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Everything posted by rickyriot

  1. rickyriot

    new night time lighting

    Well that's definitely not Glasgow.. ;) ..but I agree. People would be surprised at how little light you actually need once your eyes get adjusted to the darkness (say 20-30 mins).
  2. rickyriot

    How is hardcore mode different?

    Simple enough answer to this. Hardcore is different because it's played by people of integrity, ability and valour. Lamecore is inhabited by those who use hacks, are petty bandits and KoS merchants and those who select "easy mode" when asked to choose difficulty from the main menu.
  3. rickyriot

    new night time lighting

    Wouldn't really solve the problem. Either you could set it from the main menu as you enter the server because you know it's going to be night time or, removing software from the loop altogether, just altering the monitor settings rather than the app. The problem is we have a culture of people who want quick fixes rather than taking the time to learn how to play a game. Far be it for me to complain about "the youth of today" but the modern day attitude to a lot of things (games included) that people just don't care enough to want to do things "right".
  4. rickyriot

    new night time lighting

    I am torn here. On one hand I want realistic darkness as I think it adds an extra dimension to the game. Hunting, and being hunted, at night is excellent fun and even without a weapon it's highly enjoyable sneaking under the noses of zombies in the dark - seeing nothing just hearing an occasional grunt. Of course the kiddies have to go and spoil all that with their gamma "hacks" which, in effect, is them saying, "I am not a good enough player to adapt to this lighting so I'll cheat the system". Shame, however I don't think it should just negate the night time mode completely and this half way house of a lighter night time seems to be a fair enough compromise. Granted I wish it wasn't needed, but still in comparison it's a world away from day time. Obviously people will still use gamma "hacks" but then those are the same sorts of people who would steal money from the grandmothers, candy from babies and, even worse, play the game in Lamecore mode.
  5. rickyriot

    How will you play, Hardcore or Standard

    Please stop using bad language, I am only passing on the officially confirmed naming convention.
  6. rickyriot

    How will you play, Hardcore or Standard

    Please, keep to the official derivation of the gaming terms. These have been mandated by the development team and community alike.
  7. rickyriot

    How will you play, Hardcore or Standard

    Why has someone used the term "Standard" while others are using "Natural" or "Regular". Neither of these terms are correct. The official terminology is "Hardcore" and "Lamecore". If we could stick with this terminology it would avoid future confusion...
  8. rickyriot

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    It might not have intended to look that way, but that is certainly how it came across. However if you say it wasn't meant to then fair enough, I'll accept that, but as a future note underlining words is the Internet equivalent of emphasis making it 'sound' like you were being sarcastic. I don't dispute this at all. I think there has to be an artificial limiter between real life and the game though. Now, personally I want to see DayZ as realistic as possible and you may or may not agree with that, however we will both agree that there has to be a dividing line. For example, in real life you wouldn't need to eat or drink as regularly or sticking a bandage over something wouldn't solve a bullet wound. NVGs come in as one of those things I feel need to be tempered in order to fit within the gameplay even if this means it deviates from the realities of real life. We do. I started a poll about this a while back and the majority of people thought that they either shouldn't be included in the game or if they were they should be rare or limited in some way. I am personally in the "not at all" camp but that is purely down to my experiences of using it in the mod. It effected the game so wildly between the haves and have not's that it ruined the gameplay for any night server. I am unsure if you played the mod or not, but if you did you would understand where my comments were coming from. Ultimately I trust the devs to deliver a game that will be balanced, I just hope they take into consideration previous experience. ..
  9. rickyriot

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    You are confusing real life with the game. It's clear the devs are happy to use non specific items for specific things, for example the ammunition, so it doesn't go "without saying". When battery powered optics have been discussed by the devs, at no point has there been a suggestion that it would be a different battery to the one used in the torch. I suppose the question I have to ask is whether you played the mod? The reason I ask is that this is clearly not how the mod worked. Is that the way they will be implemented in SA, who knows, but at present the mod is all we have to base these things on. We do disagree, although I don't go around underlining words in an attempt to sound like a pissy schoolgirl. Yet you were the one who initiated it by complaining about people raising the idea NVGs should be rare? Can't have it both ways "old chap".
  10. rickyriot

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    Batteries will never be rare as you spawn with them, people will just exploit (spawn in get killed, leave battery). Once there is a semi-permanent supply of batteries then that negates any limitation on power you set. If you were to perhaps make them like binoculars then you could have the situation where you couldn't move (much) or shoot while they are active then that might reduce their affect. It would mean you could have one person using them directing others who don't. The problem is that NVGs will be like head torches (wearable) and possibly translated into gun optics, both of which will ruin the balance.
  11. rickyriot

    Woot! No more poor mans UAV!

    Is this news to anyone? Ever since the whole network bubble idea came in, it was obvious that if you got the red chain it was because someone had entered your bubble (oo-er-missus)
  12. rickyriot

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    Because NVG's ruin the game. It's one of those situations where realism shouldn't be replicated in the virtual world. You can have military gear like heavy duty weapons that gives one player a big advantage over another, although both are on a 'level playing field' when it comes to the environment around them. Give one person NVG and that suddenly gives them such a massive advantage over the other that it is too much of an imbalance. I played the mod, a lot, before SA and the experience of the NVGs meant that you had to have them for any night time game play as they effectively turned the night time to daylight. Anyone without them were just cannon fodder unable to detect those around them while those had them saw everything. It ruined the night time game play and just turned night servers into green daylight ones. In short, yes they exist in real life and yes I want DayZ as realistic as possible but there has to be artificial limits put into the game in order to maintain a certain level of game play - and before anyone says, "no it should be as realistic as real life", just remember that if you break your leg you can immediately "cure" it by applying a stick and cloth (or morphine) rather than having it set and wait for 6 months in game.
  13. rickyriot

    Your biggest DayZ shame

    So this is purely cathartic for me, as I have a confession to make. One that is utterly shameful and should have me run out of the online gaming community. First let me explain what this thread is for - absolution. Have you ever done something so stupid or been so poor with your aim that you genuinely feel ashamed at your actions? Well here is a place you can share that pain and get the monkey off your back. I'll go first. I was fully decked out, had made it up to the NWAF. I don't normally bother as I'm happy with medium quality loot but I was packed to the gunnels with all sorts of military loot although my weapon was just an SKS albeit with a beefy scope.As I made my way South into Zeleno I spotted a lad doing the loot run around town. I was following his path, enjoying the luxury of my scoped distance when he suddenly stopped and looked right at me. He was a good 500m away and I was pretty well hidden so I was sure he wasn't seeing me then I got shot. It was a light hit, but a hit none the less. I wasn't bleeding (yet) and looking through the scope the guy I had my eye on had what looked like a mosin (hard to tell) and it was raised in my direction. He didn't look like he was firing though, and yet the hits kept coming sapping my energy and I started to bleed. I was confused, this guy didn't look like he was firing and if he was then he'd be taking far more out of me the damage I was taking, the calibre of the shots didn't sound right either. Then I was unconious and as I was lying on the ground wondering just what happened, I hear clearly a mosin shot in the distance and someone close to me get taken out. Obviously what had happened was while I was distracted by the other guy, a Sporter toting fellow player had got enough weak shots into me to take me out. THe other guy? Hell he was probably wondering why someone clearly geared up was allowing themselves to get shot by the equivalent of a spud gun. TL;DR? My sin was that I got killed by a Sporter .22 .. :( .. I feel dirty and ashamed.
  14. Untick the [x] spawn with a vagina option. Such a good track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEmJ-VWPDM4
  15. rickyriot

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    I think this was UK Exp 0-4 (Hardcore).. :)
  16. rickyriot

    End of an era!

    Considering the amount of new townage around the area I can see the airfield being just as popular. Glad to see it disappear as a military base though. DayZ might have spawned from a military sim but the less military gear there is the better, imo.
  17. rickyriot

    Small raised shacks now spawning items!

    Thanks for those pristine TTsKO trousers you left the other day.. ;)
  18. rickyriot

    Stay away from the shipwreck

    I like the fact that the tide comes in and out meaning the ship is sometimes a little under water.
  19. rickyriot

    Stay away from the shipwreck

    The shipwreck is glitchy, there is one of the gangways that if you start to walk on you automatically slide off to your death. It does have some decent loot at times, nothing major, although one time I did find a backpack and lots of food although I am certain that was left there by someone else as I've never seen that sort of loot spawning there before or after. I'll tend to only visit the shipwreck if I am working my way up the coast to find and I'm a fresh-ish spawn. On a server that could take 100 people I imagine it would be a decent camping spot, not with 30 or 40 though.
  20. rickyriot

    Your biggest DayZ shame

    Excellent stuff Irish. My particular favourite along the same lines is when using [alt] to free look I try to get into my inventory, and as we all know [alt]+[tab] isn't going to help you at any point in the game. Granted I've not lost a life through this but there is that moment of panic as you desperately try to bring the DayZ process back into focus.
  21. rickyriot

    Your biggest DayZ shame

    Ahh, vehicles, like a someone from a half remembered dream...
  22. rickyriot

    Your biggest DayZ shame

    I don't think you've got the hang of this thread.. ;) ..it's for mistakes or obvious noobery that you undertake.
  23. rickyriot

    Small raised shacks now spawning items!

    Perhaps this is because people never checked them before but they've been spawning loot for at least the last 3 major updates and possibly earlier. Some time ago I found a pipsi in one and put it down to just a player leaving it there, then the next time I found some jeans. I occasionally check them out but the loot there is tends to be very low level and not really worth the effort. Rather disappointingly when you log out in one of those huts, you spawn at ground level underneath them. If you spawned where you logged out, they would be ideal for that.
  24. rickyriot

    Running forward while in your inventory?

    A Nostromo? Seriously? Bloody hell. I honestly have never known anyone to use one of those. Razor mice are lovely though. I had a hammerhead that I loved like a child but sadly they are so expensive to replace I've had to make do with a much cheaper mouse.
  25. rickyriot

    Running forward while in your inventory?

    As I say, I use the double tap W to run and I can look at the inventory and continue running. It's when I use my bound mouse button that I can't. So while I'm glad you;ve got it sorted, what you are experiencing is the opposite to me.