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Everything posted by igor-vk

  1. igor-vk

    When will the next update be?

    I played all experimental updates. There are always 3 or 4 major updates every 5-6 days and then two weeks of polishing and bug fixing. This will be big engine overhoul so expect even more bugs
  2. igor-vk

    When will the next update be?

    Experimental in maybe two weeks. And after month or so stable.
  3. FALs made in commonwealth were semi auto only. Others were select fire. In Falkland war brits fought Argentinians that used select fire FALs. In Vietnam war Australian troops converted heavy barreled full auto rifles, cutting off barrel and installed vertical front grip or grenade launcher. They called it "the bitch". You can find it in one of Arma 3 mods.
  4. igor-vk

    what about the infected?

    After two years of work they gave us those buggy animals that got frozen or run in circles
  5. igor-vk

    what about the infected?

    They have to do something about infected fast! It is the worst part of game, that was supposed to be zombie game. I was killed by zombies in Exile today. Usually they are slow and easy to avoid, but they got me cornered on balcony while I was trying to snipe. Don't remember when was I killed by zombies in SA.
  6. igor-vk

    what about the infected?

    If you ask me, zeds should spawn like in mod. When player is near (maybe with bigger range).
  7. Another week started, still no news about update. Soon it will be 4 months from last update....
  8. igor-vk

    Status Report - 15 Mar 2016

    We cant have chalenging game and hard survival without really good and numerous infected. I said that million times by now. I took a bread from dayz in january and Im trying out Arma 3 mods. Rare servers have really good spawning of zombies, and there were situations where I didnt have time to stop and pick up a weapon because 3-4 zombies were right behind me. Devs can leave amount of ammo in game at same level, but imagine if you see AKM with mags in tent city, but you dont dare to go and get, even if you have rifle 20-30 rounds it because there are 15-20 zeds. I think devs should focus hard on infected in next updates, maybe even more than on CLE or something else. We will always have ways to find or grow food, but we shouldnt have much time to enjoy it in peace.
  9. igor-vk

    #DayZ Logic

    One of best new features!
  10. Must be some layers of foliage or ground textures that are double or multiple times pasted in same place. Maybe you (or someone) can port map to Arma 3 to check if that is repeating.
  11. igor-vk

    Question about barrels

    I know how you feel dude. I was looking for a barrel for 4 days on low pop server. While Nova Polana has infinite tent spawn. Its often that you cant find that one item you really need.
  12. igor-vk

    Public servers killing dayZ!

    This was supose to be done in first place! Whats the point of running on beatufully rendered empty map?
  13. igor-vk


    These four months breaks between updates are really getting on my nerves. OK, it takes long to make render working (more than a year since it was first anounced), but why they dont trow us some bones in mean time. Like new infected models, or new weapons, or new colour of tents, maybe some new buildings.... Just something to keep us interested in game. I cant belive that every single dev is working or new render. I think this aproach waters down our interest in game
  14. igor-vk


    Nothing at all
  15. igor-vk


    you cant have survival without infected/predator animals everywhere and weather efects that are pushing you to constantly to run away from something, or gather resources, craft or something like that. I dont think we will get that until late beta when all features are functional. Until then there will be only deathmatch with ocational camps.
  16. igor-vk

    Any plans for Alice/Coyote to be brought back?

    "Coyote" Backpack was "THE" bacpack in mod... Not biggest but best looking.
  17. igor-vk

    Beta in Q2?

    Showcasing lines of code and then showing how it works in game would shut up many dirty mouth. And real fans would be satisfied. Some other games devs show small progress like new crafting or effects.
  18. igor-vk

    Beta in Q2?

    OK, 5 dozen then
  19. igor-vk

    Beta in Q2?

    You dont have to explain things to me. I follow development of this "game" since mid 2013. There were hundreds of delays. I was disapointed numerous times.
  20. igor-vk

    Beta in Q2?

    I dont give a frag when gets Beta as long as they give us monthly updates with new content! Ups, we have 3 months between updates? Shit!
  21. igor-vk

    Throwing problem.

    Throwing is one of the worst things in dayz. I don't remember my character ever throw anything as it should.
  22. igor-vk

    The horror aspect of Dayz

    Its all good in theory. But...all that needs a lot of tweeking. Weather is always sunny and birds chirp and its all like walk in park on sunday afternoon. Nights should be darker and lighting improved. Its lighter in buildings than outside. Zombies/infected are terible and more comical than scary with their funny walk and low damage and overall stupidity (I wish they would bang on doors and eventually break them). They need more impruvements. Map is beatifull, especially new towns u north. I played dayz mod recently and I remember more trash on roads, more wrecked cars, tanks, BMPs and trucks everywhere, especially in military locations.
  23. igor-vk

    Terrain Editing and Map making ?

    @Tigermonk shit, I remember what mod or server was but there were survivor camps that really looked like survivors made them. Few of those big tents, those market place buildings with hanging meat and logs and car vrecks as fence.
  24. igor-vk

    Terrain Editing and Map making ?

    I would add survivor camps in forests, with few tents and maybe atempts to baricade a farm or something like that.