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Everything posted by rickyriot

  1. rickyriot

    Player models view/rendering distance

    Problem is you can't have it both ways. Large distance viewing when you need it and short when you don't. If you expect to see a player 1000m away in the countryside then you should expect to see a player 1000m away in the city, just that with the city you need to render all the buildings in the scene as well with that level of clarity.
  2. The problem, OP, is that if we include permanent building, and that looks very likely to be included at some point in time, how can we not have the ability to have permanent storage with that? Personally I quite like the idea of buried caches, which don't show any obvious signs on the ground. You would then record the co-ords of the buried item or use a metal detector to find them. It would be low maintenance on the server, it wouldn't require any extra rendering (technically you could have hundreds of caches within an area with no FPS drops, yet you couldn't have that with tents for example). It would provide another use for the spade too, and give a whole new gametype of "cache hunting" for loot. Obviously only certain things could be buried, perhaps not large weapons, but certainly nothing bigger.
  3. rickyriot

    Player models view/rendering distance

    It's a mix of all sorts of things, and I am certainly no expert, however I have never had any problems regarding seeing players and/or zombies.
  4. rickyriot

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    Flares were brilliant. Let's be honest when we all first played the mod at night and made our way into a town which has a flare burning away in one the streets it was spooky as fuck. You know someone is there as the flare is there, but are they still there? Are they using the flare because they want to see something? Is it a honey trap? Then you add in the zombies which are drawn to them like magnets. I can't wait to see what flares will look like with the new light rendering.
  5. rickyriot

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    Couldn't disagree more. All that does is pander to people who actually don't want to play night but will because they can use NV to make it more like daytime.
  6. rickyriot

    Player models view/rendering distance

    The config file is your friend, I use that rather than the in game GUI. Go to your documents folder, find the DayZ folder, and open up the yourname.DayZProfile file (changing yourname to the name you use for the game), then look for the following lines.. sceneComplexity=xxx;shadowZDistance=xxx;viewDistance=xxx;preferredObjectViewDistance=xxx; Push them as high as your FPS will allow and you'll find, like Jimmy Cliff, "you can see clearly".
  7. This is at the very top right (NE) of the map, at the start of the debug plains. North of the new town of Svetlo. If you keep on going up the coastline you will find several of these "pools" that have rendering issues. I did have a couple of screenshots of this but can't find them. This is a very retarded quick map reference..
  8. rickyriot

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    Decent enough idea as it stops players just running about in the dark with NV on permanently. I've got a feeling you were one of those who did run around in the dark with NV on permanently.. ;) To address both points quoted, I like the idea of NV and IR in the game. It's realistic and with modern technology you don't need to be military or have a lot of money in order to own both of these things. However that doesn't stop me feeling they provide just too great an advantage over those who don't have it and this comes from experience playing the mod where they were not difficult to get hold of.
  9. rickyriot

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    Yeah there is a moon, and not only a moon but stars too. In fact it's actually easier to navigate around Chernarus at night than it is during the day as you can use the stars just like sailors used to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqelc7x70vQ I am not sure whether the latitude of the star layout is based on the geographical location of the server (in the same way the timezone can) but I believe it's always based on the Northern hemisphere. Sorry Aussies, Newzies and South Africans, no Southern Cross only a Pole Star.
  10. rickyriot

    an idea about steam level

    Dreadful idea.
  11. rickyriot

    Falling 3ft to your death!

    Has the dynamic damage made it to stable yet? I fell off the middle level (1st floor in the EU, 2nd floor US) in a barn the other day but was pleasantly surprised to find myself still alive. Broken leg, granted, but still no death.
  12. rickyriot

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    Nice trolling OP.
  13. rickyriot

    Water purification

    If the rain is infected, then *everything* is infected except for what is in tins. All the plants would be infected (and if you are talking acid rain they would all die), animals and fish would also die if that was the case. For me, I think the survival aspect is improved by the ability to collect rain. If it needs purifying that would be OK, I suppose, but I do think that all easy sources of water should be infected; ponds and pumps, but that is purely down to balancing the game more to the survival aspect.
  14. rickyriot

    Water purification

    Water purification will be done in two manners, in the same way as the mod, tablets and boiling. With weather now becoming an influence on your health (not implemented yet but soon will be) this means fires need to be built in order to keep warm, this also leads onto the ability to boil water. Personally I'd like to see all water infected both pumps and ponds, it increases the survival aspect and leads into the back story of how the infection was spread. There is an argument for only certain pumps to be infected as anyone with a keen eye on history will know about the Broad Street cholera outbreak in London in the 1800's.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1854_Broad_Street_cholera_outbreak What would be a nice addition would be the collection of water from rain and theoretically that would always be pure.
  15. rickyriot

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    A few of the questions didn't give me an option I would have chosen so there I had to compromise, with that in mind here is my score..
  16. rickyriot

    Items you have still yet to see in the game.

    Berries are on stable, you just need to know how to harvest them as it's not an inventory option. What isn't on stable yet is the berries going to inventory, which is necessary as there is a chance that berries are infected. Apparently berries going to inventory is on the experimental build but I've not harvested any since that was mentioned so I don't know.
  17. rickyriot

    Just how far out into the Debug Plains can you go?

    An invisible wall is a bit soul destroying in terms of such an open world game. OK, the debug plains are daft, especially with that sharp treeline, but it's better than an invisible wall.
  18. rickyriot

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    I play the (hardcore) experimental servers these days so I can't really comment regarding the stable branches. I think a lot is also down to the alpha build, it's just easier to reset the server for loot and zombies at the same time restarting the time cycle. I am hoping zombie and loot respawning will resolve this a little. I share your exasperation at the lack of popularity of full day/night cycle hardcore servers, it really is a shame and while I am ambivalent in regard to whether private hives should exist, one benefit is the ability to find a well run and well populated hardcore full day/night cycle server.
  19. rickyriot

    Just how far out into the Debug Plains can you go?

    It should be a never ending loop I believe, however whenever I have tried it I have had the game crash on me. Whether that is the server or the game I am not sure but it will simply lock up and when I rejoin I am on the edge of the map again. Personally I would like to see the map surrounded by a mountain range or a bit of water than it just stopping and going onto flat plains as it does now.
  20. rickyriot

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    You are not being antagonistic. If I am to put forward an argument I should be able to defend it.. :) I feel you have misjudged my post, and by quite a bit. I am in no way arguing for a balanced PVP, in fact I set out a paragraph explaining that a level of imbalance is necessary within the game, it's the level of disparity that I am questioning. The argument that it's unfair as you can have 10 people ganging up on 2 is not in context in regard to having NV/IR. You are arguing oranges with lemons. How much of the mod did you play? I am not trying to give the "I'm more experienced than you, so my opinion counts more" argument, not at all, merely just wondering how many times you played the mod which had NV/IR implemented and if so did you frequent servers running a full day/night cycle. The reason I ask is that from my experience, and that goes back almost 2 years, people don't frequent night cycle servers specifically because it is populated by those who are equipped with NV/IR. It's from that viewpoint that I make my argument that adding them will have a detrimental effect and in fact reduce the likeliness of people playing night cycle servers, creating mini fiefdoms ruled by those with NV/IR. With that in mind I feel your argument is incorrect.
  21. rickyriot

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    I don't want to be stating the obvious but the level of light at night is based on cloud cover and the moon. In the mod you ended up having the darkest times between sunset and moonrise at night and moonset and sunrise in the morning. In the middle of the night and with no cloud cover and a moon high in the sky you had a pretty decent level of visibility - not IR/NV of course, but definitely enough to deal with localised navigation and combat. I do agree that the gamma issue needs looked at though. I'm not going to call it a "cheat" as it's too emotive a term, but I do think the levels of gamma available should be reduced. Especially as we now have torches. I agree, it disappoints me to see so many lamecore daytime servers being packed while hardcore and a full night cycle being much less. I don't believe adding in NV would make them more popular though.
  22. rickyriot

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    In my opinion, and in fact in my experience, NV/IR has the opposite affect. On mod servers if you were to join a server at night the majority of people on there are already equipped with them and if you don't find them in daytime you don't bother going on at night. In fact I feel the only way to genuinely get people playing the game at night, is to balance the gameplay and for me having them implemented doesn't do that in the slightest.
  23. rickyriot

    Weather is coming...and it will make you sick ;)

    Oooh, is that how you solve that. Considering the shadow settings absolutely eat up FPS performance I have them disabled and just thought the rain in the house bug was just that, a generic bug.
  24. rickyriot

    Weather is coming...and it will make you sick ;)

    Am I the only one who read this and thought to themselves.. "finally, something to do with all the fucking matchboxes I keep finding" .. ;)
  25. rickyriot

    Fewer Sewing Kits, Please!

    Yeah, I can accept they won't work on backpacks and camo vests (although you could argue tears in backpacks as I've used thread in real life to repair mine!). However I tried to repair my hunter pants that were "damaged" and it just said it couldn't. Same for the raincoat, you would expect the rain coat to be repairable. Totally agree regarding ruined, I never bothered trying with ruined gear. On a side note, how does the weapon cleaning kit. I have an FNX that is showing as "worn". I used the weapon cleaning kit on it but it remained worn. I'm not expecting to go to pristine, but has it made any difference?