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Everything posted by rickyriot

  1. Yeah, and in sheds too, but nothing I can't find any.
  2. rickyriot

    How the North has Changed

    I think that if they were being placed randomly across the map I'd agree, but it's pretty much along the main roads which is what you'd expect. There are still some pretty empty spaces on the map.
  3. rickyriot

    Christmas Ceasefire

    The only way a truce can be introduced is if it's applied server side and the weapons simply don't fire, ie: a "hard solution". Any other "soft solution" which involves players not to shoot each other would be broken in seconds by KoS/Bandits who will see this as open season.
  4. rickyriot

    How the North has Changed

    What I call "the Northern Road"; which goes from Svetlo in the East and passes through Novo, Severo and Toplo is now pretty much built up. I don't mind as much as there is still quite a lot of open land in the map. It's probably just us "old hands" who remember the mod that also remembers how empty the Northern part of the map was. It does allow us to take rookies along the road and give the, "in my day, all this was just fields", chat.
  5. rickyriot


    The whole window thing is a mess. It seems that opening up the insides of buildings added an awful lot to SA but at the same time brought in numerous issues. Some windows you can have a clean line of sight and the bullet is stopped by the non-existent glass, while others it's fine.
  6. rickyriot

    Can't find vechicles?

    On Experimental there certainly seems to be more trucks, I've yet to see one let alone drive one on Stable. As Maia says, wait until you try searching for netting. Either people are hoarding all of it, or it's extremely rare (or perhaps both!). I've yet to see netting on any server - and yes I know where it spawns.
  7. rickyriot

    Pink Dresses Exp 0.52

    Oh, and as I'm posting images, let's hope that along with the dress we get a nice hat...
  8. rickyriot

    Pink Dresses Exp 0.52

    I wonder if it fits the female DayZ model, as on your pic, OP, it doesn't look like it'd "keep you warm".
  9. rickyriot

    Pink Dresses Exp 0.52

    Finds a dress, posts a picture of dress in inventory.... doesn't post a pic of wearing said dress...? Come on OP, get in touch with your metro-sexual nature..
  10. rickyriot

    DayZ for purists - Keeping it real

    1-7 is how I've always played. :)
  11. I have been trying to use the bow and arrow instead of a gun but there are two serious problems with doing this. 1) You cannot undraw the bow once it has been drawn back. This means you have to either fire off the arrow, change stance, or change weapon just to get the bow back to it's default (undrawn) state. This stops the bow from being anything other than a static weapon. 2) You cannot move when the bow is drawn back. You can with a gun, so why not a bow? Combined with problem #1 it means you can't use the bow and arrow as an offensive weapon (or follow an animal). Obviously the bow and arrow are still in development, so I'll put aside it's "quirky nature" as being part of that process, however if you intend people to use them seriously the ability to move while the bow is drawn back and the ability to undraw the bow when it's drawn are necessary. While I don't have any understanding of the implementation, I cannot see there being a huge overhead in implementing them, and doing so would improve the use of the bow no end. Neither of these abilities would impact on the reality or immersion, if anything it would add to it. Thanks in advance.
  12. rickyriot

    Bow & Arrow - Minor amends that are seriously needed.

    From experience I have only ever gotten sticks from the large grey trunk ones, and trust me I've found myself cutting down tons of trees in an attempt to get it from others! I think the issue regarding getting a gun before a bow, considering that rope is generally available and if you are on the East Coast the Ashwood trees are plentiful, then with a bit of a tweaking of the loot table - and I'd prefer to see much fewer guns in circulation although that is an issue due to server hopping with your loot - then that balance between crafted and militarised weapons could make the bow the "go-to" weapon of the fresh spawn. The bow can be used with a decent level of effect, the huge disadvantage in using them as an offensive weapon is the two laid out in my first post. Not just great, but essential, imo, if we are to make the bow anything other than a toy for trying to take out cows when you are bored.
  13. rickyriot

    Bow & Arrow - Minor amends that are seriously needed.

    I thought the very same, but actually they are not as easy to find as you'd think. Obviously this is contextual based on the area the map you are; for example on the East coast there are tons, but move to the forests of the North West and they are not that common.
  14. rickyriot

    Bow & Arrow - Minor amends that are seriously needed.

    You see I don't mind it being an ashwood tree, if only for the reason that it's quite rare (well, not rare, but if you are looking for one, there's never one near you!) and it makes the crafting of the bow and the fishing rod that little bit more awkward. The lack of movement when you have the bow drawn is a particular annoyance. I want to use it while stalking (zombies) round towns, but as it is you can't. All you can do is spot a zombie, then draw, then fire. Ideally I am sure we all want the same abilities as the gun;walk while iron-sighted which in the case of the bow this would be drawn, and the ability to raise and lower the iron sights at will without firing off a round which in the case of the bow, to draw and undraw without firing an arrow. This is not an issue for the crossbow of course as it's set permanently drawn.
  15. rickyriot

    Open inventory while sprinting

    I actually have two things bound to the sprint, one of my mouse buttons (a side one, not one of the main two, I'm not a nutter!) and the [W]x2. The reason for this is so that if I need a quick takeoff (and let's face it, we all do in DayZ at times) then I don't want to be fucking about with multiple key hits and I use the mouse, however once I am safe I swap to the key bind.
  16. rickyriot

    Open inventory while sprinting

    Whether it's realistic or not is a different argument, but you can certainly open the inventory when sprinting. Check the key bindings you have as it works for me. ([W]x2 to run fast / [tab] for inventory). If I can be bothered I'll get a video up to show me doing it.
  17. rickyriot

    Is loot finally fixed?

    Loot fixed? Of course not, not even close to it. Aside from the "clumping" of loot, the loot that does appear still doesn't appear in the right locations and when it does it can spawn under floorboards or floating above tables. Is the game improving? Yes. It's in my opinion, close to a Beta product.
  18. Rather than gearing up and heading for the nearest city, I've been crafting my own equipment and feeding myself in the forests. This is the layout I'm using just now...
  19. rickyriot

    I am a lover, not a fighter...

    Heh, well sort of, I do have a sneaky Derringer in my loot. It'll not much damage, but it's small and my fairly basic insurance policy. The hardest part for me, apart from getting used to how the bow works, was not knowing if you'd hit the animal. One annoying thing about the arrows is that you can't get them back from zombies you should, which surely is half the point of using them.
  20. rickyriot

    I am a lover, not a fighter...

    I'm glad you've enjoyed the change of pace. You are right, you approach towns with much less bravado once you no longer have an rifle or machine gun. Out of interest, with the bow, how good are you with taking down animals? When I first started I wasted about 20 arrows (I had to stop half way through and craft more!) just trying to take a cow down. I'm better now, mind, but it was a steep learning curve. I understand the reason for carrying the magnum, and for maybe stashing a rifle near where you are based, but I hope that crafting and the survivalist element of the game will develop to the point that even those "safety nets" are not necessary.
  21. rickyriot

    Should scopes in dayz have the ability to zero?

    Careful, opinions like that anger some forum members. :rolleyes: Personally I'd get rid of scopes all together but I know that's an unpopular opinion. I just find the sniping too easy.
  22. rickyriot

    I am a lover, not a fighter...

    If they decided to introduce obsidian then arrow heads, spears, axes, etc would be fairly easy to craft. Interestingly, for the game, obsidian becomes blunt fairly quickly so could fit in well with the deterioration of loot.