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Everything posted by igor-vk

  1. igor-vk

    New bolt action rifle coming.

    Id like Lee Enfield
  2. igor-vk

    New bolt action rifle coming.

    I have idea for balancing power: make CZ550 more acurate and with better scope, but slover rate of fire and smaller magazine capacity (3 or 4 rounds). That will make first shot count. Let mosin be what it was ment to be - masive produced battle rifle. Also, Mosin needs striper clip ASAP!
  3. igor-vk

    New bolt action rifle coming.

    but SVD is not bolt action http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolt_action learn to read!!
  4. "Those of us who are real gun nuts would revolt (but I have a feeling the wider community dosn't give a crap as long as it looks cool :) )" Only 12,5 year old CoD spoiled rich screeming kids dont give a crap!!! One of main reason I play this game is "reality". Game would be 100 times better if you find cool gun, and then desperatly search for right ammo. Then you will have to make decision to look for rare ammo for good weapon or take bad weapon with more common ammo. I liked FAL in mod, but ammo was very rare so I carried id in backpack in hope to find more mags. I hope modders make things right.
  5. That sign is where that strange "piramid" thing was. I cant translate entire text but it says something like this: "Until 23.04.2014. in this place blabla blabla (Icant read this) ground.... signed Senchi" Senchi is Arseny Smirnov, Dayz lead world designer, so he left small Easter egg
  6. kinda makes people to work in teams and divide rols in teams (cooking, medic, hunting, and when wehicles come: mechanic)
  7. igor-vk

    Number of Weapons in Mod versus Standalone

    So, we still dont have HK G36, L85, FAL, M14, SVD, M24, MP5 and pump actions...
  8. Looks like punching in a little bit over powered (you kill zombie with fists faster than with axe, and knock out player with 2 punches). How about if fists get injured after too much punching and it makes you bleed and afects your aiming. Any idea if that will be in game at some point?
  9. igor-vk

    Too much punching breaks your hands?!

    I ment in finished game, offcourse! 75% of things that are now in alpha will/should be fixed.
  10. igor-vk

    Too much punching breaks your hands?!

    I dont use fists on zombies, I usualy shoot them. (even damage from firearms should be altered - 2-3 shots to body, one to head). But I see all those boxing vids on YT and I dont like that.
  11. come back after another 3 months or even 6. For some people game doesnt work as it should no mather how good PC they have. I have 5 years old PC (only upgraded GPU from AMD Radeon HD4800 to GTX 650) and game in last 2 weeks runs better than ever. My FPS doubled. But on some servers I have ruberbanding, on other day I have desync so bad I cant open any doors. Its just alpha, and it wont work fine for at least 6 months. Either we accept that or dont play untill then. I still think it was good idea to release early acces of dayz, because it is game and dev team where comunity actualy participates in develepment. (I bothered Torchia to add track suites, and after 2 months we get track suites!! I doubt it was only my idea, but still makes you feel like good)
  12. How about that SA-58 (Vz 58) from the mod (Namalsk), with rails and stuff??? That would be awesome.
  13. igor-vk

    New zombies, Soon?

    Apsolutly!! when aggro system and wall bug is solved, zobies should be main threat hor players. That is even more important than vehicles or tents if you ask me.
  14. igor-vk

    New zombies, Soon?

    Only thing that anoys me with zombies at their curent state is terible desinc. Zombie hits me when he is 3m behind me, when he already falling dead. Runing away from zombies like a pussy is not shame, name of game is Day"Z", not Day"KOS" or Day"snipe". Zombies should be main danger in game, even beter if you can use them to kill players. (shoot one round to atract zeds in players area)
  15. igor-vk

    New zombies, Soon?

    Untill there are larger numbers of zombies, they should be harder to kill with melee (only if pathfinding works and they dont go trough walls). Zeds will be more dangerous if you have to kill them with guns, they hear you and go your way, other players hear you and come your way. If you can kill 20 zeds with 20 hits with axe, where is the danger? This way you will calculate when to shoot and when to lose them in buildings. Guns should be used to kill zeds as well. Once there are hudreds of zeds in town, they should return melee hit values.
  16. igor-vk

    Please, say NO to boats.

    "My main gripe with boats is simple - whoever has one, controls the sea/coasts.! When you're moving fast along the seas, way off coast, you're not in any danger at all." - epic!!! Going 19 kmph with fishing boat realy braks the sound barier. I would like boats, maybe they cam make ship size of Riffy and make it floating base!
  17. igor-vk

    Soviet tank summer helmet.

    Who would like to see thin item in game? http://www.russianarmysurplus.com/product/russian-tank-helmet/
  18. igor-vk

    Soviet tank summer helmet.

    and definetly should be weapon like M3 Grease gun or Sten gun or PPS-43
  19. igor-vk

    Soviet tank summer helmet.

    off topic: can ve paint pilot helmet that is in game now??
  20. igor-vk

    Dear Dean and the DayZ dev team

    its so flawed that 2.000.000 people bought it despite thousands of youtube videos of bugs, glitches, cheaters, hackers?
  21. igor-vk

    Reason for DayZ

    Come back in december or february next year, then game will be closer to finished. And when its finished, it will cost 49,99 Euro.
  22. igor-vk

    I want refund.

    you are right, you should get your money back, and banned from playing game from now on
  23. Apsolutly!!! But I would make it Hunting/fishing shop. So it spawns things like hunting gear: tents, knives, hunting pants, boots, headlaps, ropes, fishing poles, some ammo, hunting rifles... There ia already small shot in biger towns that can be changed to Gun shop.
  24. igor-vk

    Mosin and PSO Scope

    Lee Enfield yes but No. 4 Mk I version. Higher rate of fire plus 10 round mag makes it my favorite bolt action.
  25. igor-vk

    Will they add a new 'big city'?

    If you look at satelite photos of northern are and compare with dayz map, you can see how all streets and roads coincide. So, I asume they will copy arangement of houses on that streets and roads. Maybe not 100%, but it will be similar just like Elektro and Cherno look like real area