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Everything posted by rickyriot

  1. My bug bear, KoS camping snipers. Who will sit on a populated server, wait in a busy town and just spend time taking people out without any interaction at all. I'm an experienced player, don't run down the middle of the road, don't fire off weapons if I can avoid it and don't eat, repair or reload out in the open. These are all things we should have learned within the first few hours of playing DayZ (whether mod or SA). However the sniper gameplay is very difficult to combat, especially so if you are a lone wolf player (which I am). Don't get me wrong, this isn't butthurt, I can deal with it in the sense I just respawn and with the level of loot available just now it's not too difficult to bring your character back to some sort of decent level. Sneaking around buildings, hugging walls, sticking to the shadows, avoiding triggering zombies and doing all the stealth things that should extend your life then to get an instant kill from a bullet fired from nigh on a km away really does rip my knitting at times.
  2. rickyriot

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    Thank you. You seem to be one of the few that have actually seen this thread for what it is. As a forum admin you will be able to see the edit history and see that the final line was added immediately after posting (2:17/2:18 server time). The edited time has now changed as I amended the title to reflect the Producer/Programmer issue. For those who think this is hardcore players lauding it over 3PP players then you are being a bit paranoid. The thread is all about a significant member of the development recognising what 1PP brings to the game and as such offers hope to us 1PP players who wish for this viewpoint to be improved in some areas. Ok, the title is a touch "tongue in cheek", but come on people, turn that frown upside down. ;)
  3. rickyriot

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    Ok, guys, just a quick heads up. I know Hicks is a producer, not a programmer, and thought I had amended the title when I first spotted my mistake. I certainly amended the text, but clearly just didn't submit the edited post. I'll change that. However, his actual position is a bit irrelevant for the point I am making, he has quite a large voice in the development of the game and his opinions will be listened to. Clearly the "removing the 3PP" is joking, but it seems that many lack a sense of humour, what Hicks' words do demonstrate though is that the devs recognise the benefits provided to the gameplay while in 1PP mode, thus for those of us who much prefer this viewpoint but accept there are flaws associated with it; such as ratio of player compared to environment, camera position, interaction with windows and ledges, etc, it can be seen as a positive towards fixing those issues.
  4. rickyriot

    FPS issues on current build

    Right, so here's a funny thing. It's been some time since I reinstalled DayZ, and I've generally been playing on the experimental branch so lots of incremental updates. As a test I decided to remove the local content (the option via Steam) then reinstall. 6Gbs of download and a strange thing has happened. I've not gained a huge amount of FPS, perhaps a few frames here and there, but what I have done is stabilised what I did have. So when I was running in a town and hitting 20-25 FPS, it would fluctuate, now I am at a constant level. Also the GPU, via Afterburner, is now showing a 99% usage whereas it was in the high 70's previously. A solution? Not really, I have a feeling what I have done was specific to my machine (some shitty cached file somewhere that might have been causing an issue, I don't know) but certainly a reinstall has improved things - although not massively.
  5. If it's any consolation the new BattleEye Client is running on the experimental branch. Apparently a big improvement.
  6. I was setting myself to log out, so I sorted out my gear and headed to the pub. I had a lockpick so headed to the top room and decided to lock all the doors behind me giving me a little extra cover in case there were people around who had decided to follow me - I presume there is still a 30 second delay between clicking exit and your character disappearing from the server. Anyway, this got me thinking. As far as I know the only way to unlock a door is via an axe or a lockpick. There might be other ways but I tried shooting one once and it didn't open. I am sure I am not the only person to use a house as a location to log out and I wondered what would happen if you had logged out with neither axe nor lockpick (or any other object to open them if it's possible) and logged in to find yourself into a locked room. Has this happened to anyone yet? I am not sure how persistent the door locking is, but I suppose this is a possibility. If so, what would you do? Providing lockpicks/locking of doors it also introduces the situation where you have windows which in real life you would just climb out of, but in the game this is not possible.
  7. rickyriot

    FPS issues on current build

    So as it had been a while I decided to get Afterburner running to see what levels the cpu/gfx were at. At a location to the West of Balota (not too complex a scene to render; trees, a barn, some houses) and it's sitting at ~24FPS with the GPU at ~73% and CPU1 at ~68%, with other cores (and bare in mind this is an AMD so technically it's just 4 cores doubling up) all running much lower. This was at a 1600x900 resolution with the lowest AA (as it really kills the 7770 card) and pretty low graphics details all round. Now you see if the whole thing was being maxed out and running like a dog, I suppose I'd just have to deal with it, but nothing is being maxed out and the frame rate is still low.
  8. rickyriot

    FPS issues on current build

    Well I started playing games on a ZX81 and started programming on a C64, where you worked with 8 bit registers for data storage and 16kb banks of memory. I am one of those old men who would be shaking their fists in the air and complaining that kids have it easy today and that modern programmers are lazy and rely on ever increasing technical advances in order to get better results rather than doing optimisation and relying on solid and efficient codebase. Now I have got that out of my system, I accept that the development roadmap for DayZ was perhaps a double edged sword. Using an engine that Rocket already knew well was always going to allow for a quick start up. Rather than spending 12-18 months building from scratch, they had something on the go within 6 or so. However that engine has been shown to have a low level of expansion and future proofing. So in many ways I just have to grudgingly accept that there are legacy issues with the engine. It is extremely annoying though, having a stock 8320 (which is comparable to some i7s and i5s and certainly better than i3s) yet it runs like a dog when you get near the apartment buildings to the North of Cherno. Granted my graphics card is a bit lacking (a 7770, which is some way down the list) but this is running at 1600x900 with the graphics quality set pretty damned low.
  9. rickyriot

    FPS issues on current build

    You are completely missing the point though, Intels in general perform better, nobody is arguing that. It's the fact that in comparison to the specs most people have DayZ is running badly. I repeat, at no point should the argument about FPS result in the comment, "but you shouldn't have bought an AMD", when many other comparable and in fact far heavier processing games run considerably better.
  10. rickyriot

    FPS issues on current build

    It's not quite as clear cut as that. Here is a performance table.. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-cpu-review-overclock,3106-5.html Also, when you say FX, that covers a lot (a LOT) of ground, especially when you consider the differences between the Vishera and Bulldozer variants. Now I am not arguing that Intels in general don't perform better, but then you pay for what you get. What we need to get away from is telling people that DayZ is running badly because they chose a bad CPU. Mine is a 8 core 8320, which is a good chip, it's the fault of the game not the chip that DayZ runs so slowly.
  11. rickyriot

    Where tomato greenhouses close to East coast?

    I think Gorka could be what you are looking for. Now from memory there is a green house there, but I can't be entirely sure (and I'm not in a position to confirm), but aside from that It has a police station, a medical hut, cow shed and a mix of different residential houses. It has cows roaming on the hillside to the West, forests for cover to the North and South and a supermarket to the SE just over 1km away at Polana, or if you like a little more danger to the East in Berezino. The negative with the place is that it's quite a busy road as those working their way from Berezino inland towards the Sobor's and then the military loot further West. However this is offset a little because the way the geography works, going East to West through Gorka is uphill, so you will be able to take the higher ground and watch for other players travelling through the town.
  12. rickyriot

    FPS issues on current build

    The frustrating thing is that it's not like mutli-core chips are a new thing. I've been using multi-core chips in my PC for a good 5 years now.
  13. I am all for more realism/immersion, and I certainly like the idea. Some really big changes though. For example, take some clothes loot, like shirt. If you shoot or use a melee weapon on it you would expect it to degrade and that, you would expect, should be easy to implement. However with a flare and burning it? That opens up a whole lot more. Does the fire get limited only to that object, should the grass also burn, should table or chairs it is placed upon go up in flames? Simple "trauma" damage should be implemented fairly soon. Fire is a whole different kettle of fish though.
  14. rickyriot

    best common looting gun.

    Surprised so many are advocating the shotgun. Sure, it can pack a punch close range, and yes ammo is plentiful and easy to find, but that fucker is loud. Discharge that in a city on a populated server and you can expect a few visitors; both of zombies but more other players, and these players are not only going to have a good idea where you are due to it's sound but also that the shotgun is most likely going to be the gun you'll have in hand. My reaction after firing a shotgun in a city..
  15. rickyriot

    Death in Dayz, how do you meet it?

    Do something to with that last question, I really don't get the metric you are using. Hours of average lifespan seems a far more sensible choice rather than some weird fraction system. I honestly couldn't complete the poll because of the way you've set it out. As for the rest, the vast majority of times I have died it's been from long range sniping. Personally I hate snipers, they are the shittiest form of game play. Might sound like sour grapes, and to be fair it is a little, but I just don't get where the fun is from taking someone out from kilometres away using a scope. If I had my way I'd ban scopes completely. That's not going to happen. Yeah, yeah, I can see what the replies are going to say, but the KoS mob are annoying but at least if it's a toe to toe fire fight there is a bit of games play in it. I am an experienced player, btw, it's not as if I run blindly down the main road making loads of noise. When I am killed? Meh, respawn. Annoying, but then that's the way the game goes. For every death I try to see it as a lesson to be learnt.
  16. rickyriot

    best common looting gun.

    If only the repeater could repeat quicker. It is easy to find, as is it's ammo, and while hardly a big hitter it does enough damage to make someone think about it. However if you end up in close(ish) combat of within 50 meters and it's really let down by it's painfully slow action.
  17. rickyriot

    FPS issues on current build

    You see, I accept that Intel's will perform better, but then again there is the cost issue associated. The thing that bugs me is that a pretty decent 8-core 8320 (Vishera not Bulldozer) combined with an average 7770 shouldn't struggle badly with frame rates when comparable games (even heavy processing titles like WatchDogs) can run considerably better. Obviously there is a legacy of the engine, and in turn I appreciate that there have been some decent improvements in that area, but again I'll return to the main comment that really the system I have shouldn't be struggling to run even when on fairly low graphics settings. Ultimately the argument that Intel are better than AMD shouldn't be the stock reply to anyone who questions frame rates. btw, I am an experienced computer user and have played around with command line and config file settings but it's still "not good enough".
  18. rickyriot

    I suck at killing zombies

    All melee weapons do damage, some more than others of course and the two axes are the weapons of choice, but the hoe or hammer both do heavy damage to them. As does the knucklebuster but you need to get in close.
  19. After some serious loot searching the only weapon I could find was a repeater (and luckily some .357 too) so reluctantly headed for the NWAF. Not being well armed for that location I was nervous as I crept around but didn't bump into anyone. However up at the military tents I had some luck in finding some clothing and a few other bits and bobs, but no weapons. After some searching I found two player tents. Unable to access them, I moved away only to hear over the comms a player telling me not to move. With a only a repeater I thought caution was the better option and put my hands up. As luck would have it, he wasn't in the mood for an easy kill and I started chatting to him. It turns out that he and some friends had been regularly coming back to this location, picking up any weapons that were spawned and shifting them to the tents. Now this got me thinking, on two things. One of them is the act of loot hoarding. I like the addition of tents for persistence, so I certainly don't want to see them removed, however in this case it seems a little unfair that people can transfer loot that spawns and is available into locations that are next to the loot that are not available. The second thing I was thinking was the security of tents. Considering they are only canvas, not being able to cut them open or even just using your hands, it seems somewhat unrealistic just how impenetrable they are. Anyone who has gone camping, or done it at festivals, will now how fragile they are in real life. I don't want to sound like I'm whinging, it's part of the game so these players are not doing anything wrong, just seems a bit unfair to others on the server. So, TL;DR... should players really be allowed to hoard such high value content into tents, and should those tents be so hardy?
  20. rickyriot


    Opened thread only to be disappointed it wasn't about Bailey-Jay.. :(
  21. I'll be honest I've only been playing stable since .50. That's only because there were no 1PP .50 exp servers. That and the game is now at a state where it's eminently playable and there is less need to hang on each exp release.
  22. I was more meaning releases. 48 and 49 was very tight for loot, 50 is positively riddled with the stuff.
  23. It seems to be either feast or famine. Some releases have hardly any loot and you find yourself rejoicing at finding a tin of beans, then other releases seem to have more loot than you can shake a stick at. It's clear the images I posted are some sort of "bug" in the loot respawn process although interestingly I only find it in certain servers.
  24. So, yes, would the be answer you are looking for.
  25. rickyriot

    1st person cameraview is to low

    The problem is how to fix it? You need to fix every building created or amend the size of the character. Amend the size of the character and you'd still probably need to amend the buildings.