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About silver227

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. silver227

    Realistic Types Of Zombies

    When you first look at the title your probably thinking of an insane zombie that shoots spit at you and that's not what I'm suggesting. I thinking of zombies that would truly be out in a zombie apocalypse. I came up with a few ideas that I think would be realistic. Vote for the ones you think would be good or vote that they should stay how they are now. (you can vote for more than 1 zombie) Early Infected- this guy is a zombie that was infected in the early days of the infection, and due to the fact that he is a rotting corpse he is slower because his muscles have started to leave him although maybe the bones and fingers have started to be destroyed and because of that his hands have become deadly weapons. (slow moving, higher damage ) Newly Infected-this is a zombie that was recently infected so, his body is still in good condition but unlike the early infected he has not started to decompose and so his hand wont be as deadly (fast moving, lower damage) Classic DayZ Zombie- we all know this guy classic dayz zombie (normal speed, normal damage) no vote because obviously he will be in the game. The Hopper- same kind from the original dayz mod (hopping, normal damage) Survivor Zombie - just like in real life there will be people who try to stay alive but fail. this zombie was one of them, so basically your normal zombie but drops stuff when you kill him (normal damage, normal speed, drops rarer items when killed) Marsh Zombie - this is a zombie that was in a crash or infected near a swampy or wet environment. their body is weaker due to the elements, although it can spread infection better. (weaker defense, spreads infection ) From -Vector636 These are all the ideas I thought would work well with dayz. If you have an idea of a zombie that is realistic then wright a comment and I will add it to the poll and I will describe it in this post, and if you think a zombie is OP then wright something about it and ill change it.
  2. silver227

    Single Player

    Im a new player to the dayz world. As most new players Im not good, I usually die really fast from starvation or thirst. recently I got what I considered far I had guns, some ammo, plenty of food and water. and I was walking down some stairs and BOOM guy with M16 shoots me on sight. what im suggesting is a single player mode that is just like multiplayer but there are no other players but yourself and maybe open to LAN play. it could even have some NPCs depending on the difficulty Easy- Just you and the zombies and maybe survivors you can trade goods with or do blood bags with Medium- same thing as easy but there are survivors with week weapons that will shoot you Hard- same as before but the enemy survivors will be armed with better weapons and play better By doing this when new players get the game, like me, we can play the single player and by the time we feel confident with our skills we can actually play online and have a chance.im sure others have good ideas as well so post them below I understand the concept of the game not all the ideas need to be used but Im just trying to find a way for new players to get good it doesn't need to go in now but maybe when the final game is launched it can be an option