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Everything posted by rickyriot

  1. rickyriot

    Don't Do This

    And this is why I dislike sniping in this game. It is so unrealistic it's almost cartoon like. Just put the cross hair on the player you wish to hit and press fire. Little or no bullet drop or wind affects, from what looks like 600-700 metres.
  2. Not added to this thread, but as I was travelling about earlier today I decided to grab a couple of screenshots. I've tried to make them fairly vague (one is definitely easier than the other) and if they are too easy I might get a little more creative... One: Two:
  3. rickyriot

    Zombie Hoards?

    Hate to be the grammar nazi here, but is a zombie hoard when you collect a lot of them in a house. I believe zombie horde is the term you might be looking for.. ^_^
  4. Back on track a little, is Slovakia the only other real place name in the game barring the Moscow references on road signs? Can anyone think of any others?
  5. Don't get me wrong it's not as if I don't have a refined palate, Belgian/Dutch/German brown beers are my preferred choice, however when you are travelling and living off Lidl's 30¢ lager I thought the thirsty monk was not that bad.
  6. Isn't it like 10% or something? Now consider that to a Tennents Super which is about the same. A super tastes like it was fermented in a homeless man's gusset.
  7. rickyriot

    Are Police Stations Bugged?

    Opened this thread hoping for a Le Carre style cold war reference about surveillance by a secret stasi-like organisation. Was disappointed.. :( To answer your question, my friend, everywhere is technically bugged, but I've not found the police stations to be any more than anywhere else. Christ you can instant death/leg break from running across a flat field!
  8. rickyriot

    Clearing this up: DayZ is NOT years afterwards

    I'm going to jump in here after not fully reading the thread as I have question. What is it that is being discussed here as I'm a little confused from reading the replies I have. Is this that Cherno is itself set in the future or that the zombie apocalypse in Cherno has happened in the past? As for people saying Cherno is like CZ or Afghanistan (wtf? .. surely that is Takistan based on flora/fauna, albeit geographically in the wrong place), I believe neither and if anyone has ever been to places like rural Moldova Albania or Georgia then they are more like it than CZ imo. Obviously the buildings are based on ones in CZ, but the lack of infrastructure doesn't seem right for such a western country.
  9. Surely all this proves is that it takes place any time after 1998.... so 2430? ;) Interesting that it mentions Slovakia. I could be wrong but I think this is the only real place name in the game other than Moscow being mentioned on the road signs. btw, Smadny in Slovak means thirsty. There is a beer there called the Thirsty Monk (or is it priest). It's not bad, quite high % if my memory serves me right.
  10. rickyriot

    do I have any chance?

    This has actually come up before, in the mod, about a year ago a lassie had a similar issue which was resolved by using a sound board. I tried doing some searching, but the best I could find was something like this... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/60320627/Cherno%20Journo%20Soundboard.swf..but I am sure there are far better ones out there. I'll be honest with you, as someone who didn't have a mic for a month or so, very few people will pay attention to the side chat and rely on a voice to pacify them.
  11. rickyriot

    sightings of V3S?

    As I mentioned in another similar thread.. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/216368-jerrycan-problem/ ..there are numerous V3S in Experimental, but none on Stable as of yet (I believe anyway). Unless there has been an update in the last couple of hours.
  12. rickyriot

    Jerrycan problem

    See my bug bear about the V3s? I appreciate the bugs involved in them, the handling being shit, the interior a bit rough and ready, the easy way you can get killed by accident or even the lack of storage space, all these things are clearly because they are just in development. No the most frustrating, and I hate to say schoolboy error, is the view from the 1PP camera. It's ridiculously restricted and needs to be lowered by at least half a metre (in game context). I smacks of just lacklustre testing that someone didn't bother even trying the vehicle in 1PP view or if they did they didn't do so for very long as the problems are apparent almost the second you hit a gradient of even the slightest incline. I defend the devs, and support their efforts, but in many ways I find it difficult to believe that they did not even consider this an issue. Sounds like I am (to use a classic Scottish phrase) like a Christmas card; full o' greeting, but it does seem such a blatantly obvious thing.
  13. rickyriot

    Jerrycan problem

    There are numerous V3S on Experimental, not seen any on the current Stable. As for the jerry can, yes they work. As they take up so much room in a back pack I tend to just carry them from their location to the truck. You carry them like any other item, it'll offer you the usual "take in hands" option from the context menu. To fill up the V3S, you need to go to the passengers side of the vehicle and you'll see the fuel tank. If you have a can in your hands the context menu will offer you the option to fill the vehicle. I've never been in a position where I have a jerry can in my hands and I am at a fuel tank or a petrol station so I can't tell you if that has been implemented yet.
  14. Yes, yes, yes and finally yes. Also don't forget to adjust your volume from within Windows. It depends on the version you are using but if you are unsure this is how to do it in Win 7. Right click the speaker icon to the bottom right of your screen and select [Recording Devices]. Then, in the dialog that is shown right click over the recording device that is active (it'll have a green tick next to it) and in the menu that is shown select [Properties]. In that dialog, select the [Levels] tab. It should look something like this...
  15. I really like the idea you can navigate using the stars. I've done it myself in real life and I think it adds a lot to the realism of the game. However, something struck me the other night, if this is the view you get now... Why is it so sparse? After all, this is in a place with no light pollution and it's an almost entirely clear night, realistically it should look more like this...
  16. rickyriot

    So... the sky... at night....

    Ha! Just goes to show I should read the fecking updates rather than start daft threads.. ;)
  17. rickyriot

    All hail persistence!

    Forgive the length of this, merely scene setting.. So, picture the scene, the towns have been looted and the loot respawn mechanics are playing funny buggers and respawning the loot in clumps somewhere far from where I was and I am dying of starvation and have been for the last hour or so. :| I had an axe and a kitchen knife and some matches so cooking was definitely possible it was a matter of getting the meat. In a field outside of the town there were a couple of cows, who are probably the easiest kill of the animals going. So there I was creeping up slowly behind one of the cows, axe raised, inching closer and the docile beast was just munching away unaware of it's fate. Swipe, then swipe again. Two full blows but it didn't go down and it started running away. Damn! I stand still hoping it'll stop running soon. The rain starts... <_< The cow stops running and, absolutely drenched, starving and now cold, I begin my pursuit once more. Creep, creep, swipe, swipe. And again it trots off. I've certainly done it damage it's only time before it goes down. Once more round the roundabout I go. Anyone watching this would be having fun seeing someone chasing a cow around a field, axe raised, pissing down with rain, but I percevere... creep, creep, swipe, swipe... and SUCCESS! Down it goes, and I leap on it's corpse like a man possessed. :D Now for the next task cooking up this lovely meat. I run to the woods and wait for the rain to stop, which was luckily not too long as my red starvation indicator in on and I'm being spammed by the "you are dying of starvation" message. I have to sacrifice my shirt to craft a fireplace, but it's worth it, this is life or death, and I get the fire going. I add my meat and keep a keen eye on them, don't want it to burn and we all know how easy that is! Just as they were about to turn cooked... No message received for 10 seconds... 11... 12... 13... :o Noooooooooooooooooooooo! * fist raised in the air * Curse you game! >:( * more fist waving * Right, calm down, just a game, right? Ok, so I log back in, hoping maybe the reboot had nudged the loot respawn in my favour. Upon re-emerging in the virtual world, there was the fireplace right in front of me. "Oh", I think, well that's a bit of luck. I [tab] to see the contents... nothing... nothing at all.. :( ..no wood and more importantly no half cooked juicy steaks. It wasn't minimised out of view, it was simply empty. But wait, although the [tab] inventory is showing nothing, there is definitely wood in the fire. So I think to myself, "well I'm cold, let's at least warm up, it's not all a busted flush". Matches in hand, then ignite. Whoosh, the fire animation goes and I start to warm up. I [tab] to see what fuel it is using and... lo and behold not only has the wood reappeared but so has my half cooked meat.. B) Nom, nom, fuckity, nom.... TL;DR? Persistence works for fireplaces, although it doesn't initially look like it. If you relight a fire you left when the server disconnected the contents of that fireplace magically reappear. All hail persistence!
  18. rickyriot

    So... the sky... at night....

    Yeah, you really need to get away from the Central Belt. I know there is a "dark sky park" or whatever it's called down in Dumfries and of course the glens of the Highlands are ideal.
  19. rickyriot

    So... the sky... at night....

    Where are you at? I live in Scotland and while it's not quite as bright as the image it can be not far off it if you head out into the middle of the Highlands. I've also spent time travelling the desert in Morocco, and it was also similar. Either way, I think we all agree that if it's possible (and easy to do) a nicer background image to underlay the stars, that we currently see in the game, would be nice.
  20. rickyriot

    Is the issue with servers full of loot fixed?

    Not that I've seen. From what I can work out it's not so much "full" of loot, just that the distribution is "clumpy" meaning it spawns away from where the players are. While it's a pain, it's also a nice little gem to find a hunting shelter jam packed with goodies.
  21. rickyriot

    So... the sky... at night....

    It's all down to the photography. It's not my photo, mind, I just grabbed it off Google, but it's clear the short exposure and no flash have resulted in the light from the sky being caught and the trees looking silhouetted. Obviously in real life (not that the photo is faked) because of the lack of light pollution there would be quite a lot of light from the stars.
  22. rickyriot

    So... the sky... at night....

    I imagine that it wouldn't be overly difficult. After all the main "disc" of the milky way remains pretty much static (relatively of course) to which you could then apply the star map layer (like the one we have now).
  23. rickyriot

    So... the sky... at night....

    Interestingly, due to the time of year and the latitude, The Plough is actually partially covered by the horizon in quite a few locations. Polaris is easy to find though.
  24. rickyriot

    Compass Direction

    I like the idea that a compass, when damaged would not give a true direction instead it just floats about giving a rough one. As for the fake reading, I am sure I've had this recently. I think that you just need to put the compass away then take it out again. I was on the Northerly road to the East of the NWAF. Wanting to avoid the airfield but keep off the road I go into the adjoining woods. I do some running and spot I had lost sight of the road so need to check the direction I was heading. Out with the compass, check North and start running again. Within 100 meters or so the road appears but perpendicular to the direction I was running. It should be N/S (or NNE/SSW) but according to the compass it said it was heading direct East (it clearly wasn't and if that was the case the Sun had somehow started setting in the NW). Ignore the compass and start running again parallel to the road. Decide to check the compass once more and it was now showing the correct direction.