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Everything posted by rickyriot

  1. rickyriot

    dean this, rocket that

    I think the problem is that when you want to quote something that he's said in a twitch stream, for example, how else do you refer to him? Mr Hall? Would that be suitable enough for the OP?
  2. rickyriot

    Will they make any of the zombies faster than us?

    1) More zombies 2) Faster zombies These two options are not mutually exclusive, but I do feel that while faster zombies would be good for players once they are geared up it would cause a lot of problems for respawns and bambis. If they can somehow crowbar enough zombies in at one time then I think that would work better. Can you imagine going to even a small town, say Solnichniy, and disturbing one zombie that in turn disturbs another and within 10 seconds or so you have a horde of 20 or 30 zombies all screaming and running towards you even if they run at the same speed or slightly slower it would be a shit your pants level of fun. To give a counter argument, you could argue that the military zombies being (presumably) fitter when they were infected they could run faster than you, but if that was the case they should be limited to military zones.
  3. rickyriot

    So where ist the loot respawn?

    Server performance is the most common reason given. Zombie respawn will arrive before loot respawn though.
  4. rickyriot

    So where is Chernarus meant to be?

    There are so many conflicting things to tie down the "in game" location of Chernarus. For example the map showing it on the coastline of the "Green Sea" which is clearly meant to be the Black Sea however the map also shows a border with Russia which isn't possible considering the way the coastline runs down the East and South. You could maybe argue that it's on the coastline between Sochi and Anapa, possibly at Novorossiysk, I would like to put the argument for it being on the Western coastline of the Caspian, possibly near Makhachkala. For every argument you could give for one place there are two or three that counter it, however the landscape, the flora and fauna, and the likeliness of lawlessness that Dagestan would provide seems to ring truer to me than that of the Black Sea. Let's just ignore the fact that in Arma2 you depart from a US carrier. Something that is never going to be in the Black or Caspian Sea for two different but obvious reasons.. ;)
  5. You have to be careful though as in the current stable release you automatically eat berries and they can be poisonous. Thankfully in the experimental build it puts the berries into your inventory. I've not tried collecting them in the experimental build yet so I'm not sure if it shows whether they are fresh or not, for example in the same way it does with fruit.
  6. NE is the new NW. All us hipsters holiday up near Berezino and Svetlo now.
  7. It's been a few updates since I last played it but I notice the "pathing" that has been introduced does help somewhat. They now go around some walls and fences and will even try to go through the doors of houses. We all know the "proper" zombie AI is some way off so I am not expecting miracles until then.
  8. Pfft, as if goat games are new. All hail Jeff Minter!
  9. It's really moving on apace. I was playing the hardcore experimental server today and thinking that If you added zombie and loot respawning (even taking into consideration that zombie AI is some way off) you'd have a pretty solid game.
  10. Edited: Ignore this, the hardcore server must have changed IP as I "lost" it and couldn't find it again. Found it though.
  11. :lol: You see with things like this you've just got to laugh then appreciate the sneakiness of it all. Much rather be taken out by an "intelligent" use of a glitch than from out and out hacking. That said it is a tactic (loosely anyway) that has been used for millennia. The (ancient) Greeks used reflective shields angled in a certain way so that when their enemies reached a specific location they would be blinded by the sunlight reflecting off them, leaving them open to slaughter.
  12. Sorry tiny tears I couldn't work out what you are trying to say as you didn't put it in big red letters.. :rolleyes: Yeah, I'll give it a shot. I prefer immersion so the clouds are nicer on. Now we just need to find a way for decent shadows to be rendered without the FPS falling over.. ;)
  13. I've actually been running with the clouds disabled since the original weather glitch bug (2nd or 3rd Alpha build I think) and forgotten about the setting. I suppose I really should turn them back on again if there is no performance hit. On a side note in regard to the weather, does it ever rain? I've played maybe 100 odd hours or so (it's been tailing off recently simply due to the lack of zombie/loot respawning) and I've yet to see a drop of rain.
  14. Certainly this in relation to the hit box. It can be quite annoying getting infected by a zombie when they have swung at you, completely missed by some distance, yet the hit is registered. Call me old school if you wish but I generally enjoy just having an axe as a weapons and taking out zombies close in rather than with a distance weapon. I know this will be looked at later on down the line - Rocket's previous comments about having a more Chivalry (I presume he means the game rather than the ethical construct, hence the capitalisation) combat style would suggest that closer to beta we may see a remodelled hit box system. Totally happy to wait btw, not bitching, I just feel that the positioning of players you mention could be related to the close combat issues we can see in the Alpha now.
  15. Whether your point is valid or not, the minute people bold, enlarge or colour text I immediately ignore their comments as whiny kids who want attention. Do you think that we are incapable of processing your comments unless they are in some way modified? This really should be a stock answer to a lot of the daft requests. :D I expect an animated sunglasses gif to appear with this meme soon!
  16. rickyriot

    Game Development Priorities

    Without wishing to sound harsh, I don't think you really grasp how development is done. You've touched on it to an extent with the "there are staff working on assets .. but given the numerous bugged out.. etc" line, but the bottom line is that the major issues with the game (certain show stopper bugs and serious improvements like loot/zombie respawn, buildings and vehicles, etc) will take much longer and will be getting worked on concurrently and not by those doing what you consider the "clutter". As I said in my previous post nobody outside the devs have a proper overview of what is being worked on, by whom and how long that will take.
  17. rickyriot

    Game Development Priorities

    See before I answer this I would need to see what the priorities actually are. Considering nobody outside the Devs and probably a close circle of friend actually know the development priorities then how are we supposed to say whether they are correct or not? It's the old Donald Rumsfeld "Known unknowns and unknown unknowns".
  18. Out of interest could the lag spike (I've not experienced it myself) be to do with the clouds/weather system. I know there was a similar bug in previous versions and it's the reason I run with clouds disabled.
  19. Love DayZ, but I have to admit I wouldn't recommend it to anyone until loot and zombie respawning are in place (and ideally some zombie AI/collision detection). So in that sense it's a "No". Do I still play it? On and off, I played it pretty regularly when it first came out as it was such a departure to the mod, but as there is no zombie/loot respawning I think there is a limit to the fun to be had and your enjoyment is primarily linked to how recently the server has been restarted and I have tailed off quite a bit. At least the ghosting and server hopping has been resolved to an extent. Thing is, it's all fine and well for me to say "No" because I have played it, for those who haven't the temptation will be just too great.
  20. Good idea! It would certainly help the rest of us avoid them.. ;)
  21. I was thinking that when they were discussing the berries and Rocket was like "the berries aren't poisonous" yet the most definitely are I've been caught out several times (when desperate for food). However on the flip side it's actually a good thing that he doesn't know all about the changes in the game as it suggests there is a proper segregation in regards to development. When it was a one man operation (Ok, SA has never been just a one man operation but you get the idea) it's more likely to have one person involved in all sorts of things even if it's not their core duties. Now with the financial situation as it is there is no need for that to happen and you can have those tasked with certain jobs not directly involved with others who may be dealing with other tasks. Say, for example, there is "Dev A" and "Dev B". Dev A's key duties are to deal with the networking and server administration while Dev B has been tasked with introducing berries to the game. In a distributed and properly delegated development process then Dev a really he shouldn't have any overview regarding the Dev B's progress. It's actually a good thing that he isn't aware of the status of that task as it's not part of their remit.
  22. You have to laugh at just how bad Rocket is at his own game. I've written games in the past, and while yes they have been dreadful I've at least been able to play them. Rocket seems worse than your average bambi which is incredible when you think of the time the man must have racked up both in the SA and the mod (and that's before we add in Arma itself). Nice to see he mentioned zombie respawns in the chat though. If he can get those working that would a major step forward and would also suggest that loot respawning is on the horizon.
  23. If you had spent even half the time reading about the development than you have posting requests for them you would know exactly why it will be at least several months away before any vehicle is implemented.
  24. Edited, because I am an idiot and the OP's post was unclear.
  25. Thing is, all these players who think they are great need to go onto a low pop server to get gear as they are just not good enough to take it off people in the high pop servers. Admitting you have to drop to a low pop one is just admitting you are a bit pants at the game... :rolleyes: