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Everything posted by comikz

  1. comikz

    Your Goals?

    Goals: 1. Stick as close to "Civilian" only gear and weapons as possible, save an assault vest (for the space ofcoarse.) 2. Work on being more stealthy/tactful when moving around high-transit areas. 3. Avoid going within 600m+ of Military bases or airfields. 4. Try to avoid killing someone on sight, and making an attempt once again at being "Social"... 5. Find some persistent storage to stock up on needful things.
  2. comikz

    Too many guns or just silly spawning

    First off this isn't WW2, people should stop comparing a game to real-life events in an attempt to validate their opinions as facts... I agree with both your view points however, I do feel as if a Military installation stocks "X" gun, that "X" gun's attachments/ammo should also be a common find. I understand that people don't want someone going into a Military spawn location as a fresh spawn, and come out looking like Rambo, but there has to be a balance between risk/time invested and reward, I don't know how many times that I have done the "Path of the warrior" treck in order to find the upper tier gear, only to spend the next several hours if not days trying to find the right gun attachments and ammo, it's been countless times where I have been running around Military locations with a decked out AK101 with a chambered round in it, because for the life of me finding a couple mags is out of the question, rarity of guns/attachments/ammo only fuels the desire to shoot first and ask questions never. A balance between effort spent and rewards found needs to be found.
  3. Handcuffing and forcing him to kill himself, you sure your not all bandits?
  4. comikz

    Too many guns or just silly spawning

    Yes AKMs still do spawn at Barracks, just it seems they are slightly more rare than the other AK's and I do understand your frustration when it comes to being able to find the gun or the ammo that goes to the gun, over the other guns that spawn in those locations, the one thing that erks me the most is, the over abundance of civilian weaponry at military installations, now I know that there would be civilians working at those places, and their guns, ect. would be left there, but to me, if your going all the way to a base or airfield, you would expect a military grade gun to spawn over say, a shotgun or a repeater, lol...
  5. comikz

    Killed a combat logger...

    But you are not being FORCED to get a vehicle, that's a choice the player will make for themselves, the only ones actively server-hopping are the "Lonewolfs" who have no one to sort of pool the parts they do find together, so in a way, perhaps the devs want people to start forming groups or joining into others to get these parts and work on something together. Besides, while it's nice getting from point A to point B faster in a truck, it's not required, it just speeds up getting from place to place.
  6. comikz

    Killed a combat logger...

    I don't see how his responses are insisting that people play the way he does or wants them to, he's simply voicing his disgust with server-hoppers and combat-loggers, the only thing he is insisting on is that these types of players be stopped, and by being shot and killed when found to be doing either of the above. It annoys me too tbh.
  7. comikz

    I have a dream...

    So you want a larger amount of zombies to be put in so that the people who, "shoot without thinking" will get into huge trouble, am I right? But wouldn't this also tie into wanting less "needless" shooting of other people (KoS/PvP ect.), because in doing so, you would attract unwanted zombie horde attention, forcing you to interact with people, or assist others in keeping safe from zombies, right? I re-read your "I have a dream" sentences, and what I take away from them is that, you wanting the number of zombies increased in good loot areas, to the point where players not only have to work together but think long and hard about how their going to get in and get out, also working together with others in order to survive, which means less killing each other ( A part of the game that a fair amount of people enjoy ) and more working hand and hand with others in order to survive an infested area.
  8. comikz

    Most versatile weapon combination?

    Flipping the bird + my bare fists!
  9. comikz

    Found a MP-133 Pistol Grip Shotgun

    Currently rolling with this, and a Longhorn, that shotgun is great for breaching buildings, and my Longhorn helps with taking people out at a decent distance.
  10. great vid, make more.
  11. Again, I'm not talking about using Deception or Tricks to get the edge on someone, I am well aware of how people are in this game and I am also aware of how people will play how they want to. What I am talking about is the people who Lie to you, not because they're trying to deceive you or trick you into talking to them long enough for their partner to get a shot on you, I am talking about the cowards in the game who are too chicken to engage people right as they see them, surprised or not. These cowards will only turn on you when they have a 100% chance of ending your life, these are the same type of people who will camp a building, because they don't want to risk being exposed. But I digress, this thread has been blown out of proportion, by the crowd of, " It's a GAME so I can do or behave however the hell I want too. " mentality of players, so if a mod sees this, please lock or delete it.
  12. When in-game you can press Shift+Tab then click on the View Players tab, since my IGN and Steam ID are almost identical, it was an easy guess, besides I was the only one on besides his clanmate and himself.
  13. comikz

    North-West Airfield Gunfight

    I love these people who spray down and kill someone, then say, "We're friendly." then continue to be dick heads about it.
  14. I was most commonly referring to the people who us this "tactic" because they where either surprised by you or didn't have a clear shot, so they lie about their motives by saying their "friendly" or a "hero" so that they can get close to you and wait for the most opportune time to kill you, then blast their mic with the usual, "Hehe you just got rekt!" or my personal favorite, "Welcome to DayZ, Noob!"... It's like people are too afraid to be honest and be upfront about it all, because their too scared to take someone on when both parties are aware, people seem to rely too much on "deception" or cheap tricks to get the edge over someone, when if they skipped all the BS, and just did what they where originally going to do, then they do it, not be liars because they think their being "tactful"... I've always been honest about my role and my playstyle, if you think it's a "tactic" to lie to someone, then I feel sorry for your group/clan, if your a Bandit/Hero/Friendly or just a Survivor, be that role.
  15. This is the same reason I don't play on Night servers, because of the players exploiting Gamma, takes the reason out of playing at night, when you can see just as good as day time when pumping your gamma to max. But then again, I'm sure people will have some sort of "Justifiable" reason/excuse to have their gamma cranked up...
  16. comikz

    Pristine compasses

    I've come to only using land markers when navigating my way through Chernarus, because several times the compass has lead me astray, and yeah, compasses can't be trusted.
  17. comikz

    Specialized Vests

    You know I was just thinking of this, we really need some true civilian vests in the game, sure we have the Press vest, but, I'de like more colors than, "Shoot me blue". lol....
  18. comikz

    A very rare and weird sight in berezino :)) and of course slaughter

    Killing on sight when knowing that the people aren't friendlies, here's my beans.
  19. comikz

    I have a dream...

    It's possible, as pristine Batteries are a rarity, and they can be used for many things such as Pistol flashlights, Weapon flashlights, Range finders, ect. My point to my reply was that it seems that people will go above and beyond posting some intellectual post about player interaction and being killed, when it's just covering up a whine thread about how their tired of being KoS'd and want things put in place to halt or stop this all together. Bambis for the most part need to get the F off of the coast, stop traveling well known roads/paths and try being less noticeable if they don't want to run into some coast hunting KoS player, get inland, where surprisingly the people you meet there will indeed talk to you and be friendly, granted your not at a military location.
  20. comikz

    What do you do after Gearing up?

    I sit and wait hidden near a hotspot for players wanting to test their metal, wait to hear guns go off such as Mosins and try to hunt them down and take out a few, as there can be only one Sniper.
  21. Ohh I understand fully about how Zeroing makes it a tad bit too easy for someone to hit their target, it something should be added in terms of a challenge when it comes to shooting far distances say 600+ meters, but like I said, zeroing is a real thing is real life, most scopes can be zeroed in, and that is why I want to keep it in. But my idea on a compromise would be, putting in an animation that your character does when zeroing his/her gun, this would take .4 to .7 seconds per distance increase 50 > 100 > 200 and so on, this would make it more real to me, and allow people who are under sniper fire more time to get to cover or to find out where it's coming from, also to add to this, your character while zeroing would unscope so you couldn't be scoped in and zero at the same time, and the time it would take to zero would increase if you where moving ie walking/running ect.
  22. comikz

    Anyone Remember World Containers?

    I'de really like to see this implemented, being able to open fridges, cupboards, closets, wardrobes and store things in them or have things already inside that spawned there.
  23. comikz

    DayZ - Feeding People Human Flesh

    These are the types of players I enjoy killing the most.
  24. You know I read through several replies to this thread and all I got for a reason people want the "Zeroing" to be removed is so they don't get their fool lil' head blown off by a "Bandit" sniper, or snipers in general, this is the same reason many of the people who post here on the forums wanted the Military weapon spawns diminished so that they didn't get KoS'd as often. My vote, keep zeroing, if I can zero in a gun IRL I should be able to in a game that boasts "Realism"...
  25. comikz

    Whats your gear run

    Cherno > Balota > Pavlovo MB > Zelenagorsk > Green Mnt. > Vybor BM ( Stick around Vybor MB to finish up getting Barracks only loot. )