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Everything posted by igor-vk

  1. igor-vk

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I wonder how their movement looks with normal frame rate. Before they looked like bad motion capture in old movies. Anyway, 0.61 will be twenty steps forward.
  2. igor-vk

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Finally got in experimental, after 5 days of trying...and must say Im amazed. I had better FPS in Cherno then I ever had anywhere before .60. No frames drops, no stuttering, no more slide show when I see houses in distance. If it runs so much better on my stone age PC I cant imagine how this runs on modern gaming PCs. On down side, I didnt see any zombies.
  3. igor-vk

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Only maneged to get in server for 2 or 3 seconds :( I really like playing experimental but its imposible now.
  4. igor-vk

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Wow, you managed to get on same server??? and Lada had all doors??
  5. igor-vk

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    What do you think will interest water down a bit? No chance to get in any server. Are zombies respawning or towns stay clear until restart?
  6. igor-vk

    [Opinion] The Value of Base Building?

    Building in dayz will be very hard to balance. It should be complicated to build a Base. It should take a lot of time and resources. Dayz must be different from rust/Ark/epoch/Exile!! But having base should bring you benefits. You can hide a vehicle in a Base, you can cook food and do crafting without fear of getting sniped. You are safe from zombies and animals. I think it will require a lot of balancing, testing and feedback from players to make it right.
  7. igor-vk

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Maybe we should become famous streamers so we can play at all. I played all experimental updates since April 2014 and there was always empty slots on servers. I can't believe that devs don't understand our frustration with slow progress of .60. They should really change this attitude.
  8. igor-vk

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I see 20something. That rude guy that blocks every one on deyzdev twitter mentioned 48 servers
  9. igor-vk

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    how many servers rest of you see?? I see only 20.
  10. igor-vk

    60 Impressions?

    Sometimes is better to be wrong about some things. I hope there is enough servers for everyone.
  11. igor-vk

    60 Impressions?

    I have impression there won't be update at all...
  12. igor-vk

    [Opinion] The Value of Base Building?

    I doubt that this is posible in this engine, but it would cool if we could see materials loaded in trucks/cars (pick-up in future). Like if you see Ural loaded with logs and plancks and follow it and see "huge" base being built. Or if we have to instal/place every component one at the time, no pre-built objects that can fit in backpack (like in epoch/exile). That would chase away all the CoD kids and KOSers from survival servers. And it will give experienced players more things to do. I built base in exile in 15 minutes, but it would be better if it would take days to baricade one barn or weeks to baricade big industriam building.
  13. igor-vk

    More new 0.60 Eye candy

    Needs more zombies!!! :)
  14. igor-vk

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    @Rags! guy was complaining about hackers, dupers and coastal assholes. Yeah, maybe people will spend first week taking screen shots, but soon it will be business as usual.
  15. igor-vk

    Oh mighty devs, please have mercy

    You wait and we will play.
  16. igor-vk

    Status Report - 26 Apr 2016

    Honestly, didnt play since mid january. Im frustrated waiting for .60. I had terrible FPS loss trough .59 experimental phase but it got better when it hit stable. I play on 1900x1080, and in big cities its 12-15 FPS. But only 25-28 in wild.
  17. igor-vk

    Status Report - 26 Apr 2016

    Was there a word how will new render affect older PCs? Does Arma 3 works on DX11? I get 30+ FPS in Arma 3, much higher I ever did in Dayz. Im not expecting any miracles, just asking if we will get better performace or worst. Last update killed FPS on Dual core CPUs by half.
  18. igor-vk

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Still no new zombies spawning system, no new weapons, no new player controler and animations system, no basebuilding, no new vehicles, no new survival elements..... (OK, maybe Tisy base) So, it will be same old coastal shitmatch but in DX11. Next time read who I quoted.
  19. igor-vk

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Other than new render, nothing will change in .60 :( Edit: o yeah, there will be ski lift in Tulga
  20. igor-vk

    Status Report - 26 Apr 2016

    Me neither. Even if I played 100 hours of Exile in last 3 months.
  21. igor-vk

    New .60 infected jump over fences and objects!

    but they still move syncronised when near player.
  22. igor-vk

    PAX take-aways

    A lot less than we expected :(
  23. igor-vk

    DayZ at PAX East 2016

    Not really? He blocked me on twitter three times by now
  24. igor-vk

    O.60 Servers are up?

    Private servers and smaller hives are only solutions for that
  25. igor-vk

    O.60 Servers are up?

    .59 is up for 4 months now. Players had more than enough time to stock pile every rare weapon there is. Even if you find one FAL every 3 weeks, you could have 5-6 of them by now. And there is more than plenty empty servers.