dying.
  9. knyghtfalcon

    Time to be a bandit.

    The dark side has cookies! And I suppose the chain reaction of creating more bandits is a thing, but it just kinda bothers me that I haven't found a friendly player in weeks. Too much KOS, but I feel like I'm going to have to join that to stay alive. Best part though, after I died it glitched and allowed me to stay in third person. I saw all the newspawns punching and axing each other for my gear. I had a nice laugh at that. To me though, every newspawn is just a bandit without gear yet, at least from what I've seen. I think I'll go neutral from now on, see how it works out.
  10. I'm just interested in what others are carrying around in Standalone. Character type - Neutral Clothing - Ballistic helmet Tan tactical shirt TSKO Jacket Khaki Summer hunter pants Jungle boots Hunting backpack Weapon - Mosin Nagant(Bipod/LRS) (Ammo box) (200 Rounds 7.62mm) (Ammo box) (75 Rounds 7.62mm) [This fills the TSKO Jacket] FNX45 Six mags(Full)(Holding four of the six for a few friends) 80 rounds Spare PU scope in case I want to move close range and not use my LRS Food/Medical/Equipment Tuna cans x8 3 Canteens 2 Pairs of handcuffs(1 set of keys) 1 first aid kit Don't know what others like to keep around. Here is a format if anyone wants to use it Character type - (Hero, Bandit, Neutral) Clothing - Weapons - Equipment -
  11. knyghtfalcon

    Your current loadout? (Share/Discussion)

    I was just posting what I had. I had extra space and I'm holding them for a few friends (Giving them each two mags.)
  12. knyghtfalcon

    To my Guardian Angel (with a high-powered rifle)

    Uhm. May have been me. I was on a server earlier looking for bandits to snipe, saw someone with a pistol or something and another guy crouched next to him(It was at a VERY long distance, I wasn't really sure.) . I couldn't judge my range just as much as I had hoped, so I fired and hoped for the best and ended up killing one of them, before I ducked back down. After I ducked, I heard a gun shot from the roof to my left, so good thing that I did. I was up on the overwatch towers above balota at the time. Don't know if it was you or anything, or if this is just a coincidence :P
  13. Interesting, I'll check that out. Although I was referring to a more 'Quick' use actually in the game. I'd rather have some way of judging distance quickly and somewhat efficiently without having to tab out to a website.
  14. Valid enough tactic, although I'm probably one of the few players that doesn't 'server hop' for most functions. I usually stick to one server at a time (Usually medium population, 15-25 players) and take what I can get. I guess its just my preference.
  15. knyghtfalcon

    T3N RDS vs. M68 CompM2 (Optics)

    I seem to find three to four sights whenever I loot military areas like Balota, most of them damaged to pristine. I've only ever found a few badly damaged sights. I guess I'm just somewhat lucky? On the sights, with the T3N I've found it seems to put shots slightly to the left like the mosin at longer distances, even when pristine and seemingly with no problems. (Distances over 300, usually.) And with the M68 I haven't had that problem.