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Everything posted by gorvi

  1. gorvi

    Stumbling and tripping

    "let me make it clear: we will be adding jumping, alongside with climbing over obstacles later, after ladders are done, as smooth traversing through environment is very crucial for DayZ gameplay." -Peter https://dayz.com/blog/status-report-12-december-2017
  2. gorvi

    Stumbling and tripping

    I never even thought of this aspect. This is a great idea to help promote users utilizing different light sources or keeping to a path/river when in the dark.
  3. gorvi

    Thoughs on Open World and the SR Report

    Of course they will be continuing to work on it. This was most likely a preview of the new tech allowing watercourses which still requires more work from the environmental and art teams. Devs stated items and players dont have physics while in rivers or oceans and wont react to the current. This is something which I would like to see as it opens up many more aspects of gameplay which uses the environment to the players advantage, or disadvantage.
  4. gorvi

    5 months till the new update? Realy?

    It also doesn't help that one of the main venues for DayZ, reddit, has become a very toxic community with both users and mods who encourage and enable a strongly biased negativity toward both the game and BI. The mods do nothing to promote the game in a positive light and allow misinformation and harassment to run rampant. Support for DayZ is often met with inflammatory remarks toward the fans and devs which are never removed, nor even follow the subreddits unforgotten rule of "be nice". Some may treat this as "nipping at the heels" to encourage development, but all its doing is damaging both the DayZ brand, community, and its profits.
  5. gorvi

    5 months till the new update? Realy?

    I'm not sure what you mean by this. DayZ has gone through many changes since being released to early access and is already miles ahead of unsupported features offered within the mod. Besides the huge change to the engine and switching DayZ to Enfusion, new features include updated sound technology, new scripting language, dynamic shadows, predatory animal behavior, new shaders, increased map density, and the continued implementation and updates to the central economy.
  6. gorvi

    5 months till the new update? Realy?

    This isn't planned as far as I know, but AI modules from Arma may be compatible or modders may be able to introduce them.
  7. gorvi

    Status Report - 30 January 2018

    Only fallen apples I think the question was, by the time features are being polished for a release candidate will apples and other collectable items be attached to other objects. Other examples include weapons on gun racks, harvestable foods such as berries and tomatoes, low branches from trees, and lightbulbs from fixtures.
  8. gorvi

    Status Report - 30 January 2018

    There are problems with these other titles which use a third party engines which may come with their own limitations. Support from the company of the licensed software can sometimes be slow or non-existent and licensing fees can be quite costly. Resources can also increase with every additional platform which in turn takes away from development both financially and in progress. While the development of DayZ might seem slow from an outside perspective, deciding to stick with an in-house engine is the best choice with a game like DayZ and future titles. It will allow for greater feature support built upon a already very robust platform designed by dedicated programmers. The work put into the engine to not only support features DayZ requires in order to make it an enjoyable experience for the end user, but also offers additional development tools for modders. The ability to add gameplay not necessarily within the scope of DayZ, but is coincidentally supported as well, is imperative for the future of the platform.
  9. gorvi

    Aircraft carrier on the shores of Chernorus

    I have always loved this idea. A stalled out carrier or other large boat like a cruise ship would make for an excellent destination. Besides the addition of another large island accessible primarily by air or boat, it helps geared players move southward on the map and spread out varying player interaction. If a group of players wishes to put in the effort to transport supplies from the coast and maintain such big target, possibilities for bases or barricades on a large ship opens up gameplay for player staging areas. Areas like these would also help use what would otherwise be an empty portion of the map. As another user recommended, oil rigs and other off shore platforms would make an excellent addition to Chernarus and help expand lore of the countries economical growth between Arma 2 and DayZ.
  10. gorvi

    Status Report - 30 January 2018

    Most of those other titles operate years behind closed doors so most users never see the trials and tribulations involved with creating a new title from an older, or even new platform. As devs have stated before. The data and feedback they have received from early access has been invaluable when it comes to both current development and future planning of design and features.
  11. gorvi

    adding strong safes

    Nothing should be 100% safe, but there should be ways to make it quite difficult but not impossible for players to steal loot out of a high tiered locked object. A solution would be some sort of combination safe which can hold smaller items which requires a code to unlock and explosives to breach. This would add a real life risk of damaging the items or causing harm to the player. Of course it could also require tools and/or some sort advanced lockpick which would be quite rare.
  12. gorvi

    bow and arrow

    Allowing the player to move while drawing back the bow is one of the reasons for the new character controller and animation system. Rest assured, you will be able to move with the bow but with a penitently to your shot.
  13. gorvi

    5 months till the new update? Realy?

    Maybe that is just your cynicism talking, especially when you try to write off any sort of optimism by using the term "fanboy". Because of the nature and history of DayZ's development some aspects of the game have remained in a broken state, but barely anything has been taken out. The only feature being removed from the promised feature list is animal companions. The reason behind this is because it would require a huge rewrite of AI, if not an entirely new module. Considering its outside of the normal gameplay of DayZ, I can see this being introduced as a free update or DLC if there is still enough demand from the community.
  14. gorvi

    Status Report - 30 January 2018

    We most likely will see something like this for any harvestable item. Remember this is an early iteration of new tech devs feel confident enough to show off.
  15. gorvi

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    Wondering if you have played fallout 4 and how casual the gameplay has been washed down. Its a beautiful game, but I had to jump back into dayZ for a moment to feel free from abstract game concepts. As much as I love fo4, it feels like a huge step back in the survival genre compared to New Vegas or DayZ. On the note of Fo4. Will dayZ ever see a scrapping system? IE: Crowbar to scrap wooden fences, or cutting torch to cut metal, etc.
  16. gorvi

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Almost at beta and Devs are absolutely avoiding answering the big question EVERY player have been hyped for. I think its about time for BI to change engines as the current limitations seem to be holding back DayZ in a very big way. Bananas in holsters.
  17. gorvi

    DayZ Standalone Singleplayer

    For modders and internet outages, or people in remote areas without a decent server near them, its a great idea.
  18. None of that is the case, and you are trying to use extremes of hypothetical arguments to better suit your own desires. Players know that loot is messed up as devs have been spending the last week expressing across multiple forms of social media. Most players who are "crying" do so thinking features are final upon first iteration. And sorry to burst your bubble. Everything is placeholder or a WIP until the game moves into a release candidate. Most players are not defending the broken system for being broken, they are defending what they currently like about the system and the hardcore survival feel it has introduced, minus bugs that happened to pop up.
  19. Raising concerns or desires for the game is not the issue. Taking jabs or aggressive stances against features which are either placeholder, WIP, and/or issues devs have constantly addressed does nothing to help development of the game. Please take time to be involved in the community if you want your voice to have any merit.
  20. Existence Radio. A mod for Fallout 3 and New Vegas https://youtu.be/kSklNL2a3uo?list=PL8CE07E0C9D38C7EC
  21. Steel wool + vinegar = Vinegaroon Leather Dye. Steel wool + battery = Firestarter
  22. gorvi

    Leather Dye and firestarter.

    https://twitter.com/iantomasik/status/573793930044653568 With the new dev post for barrels and berries, I am bumping this.
  23. DayZ Communities will be the lifeblood. Hands down. Modding scene is second.
  24. gorvi


    I'm playing version 30 at 1440x900 If you have a mousewheel, make sure zoom is set to that. Will make playing much easier. To search objects, press I and use the local(left) item proximity window. The little icons are for containers. This is useful for any container, cubord, dead body, etc.
  25. gorvi


    I'm not sure how recently you have played it, but it is still alpha and has made some great progress as of late. With stuff being so tiny for you, you can zoom with the mouse-wheel and get very close up, but playing at such a low resolution already, are you using field of sight? your character can only see in a cone in front of it. Unless I mapped it myself, E is the action key for most objects in PZ. Holding E will allow you to constantly perform the action, such as opening windows and then immediately climbing through. Graphics are a WIP for Project Zombiod, but it will not be a first person shooter. More elements will become 3d. It plays like the first sims in that regard. This is also where PZ can have more robust features in a shorter time frame. PZ is essentially The Sims Online with zombies. If you don't go for games like that, I can understand where you're coming from. Here is a more recent gameplay video: