Very lol! Just happened to me but wasn't my first encounter with bandits. I have a new hypothesis. I was wandering through the forest on my way westwards, as I am pending central-east-west due to the love of loneliness and hate of people(s) at all. All of a sudden I heard many voices, stopp!, hands up!, no movement! And that shocked me so much. My reaction was to press alt+F4, and to shut down my computer immediately full of panic. I repeat; I shut down my machine! I think some people do not flee from encounter with bandits by purpose, they are the people who would shit themselves in real-life due to panic and loss of anal muscle-power. Maybe crossed with this juvenile experience of parents entering the room, when having special internet-sites on. Sorry bandits, I would have shared some fancy stuff with you, due to I do not use/like projectile weapons at all. Next time!