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Everything posted by elPropofolian

  1. elPropofolian

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    Very lol! Just happened to me but wasn't my first encounter with bandits. I have a new hypothesis. I was wandering through the forest on my way westwards, as I am pending central-east-west due to the love of loneliness and hate of people(s) at all. All of a sudden I heard many voices, stopp!, hands up!, no movement! And that shocked me so much. My reaction was to press alt+F4, and to shut down my computer immediately full of panic. I repeat; I shut down my machine! I think some people do not flee from encounter with bandits by purpose, they are the people who would shit themselves in real-life due to panic and loss of anal muscle-power. Maybe crossed with this juvenile experience of parents entering the room, when having special internet-sites on. Sorry bandits, I would have shared some fancy stuff with you, due to I do not use/like projectile weapons at all. Next time!
  2. elPropofolian

    how does respawn work exactly?

    If someone is honest enough to watch after my stuff when I am dead and give it back to me when I am reborn (and this kind of person I am searching in real life too!), I would kill myself to test it again. Well...maybe I will die soon, whatever happens, I will report again.
  3. elPropofolian


    That´s a must have!!! I need my beard! ...and maybe a testosteron-pill for girls to grow beards too. I would love to force-feed this to the next girl-character.
  4. elPropofolian

    how does respawn work exactly?

    Well... I always spawned west to Chernogorsk and my last respawn was after the 114008-Patching (around January, 10th). I don´t wanna try the respawn just for the testing-meaning, but I bet my last can of beans, that I will spawn again west to Chernogorsk. Are you sure they fixed that?
  5. elPropofolian


    Oh please no no no! I have another suggestion! <b> [fat] <?mui IMPORTANTE=" REMOVE THE DEFIBRILLATOR "> [/fat] </b> ...due to it´s stupidity of implementation. What´s the reason a paramedic/doc uses the defibrillator? To reboot the ventricular fibrillation!!! It´s making me puke, seeing people running around with a defibrillator to treat a circulatory collapse based on lack of any kind of fluid. To revive players: find their problems, simply add an option: [CHECK LIFE] when comming close to the unconcious player. That´s offering: critical wounds -> no therapybleeding wounds -> therapy bandage first, saline/blood later ( bloodtranfusion must be > saline!!! saline just dilutes the blood )fracture of leg -> therapy might be inner fluid management and a splintcritical internal injury -> rather no therapy than blood/saline ( real input: hematometra / swellings [not valid on the morning] )internal injury -> saline/blood might help ( shock is also classified internal injury, due to it´s short-term lack of blood )Still it´s a non-medical-based game and no computer-modification of paramedic work and no simulation of real life homan circulatory systems and simulating of blood-pressure and airway management, that´s what my job is. ...but please remove the defibrillator! ^^ Thanks for your time and greetings from Germany.