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Everything posted by igor-vk

  1. Eye zoom is one of the things I like and one of things that make DayZ/Arma different from other games. I hope it stays in game, if nothng else then in options on moded servers.
  2. igor-vk

    Stable Update 0.62.140694

    When is that Gamescon event? Will you show new build publicly?
  3. All this would make arcade DayZ. Many people would like it more over todays Dayz. Id say Dayz needs better zombies.
  4. igor-vk

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    I found it in yellow house with three rooms, in shelf room. Ten minutes after logging in. I even cought a carp, first one after two years. Filet changed color but description was still "raw". There is way more loot than in 0.61. Is Mosin still prone to fast detoriating? I found one with scope.
  5. igor-vk

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Where you people fing gas cokers in .62?
  6. igor-vk

    Name This Mod

    Does anyone remembers Mercenary mod?
  7. igor-vk

    1.8.9: Huge Disappointment

    Name of your server?
  8. igor-vk

    Things I have yet to see in 0.62

    I like your outfit
  9. igor-vk

    Exp Update 0.62.139835

    Is stable 0.62 same build as todays experimental 0.62?
  10. igor-vk

    0.62 is coming to stable today.

  11. igor-vk

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    Central Europe
  12. igor-vk

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    I envy you guys so much. My frieds dont play DayZ any more, and most of you are 6 or 7 time zones away so I have to explore experimental all alone. I had that annoying indoors movement bug. I tried to get out os Elektro school and game didnt let me out, everything was spinning around and it finally trew me in those shoe changing cages (dont know any better descripion). I couldnt get out and had to F11.
  13. igor-vk

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    People are still dicks in this game. Got KO`d twice by fresh spawns.
  14. igor-vk

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    Only one screenshot so far?? Put some effort in it!!
  15. igor-vk

    What do you expect from DayZ (final)

    Id like to have actual reason to go to different locations. Like: a) there is bus repair shop, Ill go there to find car parts; b) big town has supermarkets, Ill try to find matches, knives, propane tanks there.... c) sawmill in Berezino, get in there and steal bilding materials...
  16. igor-vk

    Status Report - 16 May 2017

    I dont know if radio should be starting gear. They are quite common to find on the coast. Bateries should definetly last longer in all devices, at least pristine ones. Same goes for gas canisters.
  17. igor-vk

    Status Report - 2 May 2017

    Interesting report. Not mentioned if new vehicles will come with 0.63. I see who ever installed ventilation system didn't do good job. You should be able to adjust ventilation internally and without cardboard box. :)
  18. Are Zombies dumbed down ? I played hour or so yesterday, after few weeks of pause. Now I can walk to zombie from behind or next to him and he dosnt aggro. Looks like they dont see me or hear from more than 20-30 m.
  19. None of those other games are finished. They didnt give that hardcore survival feeling we want. Miscreated is OK, but map is kinda small. HIZI...I dont even want to talk about it... To me, DayZ mod is still unbeatable when it comes to zombie multiplayer game. I think I will reinstal Arma 2 and Origins mod
  20. igor-vk

    Status Report - 21 February 2017

    I wonder how will Enforce effect on vehicles and infected performance.
  21. igor-vk

    imagine this map in DayZ Standalone

    I really wonder how complicated will be to make maps for Dayz. There are more than dozen maps for Arma 3, some ported and some made from scratch. Not to mention hundred of weapons created for Arma. When I started playing Dayz there were new mods and maps being released every few weeks. I really miss those days.
  22. igor-vk

    Status Report - 7 February 2017

    Then better start early! :)
  23. igor-vk

    [0.61] 34 Updates?

    Old practice was: no updates/fixes between major builds, and that could last for months. I like this, but I miss big updates more often. Like it was pre .58.
  24. igor-vk

    Stable Branch 0.61.137680

    Baby steps.... :)