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About braiboo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. i have explained twice now i didnt LEAVE THE BUILDING OR OPEN THE DOOR ! there were no windows in the corridor to shoot me through and i checked every room in the building theres no need to be an arse. thank you this is exactly what im talking about ,were playing against zombies and survivors not predators.
  2. i closed the door behind me on entering the building checked every room and was preparing to open the door to leave the building before being killed. i agree the desync is the biggest problem right now,and a server timer would not fix the problem just cause more frustration.
  3. thinking about it as it only happens in 4 or 5 areas a no spawn zone where you cant log in or out in that area will stop this and also stop combat logging making it more dangerous to enter.
  4. i agree a twenty minute run would also make loot farming less lucrative
  5. The random sound glitches at the moment make hearing anything meaningful difficult at best why not? its one of the main things taking away from the realism of the game.im sure if theres a will theres a way
  6. yeah probably should have replied to other threads but it was more of a rage post >:( .
  7. My current character today made it to the north west airfeild and after staking it out to make sure no one was around,entered a building closing all doors behind me and looted it,just about to open doors and leave building and bang bang ,you are dead.This is about the 4th goddamn time in 10 plays this has happened,i can except that everyone kills on sight and i can except everyone farms loot points by server hopping but not this. I think all players spawning in should be teleported at least half a mile from built up or high value loot areas.