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General Zod

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Everything posted by General Zod

  1. General Zod

    yet again, for the sake of base building

    Code lock makes no sense, it requires power to run if you really want one play a moded server. And the risk you take when unlocking your base is part of the game, just like the risk you take starting fire, eating food, repairing items or performing any other action that renders you defenceless.
  2. General Zod

    Toxic Zones

    That flare is useless, you are more likely to miss it than not. I proposed long time ago to put the handheld radio to use and have a location of the incoming strike broadcast on a dedicated channel, say two minutes beforehand. No one uses that thing, ever. The only thing it's good for is providing an extra battery slot.
  3. General Zod

    Wildlife camera.

    20 minutes later they'll be long gone. Same goes for them being geared or not. Their attempt to break in might as well draw unwanted attention they are back on the coast. Not to mention that adding an in game video player would be using up considerable amount of time of the devs team could and should spent spent on fixing an unholy amount of broken things in this game.
  4. General Zod

    Wildlife camera.

    How is this going to help you with identifying the perp ? It's not like people's characters have individual look. It'll probably be one of dozens if not hundreds identical characters on the server.
  5. General Zod

    No cooking pots in back pockets of jeans 😎

    Fortunately there is no risk of falling in dayz when you run. Improvised belt is already in game, you'd still need a holster with that, although I don't know if it has a slot for one.
  6. General Zod

    No cooking pots in back pockets of jeans 😎

    That would also means that most gun couldn't be hidden in inventory, look at a size of vsd when on your back, it's way longer than the height or width of even field back pack and yet magically I can fit 3 of them inside and still have room for few mags. Same goes for hiding smg's in jackets. While the idea does makes sense and I kind of like it the problem is the lack of improvisation that's the problem in any game including dayz, while it would be tricky to hide a glock in a pocket of most trousers in real life I could go with the trope of sliding it between the trousers and my back. Similarly if I have a full backpack but found a ghillie suit that I want to take I could tie it with a bit of the rope to the outside of the backpack. Another thing I'd like to see is items in backpacks not having quick access. The fact that someone can pull a gun out of their backpack as quick as if it was on their shoulder is ridiculous. You should have to take the backpack off to access it, with the exception of some small side pockets.
  7. General Zod

    45ACP and general ballistics

    The .45 acp to the head not being a kill was probably a bug. Normally any round even .22 does the job. I agree on snipers having too much damage drop off. Wear and tear while excessive is probably like this for gameplay reason rather than realism, although I feel like military grade weapons do wear out to quick. m4-a1 will go from pristine to worn before you can empty a 60 round mag which is too much.
  8. General Zod

    Fix base building please!!!

    This server has no mods, I have zero mods installed and I play on it. If that's in admin or server setting then maybe that's it but no mods.
  9. General Zod


    While realistic depending on the time of the year, considering how much it rains in chernarus and that the waterproof clothing doesn't really work, forcing players to sit in a building or a tent every time it rains will slow the game too much. It's slow as it is with the limited stamina not need to turn it into a standstill.
  10. General Zod

    Fix base building please!!!

    here are the photos of the base https://pasteboard.co/mn1HRQnPhyCT.png https://pasteboard.co/Zyac6gtmpZxI.png
  11. General Zod

    Fix base building please!!!

    I play on community but without mods, just more stamina and loot. First two door are actually in front on the first door of the building and they are clipping through the corridor walls, 3rd door is there the entry to the room with the table is. It's a bit of a pain as the outer door cannot be opened from inside, and the inner are hard to close from inside. Nut I did once see someone make a gate where the first door is withour clipping through the wall. My character is all the way in tisy on a loot run but when I'm back I'll take a screenshot
  12. General Zod

    Electric Bicycle

    And where would they get the batteries to power that ? Car batteries are too low voltage. Unless of course they are engineers capable of building a step up transformers. Chernarus is definitely not a technologically advanced country where both components and knowledge among general population would be widely available.
  13. General Zod

    Spark plugs

    Loot spawns in waves, which means if you looked everywhere and can't find it probably didn't spawn in this cycle at all or what little did was picked up. Please try again later.
  14. General Zod

    Fix base building please!!!

    I have a base with 3 metal gates in this building, what's your excuse ?
  15. General Zod

    Electric Bicycle

    Yes, that'd make perfect sense in a fictional country with some houses not even having a fridge and an outside toilet. Regular bicycles would be nice.
  16. General Zod

    Suicide F options

    Before you buy the game on steam you have to enter your date of birth clearly an indication that children should not be playing this game.
  17. General Zod

    Spark plugs

    I hate how accurate this comment is.
  18. General Zod

    Stable Update 1.21

    It is this one, good to know.
  19. General Zod

    System of medicine (Several suggestions)

    Tactical splint. Need a better name than that mate. I think with this system with should also have tier of injuries. Stab wounds from heavy attack and gunshot wounds should require a suture kit. while light attack, zombie attacks and cunts from walking barefoot or gathering wood without gloves can be fixed with bandage. Fractures could have two tier system as well, light fracture, complex fracture. The first one having longer cure time if only basic splint is used. In general I think injuries in this game are to easy and quick to recover from. And pose no long term hindrance.
  20. General Zod

    Armor is way too weak

    Nah, plate carrier is tanky, theirs was probably already damaged since it usually outlives the user, I killed people in pc and it was worn when I was looting their bodies. Even stab vest makes a massive difference, you can survive point blank shot from VSD in one which is ridiculous. While plates will tank 2.
  21. General Zod

    Spray paint

    Would be nice, Not being able to make green ghillie components sucks ass.
  22. General Zod

    Increase fuse delay on smoke grenades

    I doubt we'll get a throw animation that will be as quick as a two second fuse so the longer fuse is easier solution to this problem.
  23. Hi Title says it all, smoke grenades starts to smoke before you can throw them which makes it impossible to use them without giving away your position. They should have the same delay as frag and stun grenades.
  24. General Zod

    Stable Update 1.21

    How about players not being able to arm plastic explosives ? I had that problem when I attached a pristine c4 to a gate, and then was unable to arm it, I had the detonator unit in my hand, got the prompt to arm it it, went through the animation and it would not arm instead giving me the prompt to arm it again and again with no effect.
  25. General Zod

    The game needs something...

    It's not for everyone, some people need a game with tangible sense of progression. DayZ isn't one of those games.