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Everything posted by rickyriot

  1. I was up the NW of the map, but some distance away from the airfield or any settlements of note. It was raining, it was miserable, although I was full health. I came up to a marshy area that had two separate pools with the whole area surrounded by trees. I decided to stop under one and wait for the rain to stop, and it did within a minute. As I had a fishing rod in my inventory I thought this was the perfect opportunity to grab some food. Carefully checking around to make sure there was nobody about I edged up to the water and started fishing. Then the sunlight broke out, it was low and with the dark clouds it made for a dramatic scene with the water reflecting the light and the trees causing it to split into shafts (giggity). I then look up from my fishing rod and suddenly a deer comes walking into the scene. It was lovely, really lovely. I was a little awestruck by the beauty of it all. As a Scot it actually felt quite Scottish. A low sun, casting shadows and split rays all over the place, it was near the end of the day and there was a notable duskiness everywhere while the brooding clouds still hung above me hardly moving. Here was I sitting next to a pool fishing away and a deer was slowly clopping it's way around me. I didn't move and it didn't get spooked by me. I watched as it slowly edged away from the scene, and the sun disappeared behind the clouds and the rain started again and then suddenly the message "You are dead". And within that 2 minutes or so I went from being miserable and sodden, to a wonderful glimpse of the beauty in the game, then KoS'ed (despite sitting down with a fishing rod in my hand no attempt was made to speak to me).
  2. rickyriot

    What now...?

    One thing you can try is to do what I've been doing and relying on the hunting elements. Without a weapon you could try learning to fish, making your own bow and arrow and learning how to take down game and to farm your own food.
  3. rickyriot

    2 minutes that sums up this game...

    I do agree with you to an extent. I would like a knock down option from the butt of your rifle for example. Some newspawns get uncomfortably close to you when they want to speak and keep edging closer and I have to tell them to keep their distance as even if I am armed a well timed punch with a knuckle duster will take you down.
  4. rickyriot

    Where did the rotten fruit go?

    It does seem a little odd how you can grow tomatoes and they'll turn from ripe to rotten within a matter of a minute or so, yet pick it and leave it on the ground and it'll stay pristine until it's lost in a reboot.
  5. rickyriot

    2 minutes that sums up this game...

    I don't mind dying, after all is there anywhere "safe" on the map? My little story was more about the juxtapose of how a little bit of magic can suddenly land in your virtual lap only to be brought right back to Earth within seconds.
  6. rickyriot

    General graphic improvments

    Empty servers definitely make a difference, as I supposed you'd expect them too. I was benchmarking my gfx settings in one when it had 2 or 3 people (just the time of day) and when I came back later there were 30 people on it and I'd lost quite a bit of FPS.
  7. rickyriot

    2 minutes that sums up this game...

    And once more your painfully butthurt feelings come to the surface. Move on man, build a bridge, ffs. For anyone wondering what is the relevance of all this, poor old dogmeat here went into a hissy fit spiral that left his toys everywhere and his pram empty because I had the temerity to suggest that sniping was too easy in the current DayZ build. He took great umbrage at this, despite at absolutely not point did I question his "mad sniping skills", and it seems he continues to hold a grudge. Posting insults and strawman arguments to boot. You'd think a grown man in his 50's would be able to deal with such a vague comment but it seems not.
  8. rickyriot

    General graphic improvments

    The latest one has certainly not improved it for me, if anything the opposite. There was an improvement when the rendering engine was tweaked a few released back, but that was maybe 47/48? not sure, could have been earlier)/
  9. rickyriot

    2 minutes that sums up this game...

    Guess what dogmeat, this thread isn't about you, that must really annoy the shit out of you.
  10. As you can see, loot is spawning, just that it's below the floor. It seems to be only this building, I've tried others, but it's a bit of a pain as this type of building is usually a good one for loot.
  11. Don't drop anything in the brown house that has 2 stories (ground and 1st, or 1st and 2nd if you are US). You know the one, it has an overhang which has a ladder attached (horizontally stored) and you'll sometimes find cars there. I thought I was being clever by filling up a smersh backpack full of food and placing it into my rucksack (smerch has 8 slots, but takes up 6 slots). I was hungry and took the bag out of my backpack only to find it disappeared. Normally when this happens you can find it in the floor below, but of course there is no way into the floor below in these types of buildings. One other thing I noticed was on the ground floor and I place something on the floor and it disappears I sometimes find it outside the building next to where you were inside.
  12. rickyriot

    Water bottles and canteens.

    Works for me, although I have found it getting "stuck" in an action when I have chosen to "drink all" when all that will resolve it is to remove it from my hands, put it back in then "cancel action".
  13. Yeah. that was my thinking too, but then I remember this is Alpha and the whole point is to get these things fixed. ;)
  14. rickyriot

    Rabbit Snares and Fish traps

    I like using the hunting to feed myself, and I am determined to get the snare to work for me at least once. The most difficult? Ha! I spent 10 minutes chasing a chicken with a home made bow. I ran out of arrows and the wee c**t just clucked at me in defiance!
  15. rickyriot

    2 minutes that sums up this game...

    Funny you should say that, I never thought about it until the deer started making its way back into the forest. Then as the rain started again I thought, "ah, well, I'll grab a shot of me fishing in the pouring rain", only to be met with the message.. you are dead.
  16. Yeah, it's a common thing it seems as loot is visible before the buildings as the scene draws in when you spawn.
  17. rickyriot

    2 minutes that sums up this game...

    For a start Craig, I am giving you beans for your avatar and location. We will rise again, my friend.. ;) Now onto the fishing, sure, yes, you are right. Personally I am a lone wolf player and accept the risks that go with that and in many ways my OP was not complaining about the KoS just underling the extremes within such a short period of time. It is a shame whoever took me out did so, because while I was armed it was on my back and I was clearly in a position where I wasn't a threat.
  18. I've tried making a bug tracker account on several occasions, and each time it refused to log me in, except once when I was able to file a bug (which has been resolved although I don't think the bug entry has been closed). If anyone who has a bug tracker account wants to try and replicate the issue for their own piece of mind then use this video as part of the evidence, please feel free. Edit: I will admit I was thinking twice about submitting this. After all, I don't want all you lot getting my sweet, sweet hidden floor loot... ;)
  19. rickyriot

    Rabbit Snares and Fish traps

    I've yet to snare a rabbit and I've certainly tried often enough. Thing is, in previous builds, you used to see rabbits running about the place quite a lot. You could follow them and once I spent about 20 minutes doing that. However I don't think I've seen a rabbit in months now. In terms of placement, I believe the best places are open fields (although when I had previously seen rabbits it had only ever been in the forests) and I have laid some out in several different field types and in different positions (in the middle, next to hedgerows, etc). Nada, nothing, and I've left these things for about 20 minutes.
  20. rickyriot

    Ummmm, Anyone Else?

    A sniper suffering Kuru? Now that is karma. :D
  21. rickyriot


    I agree with a lot of what you wrote, but with the quoted element I think we really need to be careful not to create an RPG. All players should be capable of all skills, I really don't want to see players becoming specialist in one and to the detriment to their other abilities. Essentially RPG classes it the thing I want to avoid. It's a survival game, not role playing.
  22. rickyriot

    Balze 95 is garbage

    "A bad workman always blames his tools."
  23. rickyriot

    V3s question

    I am surprised you don't, to be honest. Next time I am in one I'll take a screenshot, however just about any incline stops you from seeing out from the cab. The viewpoint really is set far too high. I take the shoulder checking, although I know the mirrors will be working soon.
  24. rickyriot

    Green Mountain

    The only ghosts I know of were the dead of myself and 5 others when we tried to take over a rival base in the Epoch mod. When it is barricaded and defended (in Epoch, of course, not SA) it was ridiculously hard to overrun.