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Shortbus Willy

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Everything posted by Shortbus Willy

  1. Shortbus Willy

    Baseball Bat Battle Bonanza

    NEW BAMBI FIGHTCLUB! filled with all kinds of ridiculousness
  2. Shortbus Willy

    Baseball Bat Battle Bonanza

    That is a great idea, will try next time we all log on together It usually takes a abot 30 minutes to a 40 man server to get 2 people, most people either DC when they see us, or try to fist fight one of us. Shortly after this clip somebody snuck up and knocked out on of our guys and took his M4, managed to drop 2 of us before we took him out. People are crazy
  3. Shortbus Willy

    Baseball Bat Battle Bonanza

    That guy I gave the 45 to decided he was gonna be cool and try to double back around and flank all of us. wish I recorded that.
  4. Shortbus Willy

    Bambi Fightclub: Firefighter Edition

    As promised another Bambi Fightclub video. This time one of our own steps into the ring against a freshie heading to Cherno, Will he win? will we get to keep the loot? Find out in the next awesome installment.
  5. Shortbus Willy

    Bambi Fightclub: Firefighter Edition

    Thanks for the feedback Awruck. We did 2 more fightclubs with freshies, Wrench fights and bat fights. We've decided not to give people loaded guns as prizes anymore, because people think they can go rogue and wipe out a squad of 6 fully suited guys with a fnx45.
  6. Shortbus Willy

    DayZ rail slide

    i just highlight the URL at the topbar, copy and paste url in the comment
  7. Shortbus Willy

    Bambi Fightclub

    Hi guys, It's my first time posting here. (so if this post is in the wrong place lemme now). I've been playing DayZ with my buds on and off for close to a year, a lot more recently since the release of the standalone. Since the game is still in Alpha and the zombie count is lacking it is easy to get bored once you become fully geared, this is a fun game we play every now and then when boredom sets in.
  8. Shortbus Willy

    Bambi Fightclub

    No, the other dude talking the whole time (blue mountainbag) has a PC that isn't really made for gaming at all, when he records with Fraps he says his framerate is like 6-8. And you can hear in the video how laggy his voice is between the Skype call and VOIP. If you watch some of the other DayZ videos on our channel you can see how insanely laggy his game is. I would never be able to play at such a ridiculous fps, but he loves the game, so more power to him. lol
  9. Shortbus Willy

    Bambi Fightclub

    Man that was glorious, I'd hate to step on his toes though, but this is something that seems to good to pass up. I'll pass it along to the group and see what they think about it though.
  10. Shortbus Willy

    Bambi Fightclub

    Thanks for the feedback (and the beans) We're scheduled to do a bit more videos like this, Like knife fights, wrench fights, baseball bat Royal Rumbles, maybe drag them out into the wild and do some Hunger Games type ish. Lemme know what you guys would like to see.