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Everything posted by rickyriot

  1. rickyriot

    MASSIVE FPS drop in cities.

    The latest patch (.45) on experimental has been quite bad for my system and I've seen a drop of maybe 10 fps overall and I'm lucky to be sitting in the low 20's in cities. The previous patch (.44) didn't suffer as much, and it had continued the trend of improving frame rates with each new patch. One thing I did notice about .45 is that, using Afterburner to check the % usage of my chip and card, the card is no longer at full usage - in .44 it would be. This suggests to me that there is something going on in the server that is causing the lag rather than my client. Obviously the move to 64 bit servers, and by assumption multi-cored servers, along with the gradual shift of the client away from Dx9 will see an improvement again. It's all 'swings and round-a-bouts' to be honest and I expect the performance to pickup again. It should be noted that the devs, as far as I am aware, have not spent any dedicated time optimising the client other than what was necessary for the game to run. Ultimately we have 2 benchmarks for DayZ SA in order to gauge the frame rate and performance; Arma 3 and the mod on Arma 2, both of which run terribly in comparison to other similar games. With this in mind I expect DayZ SA will never run particularly well until one of two things happen; either the devs decouple the rendering engine completely and move it to something like Unreal or CryEngine, or technical advances in graphics and cpus negates the problem of the poorly optimised engine. Clearly the latter of those two is the most likely.
  2. Which is a bit of a game, set and match for 1PP. If Lamecore was such a good view then people wouldn't need to swap to Hardcore view in order to shoot. * boom - headshot * Hardcore 1 - 0 Lamecore
  3. Finally! I knew you'd come around in the end.
  4. Good idea, I think there should be a Easy/Medium/Hard selector in the menu options for people like that meaning when you get hit by bullets in Easy mode they don't hurt you as much and that you don't need to eat or drink as your health stays at maximum all the time. In Easy mode you also start fully geared up. </sarcasm>
  5. Well apart from fixing the 1PP and removing 3PP altogether. Not that it'll happen that way, the tears from the lamecore amateurs at the merest thought of removing their beloved "visual hacks" would be enough to bring out Noah to build another ark.
  6. I love the logic. On one hand you are claiming the peripheral vision is 120' (it's not but let's not get into that) so you want to use lamecore to give you that vision but then you go on to say that it's more realistic. What utter fucknuggetry. If you genuinely wanted more vision alter the FoV slider, don't give some wet knickers justification for using lamecore.
  7. :lol: What utter rubbish. Loosely translated you've just admitted that you aren't good enough at the game to play it without "visual hacks".
  8. "Dude" what tosh. Typical console games are 3rd person like Tomb Raider. Typical (master race) PC games are 1st person like Battlefield or CoD. ** insert obligatory 'deal with it gif' **
  9. Lamecore is exactly that. It's for gamers who wear diapers and still live with their mothers. It's also the viewmode preferred by bandits and hackers as these people are losers in life who can't achieve anything without needing to cheat and bully online to make up for their miserable offline existence. Hardcore is for experienced players who know what they are doing and are better at the game. In regards to the server browser I wish I could filter for both name and game type as that would allow me to use "exp", "hardcore" then sort via ping. Currently I can only filter for experimental which then sort by ping resulting in lamecore servers showing up.
  10. I quite like the idea that due to the infection you need to regularly medicate yourself or you become zombified. The zombifying process would involve your motor skills reducing, vision blurring, reactions slowing, etc. This would do a lot to stop those who just sit and camp and would provide an extra metric along with food and water to keep your guy healthy and alive. Of course the difficulty is in regulating the supply of the medicine in such a way that it can't be horded, isn't too easy to find nor too hard. That would be the tricky element.
  11. rickyriot

    My plea to remove military gear

    You seem to be conflating two issues here. Being killed by others and military gear, they are not mutually inclusive. You could remove all the weapons until you were left with pistols and shotguns and you'd still have 12yo's killing people on sight. However, I do agree that there should be a limit on the weaponry. If you were to imagine the realities of a zombie apocalypse you wouldn't have military (or even civilian) gear just lying about and certainly not stacked neatly in barracks. That stuff would have been used long before now, and what hadn't been taken, lost or broken would be left without ammunition. In reality user crafted weapons would be the only things left along with a few remnants.
  12. rickyriot


    I just don't see the point in posting this. Players know that there are people hacking. The devs know that there are people hacking. Other hackers know that there are people hacking. Hacking will always be part of online gaming.
  13. rickyriot

    Bug or am I doing something wrong?

    That doesn't sound right at all. I've had a bright green energized [sic] and hydrated indicators without a 3rd healing or healthy indicator, but not for long. If the first two stay bright green for more than, say, 5 minutes then healthy/healing always show for me. Edit: While it sounds like a bug, have you tried eating to the extent where it says you are stuffed?
  14. rickyriot

    Bug or am I doing something wrong?

    It's a common mistake by fresh spawns not to gorge on all the food/drink available as having full health (and a bright green "Healthy" indicator) is obviously going to help if you run into trouble.
  15. rickyriot

    any news?

    Cooking or cocking? ;) As for the heat, you can actually pick up items even through they are red hot. I'm sure that'll be changed in a later build. In terms of cooking I was more meaning the raw meat. Every time I've come across an animal I've not had a machete or knife so the option to gut it hasn't been available (at least I think that is the reason) so I've not had raw meat to test this with and I am unsure if you can eat it raw (like the mod). Even if you can eat raw meat, I imagine (again like the mod) that cooked meat will revive you better.
  16. rickyriot

    any news?

    There is a certain amount of satisfaction from getting the fireplace up and running. Just a shame that it doesn't dry clothes yet. For reference, cooking time of items depends (at least just now) on the number of logs and stones you have in the fireplace. Not that I've tried (there is just so much canned food around) but apparently it can take up to 10 minutes (in real time) to cook some meat.
  17. rickyriot

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    Normally you would have an axe purely for taking out melee, however the new patch means the axe is useful for chopping wood for logs and for splitting logs for sticks. However, that inventory slot is also used for the hoe, which you need to use in order to dig for worms (used for fishing) and the pickaxe which is used for mining stones (used in fireplaces). The slot you would almost always use for the axe, purely because it's the best melee weapon (although the hoe is very decent imo too) can be taken up by the other items. However along with the "pre crafted" items, that slot in the inventory is also used by the fishing rod, so it'll be up to you whether you sacrifice a decent melee weapon for a survival tool.
  18. rickyriot

    I won't lie, I'm quite excited

    If I was a gambling man, my money would be on infrastructure and shifting stuff over to Dx10/11 being the focus of the next update. The hunting and survival adds enough to keep most people happy for a while allowing the devs leeway to work on stuff that won't add much to the client.
  19. rickyriot

    Bug or am I doing something wrong?

    "hazy vision" should slowly resolve itself once you have been energized and hydrated (both on light green). It can take a while. I took a battering in a firefight but managed to escape and spent maybe 20 minutes building my health back and slowly but surely my vision resolved itself to fully clear - not bad considering I was as good as almost blind for about 5 minutes!
  20. rickyriot

    any news?

    You need to put wood into the fireplace before you can light it. This is the wood from cut trees not sticks. Stones can also be put into fireplaces. The slots are for the items you will be cooking.
  21. rickyriot

    any news?

    Stick and rag, gives you the option to create splint or fireplace.
  22. rickyriot

    any news?

    I would expect stable to be updated by the end of the week. Just a guess, but the rubber banding issue seemed to be the thing stopping the current experimental build going to stable and that has been resolved with the latest patch. The frame rates on the current experimental build seems a little lower but not enough to stop it being shifted to stable - imo anyway.
  23. rickyriot

    Ambient noise still broken?

    It's far from impossible, but in comparison to other games they are definitely poor. In general you rely more on experience and logic to find those shooting at you as the sounds simply are not precise enough to pinpoint the shooter.
  24. rickyriot

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Did people have problems finding fish hooks before? Maybe it's just me but I seemed to find them all over the place.