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Everything posted by igor-vk

  1. igor-vk

    What if we get rid of Zombies?

    There is game called Quake Arena, where you even dont have to eat or drink or bandage wounds
  2. igor-vk

    What if we get rid of Zombies?

    what a bunch of pussies!! In DayZ you fight three elements: players, zombies and bugged game itself. If you remove zombies, you can then shrink map just to area around Berezino.
  3. igor-vk

    Holy zombie aggro Batman...

    Nothing is logical in dayz. Especialy zombies. They didnt right well in mod, they dont work right in SA. If they ever fix them, I wonder if Ill ever get user to that.
  4. Well, if you like AR/M16 and its more rare than AKs you will work harder to get it and play more carefull so you dont lose it. That makes game harder and more interesting.
  5. What I liked in STALKER were unique weapons, like upgraded AK74, or silenced AK74U, or sniper Obokan. Something like that in DayZ would be great. Maybe few super rare atachments (night scope, silencer for AK, high capacity mag for pistols) that spawn maybe one or two on server once a week. Players who have them would have advantage over others, but they would be pray for all other players. .380 ACP is at this moment total failure. Only two weapons use it, its weaker than other cartridges but its allmost imposible to find PM and equip it with 3-4 mags. Not to say RAK that allmost doesnt spawn.
  6. igor-vk

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Im hoping for desync and melee fix. Maybe we get Rossi and Baklava. Weather impact and horticulture confirmed in last devblogs.k
  7. I gave it a few thoughts, 7.62x39mm is used world wide. In every shit hole in Africa or south east Asia. 5.45x39mm is more rare, used in USSR and maybe few Varsaw pact countries. So, most common weapon should be AKM, and its ammo. Than 5.45x39mm, and last 5.56x45 and 7,62x51. I hope for more types of NATO assoult rifles, but harder to find.
  8. Having more calibers can be interesting experience. Yesterday I played on experimental, it has less gear than stable. I found CZ725 and P1, but I found shotgun shels, .22, and .357 ammo. Situation pushed me to search more buildings than usual.
  9. That should be constant, not special event. All high loot locations should be swarmed with zombies. So, you either do looting stealt (crawling on belly for an hour) or you go with team with asoult rifles. Now looting military bases is walk in the park.
  10. igor-vk

    How the end game should look.

    That is what I mean. I have seen so many posts like: "Why are military bases so far away from Berezino?? Kmeeeee!!"
  11. igor-vk

    How the end game should look.

    DayZ Mercenary mod was awesome. It had can openers, you needed paper to make fireplace, you had to purify water...But it was never popular. Right now SA lacks more details that can slow down the game. Things like sickness, infections, body temperature, dirty water poisoning, less canned food, better loot tables. Once when you have vomit every 5 minutes because you drink dirty water or ate raw meat, you wont be able to snipe from Berezino apartments. I remember back in mod we used to search all evening to find damn antiobiotics. In mean time we had to hunt animals and cook meat to keep blood level and stay alive. That is what dayz should be like. Once modding is available, someone should make mod without zombies and with all weapons from Overwatch mod, so all kiddies go play that.
  12. igor-vk

    Somone already got 0.49 version ?

    no base building?? this game sucks!! give me my money back!!
  13. igor-vk

    Status Report - Week of 18 August 14

    New trees look way better than ones we have from begining. They dont look like womit on my low/medium setings. Any plans on replacing tree textures?
  14. igor-vk

    Feedback on CR527?

    Same as RAK, Makarov, P1, MP5K...no magazines anywhere
  15. igor-vk

    Feedback on CR527?

    Magazines are too rare. Needs somekind of optics, at least 4X.
  16. Toploniki?? Where will that be?
  17. Where ever they move it, they must populate it with zombies!! Otherwise it will be walk in the park, like Novodmitrovs is now.
  18. igor-vk

    What new Rifles would you guys like to see?

    Full lenght M16A4. With ACOG and bipod, its half way to DMR. It would be great for taking down zeds from 300-400 yards while your team loots big town.
  19. igor-vk

    What new Rifles would you guys like to see?

    Also 40 round mag for 5.45 weapons. That combined with AKSU74 would be gret for clearing rooms.
  20. igor-vk

    What new Rifles would you guys like to see?

    No one wants L85 back in DayZ. It wold be cool to carry it and have to clean it after you fire 50-60 rounds :) I wish they add more AK variants, and Kobra sights. RPK, AKSU-74, AK-107, super rare AN-94... I miss G36C SD from Namalsk, I killed thousads of zombies with it. But most of all I miss FAL.
  21. igor-vk

    Raiders Leather Jacket vs Zombie

    Like 8 times. Not one riders jacket lasts more than 25 minutes. But wool coat can survive for days.
  22. igor-vk

    "Vehicle component design"

    boohoooo...I dont want take a risk!! Off course it will be dangerous. And you will have to work as team. One in team will be mechanic, others will be suport. If you dont have team, then you will have to go to popular hiding locations and steal someones car.
  23. igor-vk

    "Vehicle component design"

    No one is thinking about tools! Yes they spawn everywhere now, but once vehicles are in game I bet we wont be able to find pliers or wrench anywhere!
  24. Maybe they will be made like new crashed V3S truck. You can open and close doors, and even hood. Maybe we will be able to close doors on them as well, and hide inside. Maybe they even go so far that we could take parts of from them (bateries, radio, maybe even PKM!!)
  25. igor-vk

    future update ideas?

    All weapons and vehicles from dayz mod