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Everything posted by Imbalanxd

  1. Imbalanxd

    Character classes

    They should also introduce hats and create a series of viral youtube videos like "Meet the civilian"!
  2. Next time you want to make a suggestion, ask yourself this simple question; what does your suggestion seek to accomplish? Does it make the game more balanced and player friendly, and seeks to provide the player with extra information about the world around him? If so, go play COD. Does it seek to create realistic emotions within the player, or to simulate some feasible real world phenomena? Ok, maybe its worth hearing then.
  3. Imbalanxd

    Best Sniper?

    But you'll see a shitload of zombies coming. For you. Well. It depends where you are shooting from. I can shoot players with the Lee Enfield from 500-600 meters away (800 meters is my record). I choose my spots very carefully. At 600 meters you are shooting at a hint of a pixel. Combine that with the fact that, due to the enfields sights, you won't actually be able to see the target, and you are looking at about 5 shots to land a hit, if you are lucky. Combine THAT with the fact that at that range, the enfield is not a one shot kill (or even a knock out in most cases) and you are left with quite a sorry excuse for a sniper rifle.
  4. Imbalanxd

    Best Sniper?

    The only sniper rifle I know of in DayZ for which this is the case is the SVD. If you look at the SVD, you will notice that the distance markers (not mildots) are not equally spaced apart. This is because gravity is an acceleratory force, and the greater the distance, the faster the bullet begins to drop, and the more distance needs to be accounted for. Most people estimate every mildot to be equal to 100m, but this is faaaaar from accurate. The DMR cannot be zerod. As for compensating long range shots; you guess.
  5. Imbalanxd

    M107 Sniping competition in Cherno

    Lol is this for real? What other luxuries are their on non veteran servers? I was under the impression the only difference was third person and crosshairs.
  6. Imbalanxd

    Best Sniper?

    The problem with the DMR is it doesn't have adjustable zeroing. This, coupled with the fact that a lot of people think those mildots actually represent distance, makes for a ton of missed shots.
  7. Imbalanxd

    Why is everyone a dickhead?

    This thread is why people kill everyone
  8. Imbalanxd

    killed by friendly fire?

    I've done this to someone before, being killed twice by them, and respawning a third time in the exact same location with all my gear and eventually killing them. I definitely wasn't cheating.
  9. Imbalanxd

    Do Helicrash locations respawn loot?

    Agreed. This so called rocket person, who single handedly created one of the most talked about gaming experienced of the year, and to whom a good 30% of all ARMA2 sales ever made can be directly attributed, is clearly not competent enough to continue with this mod. Someone please call the authorities and get EA in on this shit.
  10. Imbalanxd

    Server Admin Killed me upon Logging In.

  11. The chance for zombies to break bones seems to have been significantly increased in the latest patch, and by significantly, I mean 10 times the chance it used to be. Couple this with their chance to randomly hit you while running full speed, and their "increased range", which usually just translates into them teleporting ten meters forward and hitting you out of nowhere, permanently prone survivors are becoming an epidemic. Not only that, but removing morphine from starting gear and making it far harder to find morphine in general, a single hit from a zombie can affectively end your game. Now I'm all for consequences for actions, but these consequences don't measure up to the actions. The randomness factor also takes all pretense of skill out of the equation, and makes it impossible to make an informed decision because you have absolutely no idea how severe the repercussions may be. So here is my suggestion, in an effort to improve realism and gameplay. The chance of a single zombie attack breaking a bone should be low. It should be astronomically low. Maybe one in every 1000 zombie attacks should break a bone. However, if you are attacked again within 1 second of the first hit, the chance increases, maybe to one in every 500. Another attack within a second and its one in every 100. A fourth and its one in every 50. Lets be honest, one zombie hitting you is not likely to break a bone. Four zombies gang raping you is almost ensured to. Too often have I been crippled after a single wayward zombie bitch slapped me through the face, and too often have I walked away relatively unscathed after being swamped by a mob of them.
  12. Imbalanxd

    Dropped dead, no change in blood

    I've only encountered a similar thing once, and that was when me and a friend had a deathmatch with crowbars. He hit me once and I died instantly, but I was still at 12k blood. However, I most certainly did not simply "drop" to the ground, I flew across a field.
  13. Imbalanxd

    Suggestion: Hired Gun?

    Its an anti game, and its trying to accurately simulate the apocalyptic environment. What do people who kill everyone on sight get? Guns, food, awesome gear. What do people who help random people for nothing in exchange get? A warm fuzzy feeling inside.
  14. Imbalanxd

    Zombie damage and framerate

    In the past, I refused to ever disconnect from a server because zombies had me cornered in a structure. I would sooner die and lose all my equipment. Now, I do it almost every ten minutes. Firstly because zombies are near impossible to evade, but mainly because when there are zombies on me, I get between 5 and 10 FPS, making it impossible to shoot them anyway. I don't know what the fuck has happened.
  15. Imbalanxd

    Heartbeats! Are they broken?

    Everyone has a heartbeat. The lower the humanity the faster the heart beat.
  16. Imbalanxd

    Gameplay tips

    Ye, I'm not really phased about the difficulty. Its still just as easy as ever to run into a building and headshot all the walking zombies with my Makarov. The only thing I'm worried about is that stealth is being removed from the game entirely with this patch. If a zombie can see you from a mile away when facing you, and hear you from a mile away when its back is turned to you, then there is no point in doing anything other than running and gunning.
  17. Imbalanxd

    Gameplay tips

    The zombie AI in the first patch and following hotfix was great. They were heavily sight based, which meant that a good approach was required, and sneaking was mostly about keeping specific zombies in mind, and staying behind them or around corners. The zombies hearing seemed significantly diminished from 1.6, but not completely so. This made sense as I don't know how a zombie was telling the difference between me walking and one of its brethren. Now, however, the AI rely far too heavily on sound, and are far to good at hearing the living. I am currently stuck on the top of a firehouse. It is pitch black, and I can see nothing. About 10 zombies chased me up here, and when I got to the top, they went to their normal patrol routine as they could not find me. Every time I move a single step forward, while crouching mind you, every single one of them goes absolutely berserk. From the TOP of the firehouse, they know exactly where I am every time I make any moves. This really is retarded.
  18. Simply running behind a wall while making a fuck ton of noise won't confuse a chimp, and it won't confuse a zombie. However, it appears that when you make a noise and they can't see you, they run to where the noise was, not to YOU. They will also stop for a moment every time they reach a location and you aren't visible. Solution? Keep evading them. Don't go around one corner and think you are safe. Go around 5 corners, and keep moving away from them. The current zombies are almost entirely sight based, focus on getting out of their vision, and forget about making too much noise. You only need to be about 20 meters away from them to be out of audible range.
  19. Imbalanxd

    The 'Learn to Play' Argument

    You stated that petitioning for starting weapons and complaints about zombie agro are times when you cannot use the term. It makes complete sense to tell such people to learn to play.
  20. Imbalanxd

    Tank Trap Kit

    you dont need equipment to deploy them' date=' right click it in your inventory. [/quote'] Oh, the description said something about an engineer being able to deploy them, so I assumed a toolbox was required or at least entrenching tools.