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About Apocalyptica

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  1. Apocalyptica

    Random Crashes

    I've been looking up what nb frequency is, and according to this thread it is nothing to worry about, even if it is high: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/883983-what-is-nb-frequency/ Not doubting your expertise, and I'm glad you're willing to help. But was just wondering what nb frequency was. But yes, I will see if I can monitor more as I play DayZ, and also how DayZ plays on an SSD.
  2. Apocalyptica

    Random Crashes

    https://imgur.com/a/8wlK6YL This is what I got. This is not while playing, however. I crashed 5 times in a row trying to play as I figured I'd have fixed it but no result. I'm currently re-installing the game on an SSD instead of the previous HDD. I'm trying to see if it will help me.
  3. Apocalyptica

    Random Crashes

    https://imgur.com/a/RIcxxWT This is the link to all the images, both afterburner and spd. I don't understand a thing from either, though. But it's both during playing DayZ. It is weird, however. I've monitored playing DayZ, it's using 70% / 80% of the RAM while playing. Which is 4.5GB for DayZ, and it stays under 5. And it's likely using 3.5GB - 4GB for background processing, while I do have 12GB RAM available. And even as it crashes with the following error: Out of Memory (requested: 1345381 KB) footprint: 3363700780 KB - it still remains under 5GB.. so it cannot be the RAM, it has to be something else. But I don't know what. Just crashed again with a similar out of memory thing. Followed with this: 0x0000001 - UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI Also been mailing with Bohemia Interactive, they requested some files which I sent them. Also opened a thing at the feedback tracker: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T138739
  4. Apocalyptica

    Random Crashes

    Yes, my bios is set to default. Am I supposed to change that? And I threw the original packaging away. So I wouldn't know, but it really shows as 889 in CPU Z. Resource monitor says 12GB is available. When I'm doing nothing, my computer is using 50% of my ram. But when I play DayZ, it rises to using 70-80% ram.
  5. Apocalyptica

    Random Crashes

    The 4GB one is 667MHz and the 8GB one is 889 MHz. But yes.. I think it's a DayZ file issue too. Any game runs fine, and when DayZ runs it runs perfect. Until it crashes.
  6. Apocalyptica

    Random Crashes

    Thanks for your response! It are not the mods, for sure. Considering how other people on the server run the game flawlessly without issues. I'll try the other fixes, everything is worth a shot. SSD is 250gb, with 30gb held free by the ssd program of Samsung, harddisk is 1TB with around 300GB free still with everything installed on it right now. Power Supply is 600W, i5-4460, 3.20GHz. The case is recently cleaned from any dust. I'm running windows 10, 64 (x86). I've done the check with cpu z, all ram sticks are detected. They are both DDR3, one is 8GB and one is 4GB. Not the same brand, however. I've ran ccleaner already, no issues found. The rest of the hardware is perfectly fine, considering how I run other games fine and usually on surprisingly high graphics as well. Games that're way poorly optimized compared to DayZ, like Conan Exiles, ARK, Atlas, etc.
  7. Apocalyptica

    Random Crashes

    Hi! So, I've been searching through google and other websites like reddit, and this forum. I've found many fixes to my issue but none has actually fixed things. I'll start by explaining my issue step by step, and then what I've already done in attempt to fix it. My issues started a few days ago, with random crashes while playing DayZ. I hadn't played DayZ in ages though and cannot recall if I had this issue prior to me stopping playing or if I didn't have this issue ever before. I've had three different crashes. One of the three 'crashes' was just DayZ randomly closing with no trace or sign it had ever ran. Another issue was where it said it had ran out of memory. And the last one said STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION with numbers like 0000005 and such. There is no specific action that causes this. It happens at random times, at random moments. Usually when I'm running at a fast pace in the game. My hardware is a 4th generation i5 processor, an asus H81M-A motherboard, 12gb RAM memory, my system is on an SSD, DayZ itself is running on a HDD. And my videocard is an Nvidea GTX 950 videocard. I'm able to run DayZ smooth, with everything on medium to high settings, without lag or stuttering until it suddenly crashes. I'm playing on a modded server with this mod collection on it: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1711402847 The way I've tried to solve this issue is as follows: I've verifyed the ingegrity of game files, multiple times. First I tried deleting the DayZ folder in documents as was told by many sources over the internet. I tried running DayZ, and all of it's other components and launcher, as well as steam, in admin mode. I've tried changing the maximum use of my RAM via the advanced system settings method. I've manually enabled pagefiling. And I've actually updated my BIOS, too. (the rest of my drivers were already up to date) Nothing so far has really fixed it. I was hoping I could receive more answers here.
  8. Apocalyptica


    However I am being the one being inpolite, I do agree. I gave my suggestions here, and everyone just -flames- and gets mad. But that might be me, not having the usual gamerlogic.
  9. Apocalyptica


    Who cares if someone else is skilled then me? Every person is different, but thats something gamers like you do not see. - I've found a M4, 10 mags, FNX, 3 mags, food, drinks, army attire, all on my own. - I can kill other players, zombies, also on my own. - I couldn't find out how the drinking/eating system worked, which had been answered in this thread by a kind person. - But even before I found out that system about "Drink till stomach is full" - I managed to survive, which makes my total death count on 3 currently, which I do not think is bad at all. And on all three times, I've had a M4, army clothes, enough recourses to survive. There, I explained myself. Do not complain about me being "not-skilled", I might not be playing a year, but atleast I know how things work. - Besides, I am playing this game to play with friends, to roleplay and to have fun at the boring hours of the day, why would I aim to be skilled? I can survive, my longest survival time has been 12-14 hours. (Not in one session.) - But who cares? Then again, why the fuck are you throwing it out there, that your girlfriend is more skilled then me? I don't give three fucks about your girlfriend nor people around here. I just threw out my suggestions, which I obviously won't do no longer since people flame on things as soon as I suggest something. And about the blood, there are special cases that are isolated, you can put blood in those. Perhaps thats an idea? And those refridgerators do not have to run in order to give us blood, aslong we have blood. Maybe the blood is either bad, or good.. doesn't matter, aslong there are consequences of bad blood, right? - A blood transfusion from a death body wouldn't be fucking toxic, you moron. If someone decides to donate his organs as soon he died, and he actually dies, within the first hours of his death the doctors can actually -use- his blood, and -use- his organs again. - So they should actually make it possible, and depending on the time of the body laying there, the blood would be toxic or not. Maybe add a feature to inspect how long the body has been laying there. It are all ideas, and I think they are good. No need to flame for it.
  10. Apocalyptica


    I can't stand people who are complaining and flaming. - I am throwing things out there that I saw need a fix, and I am sure there will be more I am willing to throw out. Its what they encouraged and asked us to do when we bought the game. - Unlike most people who bought the game I try to help and fix it. But I am not gonna do shit anymore if people like him are going to complain about -everything- I post. If its good, or bad. - And if you do, give positive critism, not some negative half-assed comment.
  11. Apocalyptica


    If you are here to flame on suggestions, go fuck somewhere else. Douchebag. - This is a thread of suggestions. - I do indeed think the thirst is still unbalanced. Second of all, I am not a no-lifer like you, scrolling through a fucking 10-30 pages forum reading all fucking suggestions that are made, and every bug reported, to see which I can report more. Just fuck off my thread and mind your own business, crackhead.
  12. Apocalyptica

    Upon entering server, gear got wiped

    Hmph. Okay then. I guess its alright, just the walking is a very long bit, but when I try hard, I will eventually get on the spot and sneak in to get some gears. =) JUST LOOK AT MY SCREENSHOT! HOW PRETTY MY GEAR WAS! OKAY?! GOT IT?! - Thanks for the replies.
  13. Apocalyptica

    Upon entering server, gear got wiped

    It happened to me and a friend, two other friends didn't have the problem though, while we all entered one server. - We waited for the thing to load, entirely. Then a sudden red message came up.
  14. Apocalyptica


    Ah.. thanks for the tip. I keep drinking soda.
  15. Apocalyptica

    Upon entering server, gear got wiped

    Yes, indeed. - The message told me my character was resetted and that I should contact a server admin to get everything back, I couldn't find a contact icon anywhere, so I decided to throw it out there on the forums. - Because I fought for this gear, now I want to fight losing it.