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Everything posted by rickyriot

  1. rickyriot

    Saw this, thought of you, DayZ...

    Saw that and thought of Stalker.
  2. rickyriot

    Can opener--handy tool or cruel taunt?

    Tin openers used to be like gold dust, but now lots of things open cans from screwdrivers to hacksaws to bayonets. It all depends on the server of course but I've not been stuck with tinned goods without a way of opening them for some time.
  3. Bloody hell Pilgrim, I'm not giving you beans for what you said but for the amount of it! :lol: I think I might take all that in over a few sessions.. ;)
  4. rickyriot

    So... the cooking stand

    So there are literally hundreds of these buggers lying about yet they don't seem to be deployable, I've searched on this website and on google but nobody is mentioning them. What gives... I presume that this will be a way of hanging a pot or pan over a crafted fire (with the stoves allowing these objects to be placed directly on top of them), are they currently just a placeholder item or is there something you can do with them in this build?
  5. rickyriot

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    Less military grade weapons. More crafted, yoghurt knitted, hippy equipment. ;)
  6. I could be wrong here, but isn't the VBS3 engine is considerably different to the one initially forked for DayZ SA and development since then has taken it even further.
  7. And that is a bad thing? After all we all agree that DayZ is a touch sterile at times with the same buildings repeated. Not that I am complaining I understand the limits and remit the devs have in terms of improving the game. However what better way to create a unique world than have those who inhabit it do that modelling in an ad-hoc dynamic fashion? I don't see the introduction of tanks or even high explosives so I wonder just how much damage you could do? It would be nice to have the place all shot up rather than looking like an earthquake hit it.
  8. rickyriot

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Does he have a cunning plan?
  9. rickyriot


    I had a grenade once, only the one, and it was the only time I had ever seen one. I wasn't going to waste it so I had it in my inventory for hours. Then I died. :(
  10. rickyriot

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    An underground bunker, to the NE of Severo. Rumours that it has a monorail, sharks with "frickin' laser beams attached to their heads" and a bald man sitting in a big chair stroking a cat are unconfirmed at present.
  11. rickyriot

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Alice! Alice? Who the f**k is Alice? As anyone who has seen a Smokie concert will ask... Actually one of the cutest girls I've ever met was called Alice. Had my chance too and never took it, ah well...
  12. Of course it will, and as a lone wolf player I find it annoying that people hoard stuff. However I can't think of a suitable mechanic in order to stop that, other than limiting the items on a server (which they have) and even then all that does is make the hoarding worse in many cases. I think we would just need to get used to the idea that clans will hoard items, and it's up to other clans to "liberate" them. As for helicopters, I personally don't want them in the game, they are silly and massively overpowered in comparison to every other item in the game.
  13. rickyriot

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    Barricading is probably the level it will go to just now. So putting planks (or metal if it's introduced) over doors and windows of existing buildings to provide a level of cover and protection. The question of course would be just how secure is that? We have crowbars in the game and I can assure you no amount of nails, wood and/or metal will stop a determined person with a crowbar (at least in real life anyway). I would like to see some way of creating bases, but I appreciate Caboose's dislike of Epoch, and while I actually like Epoch I can see how it becomes more of a resource management game than a survival one. The things I think that need to be introduced (or current items used) to make base building/barricading possible are: Wooden planks - presumably from cutting down trees, perhaps the introduction of a wood saw similar but larger to the hacksaw.Metal sheeting - if you could salvage this from the existing sheds this would be nice, but other than that sheets of corrugated iron would be the thing.Sand bags - we have all the things necessary for this, imo, as we have a spade and a burlap sack. Individual sand bags might be a bit of a faff though, so some way to group them would be nice.Razor/Barbed wire - I am guessing this would need to be a loot item as I can't see how to craft it. Ideally you would need to find specialised gloves to deploy, remove it, and to remove it you would also need pliers. The gloves aspect is important as, like real life, you should be able to steal other's wire but only if you are equipped correctly (gloves/pliers). Touching wire without gloves would cause you to bleed.Nails - pretty straight forward. To be used for nailing wood to other wood or perhaps covering doors/windows of existing buildings. Nails however would offer little protection to a crowbar.Bolts - these would be used for combining the metal sheeting, to use them you would need to have the wrench. Bolt would also offer much more protection to a crowbar.Lockable storage - ultimately you need something that can store your valuables. Like an ammo box or protector case but with the ability to lock it. Ideally a little bigger but not to the extent you can keep large weapons in it.
  14. rickyriot

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    You need to read the forum more, my friend, as it's been mentioned on here quite a few times. I believe it's got no, or of little value, loot which might account why it's not an overly popular location.
  15. rickyriot

    Beer/wine/spirits in Dayz

    Alcohol would be useful in all sorts of situations in DayZ. Not least the cleaning of wounds. And as we have fruit and vegetables it should be possible to ferment your own rather than it being a loot item. Obviously it would be fun to include it into the game for it's side effects (poorer aim, inability to walk in a straight line and blurred vision) but I think we would need to base the effects on where you live. For example if you are a Russian, Eastern European, Finish, Irish or Scot then it really should take considerable amounts of alcohol to affect your game. If you are English, on the other hand, half a pint of weak lager should have you rolling about on the floor. It is indeed. I've always wondered why it has no real effect on your character (other than calories/hydration). It is the same as drinking a cola.
  16. rickyriot

    What has been your biggest "I'm done" moment?

    I appreciate that. I mean it's my fault for letting my guard down. I'm not complaining that I got killed, but it does just seem so pointless. It was the easiest kill you would have as I wasn't ready for it (as I say, clearly my fault, but really "middle of nowhere") and all my kit would have been ruined considering the amount of bullets he put in me. He was still firing 5 seconds later. Really? REALLY? Wow! Like, wow! The mod feels awkward, clunky and considerably emptier than SA.
  17. rickyriot

    What has been your biggest "I'm done" moment?

    Middle of nowhere, and I really do mean middle of nowhere and up pops a guy in a ghillie suit and fills me full of ammo from some form of heavy automatic weapon, no chat, I wasn't armed (or at least I wasn't holding anything, just happily minding my own business miles from any town and *dead*. I mean, just what is the point of that sort of game play? I'm not bitching I was killed, meh, we all get killed and my killer will get killed, it's no big deal, but just what the fuck is the point of people like this? What sort of fun do they derive from killing an unarmed person who is clearly not threatening them (and to be fair I hadn't even seen them, he was in a ghillie). It's just so pointless. I had lots of food and ammo yet that would have been ruined by the number of bullets he put in me, such a waste. Not so much a "I'm done", just more an exasperated "what's the point, dude?".
  18. These girls are here to help.. http://imgur.com/gallery/NDHNm69 http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2qmghy/so_about_that_threesome_you_always_wanted/
  19. rickyriot

    Inventory UI Concept

    Hmm, got to agree, that UI looks shite, I'd rather keep it as it is than change to that very poor HCI example.
  20. rickyriot

    2 Questions about tents

    1) Military places. 2) No. (edit: this is not minecraft)
  21. rickyriot

    Inventory UI Concept

    It's interesting to think though that the SA UI is now a year or so old now. Would any of us return to the, quite frankly, retarded mod UI? I still say that the two largest jumps that SA made over the mod was the introduction of building internals and the UI, everything else is nice but it's those two changes that were real jumps of game evolution.
  22. rickyriot

    Extra Mouse Key Binds

    Pfft, lightweight! ;) It's all part of the fun trying to roll a cigarette while also trying to keep your wits about you! If I had the money it would be a Razer. I had a Razer (Diamondhead? No idea, it was years ago) some time ago and it was absolutely superb. I went back to buy a new one and they had quadrupled in price. So, being a Scot, parting with money was never on the agenda! That's why I am using a mouse that costs £8, but as I say it's surprisingly good for the money - stunningly good if I'm honest, and it's won quite a few admirers too.
  23. rickyriot

    New renderer questions.

    Aye, aye, I gave you a mention in my thread. Jings what more do you want? Sheesh... ;)
  24. rickyriot

    Extra Mouse Key Binds

    Don't buy another. It'll end up having the same problem. I have that bound to [L ALT] which is activated by my thumb. The only other key I trigger with the thumb is the [space] which raises my weapon. I can think of better things for my limited mice buttons than the free look. (Edit: I only ever play 1PP)
  25. rickyriot

    Inventory UI Concept

    It certainly looks nicer than what we have, and putting aside the fact that a new UI will happen sometime down the line, but there are two questions I would need to ask: 1) How responsive would it be? All fine and well when running a fast rig but I would rather have a shitty UI that responds quickly and doesn't affect the frame rate rather than an all signing all dancing one that screws with both of those. 2) How scalable is it. Some people need to run the game at lower screen res just to get a decent framerate. There is a UI scaling option in the menu options but would this UI work if scaled down to small?