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Everything posted by comikz

  1. comikz

    The Undying Repeater - Hardcore

    one of the reasons I love that pump-action shotty.
  2. Always enjoy your videos.
  3. comikz

    Do we really need more zombies?

    I feel that there needs to be more zombies in prime loot locations, or busy places like cities ( Elektro/Cherno ect.) and less zombies randomly spawning in, but it's all a work in progress so, we will wait and see, but I do feel there needs to be MOAR of them.
  4. comikz

    Are PU scopes gone?

    I've noticed a drop in spawn rate of the PU Scope, but no, their not gone, just harder to find but they're still in the same spots that you would usually find them, my best area to get one is the storage garages (red doors.) they seem to spawn in there the most, along with the red-brick pubs and corner pub buildings, but like Ricp said, drop what you have that takes the PU scope and the DayZ god will torture you with finding it when you don't need/want it, lol...
  5. My clan and I run our tents on a honor system, if you take something you give something back of equal value. The clan I am in has a good amount of players in it so picking up and storing the gear isn't much of an issue. We find having camps to be more of a "If we have the time or effort to put in" but with things how they are mainly the "Hacker" situation, having a camp seems to be a wasted effort, but it's fun to have all those mil tents set up like your own personal tent city, lol...
  6. comikz

    Dishonorable Death

    Since the new patch, I have seen a lot of "Gokus" coming out of training, and educating me on how "Skilled" they are since they downloaded..I mean uhh..."Honed" their abilities...
  7. comikz

    Are Bandits a bad thing?

    I believe that all playstyles are warranted in this game, I just feel that a lot of them are not putting any real effort into being their "role" you have people saying that they're a bandit, and all they do is kill on sight, or someone who says their a hero, and which all they are is a friendly player offering help. I think this game would be boring of "bandits" weren't a thing, and we all got along.
  8. comikz

    A Whole New World!

    The feels bro...
  9. comikz

    M4 Spawns/Rarity

    M4 Ammunition is not more common than AKM ammo, only places that offer a good chance of getting M4 ammo is Military installations and inside teddy bears, while the ammo the AKM uses is found pretty much everywhere ammo can spawn. Recoil of a gun only effects people who uses them as hoses and sprays everything, for people who tap/burst or know how to fight the recoil, is becomes a non-issue. I agree with BlackLabel, hunting for these guns, more importantly their attachments is a huge waste of time, when I've beaten people with these so called, "best gun ever!!" with a repeater...
  10. comikz


    Did you miss the part where his friend got fired upon by the dudes that the guy in the video shot at with his mosin? The video was quiet short, good, but I would have liked to see a longer video.
  11. comikz

    Average Lone Wolf Wouldnt Survive

    I'm all for group/squad orientated mechanics being put in, but not to the point that the person who prefers to "Lone-wolf" it get's completely screwed over, I get that they ( the devs. ) want people to interact more and for people to help one another out, but it shouldn't mean that the solo survivor should be shit out of luck when it comes to playing how he/she wants to. I myself bounce between solo and group play, I like the rush I get when I am by myself and see a group of people or hear gun shots in the distance and decide on hunting people down, but I also like the social side when playing with a group, and it's sometimes nice to know someone has your back, because your not always going to be on top of it all by yourself.
  12. comikz

    The worst kind of player

    Well as others have said, never get attached to your gear or get mad when you've been alive for a few weeks and die to some random person or bug/glitch. I would recommend that you don't take the "easy road" and kill everyone you see/meet, and stick with the friendly natured survivor role, as you seemed pretty steamed about being called a bandit, and refering to bandits as DBags, lol... Many people after losing their gear or getting killed by someone who proclaimed themselves as "friendly/hero" have done exactly what your doing, tossing your hands in the air, saying fluck it, and turning into a KoS'r out of it being an easier playstyle. Don't be like them, be your own person, and strive for a brighter dayz experience for the people who meet you, and walk away knowing not all people on dayz are bloodthirsty, ok? Best of luck!
  13. comikz

    Starting Over

    I've been reset a few times, but that was to be expected due to problems this game has due to it's "Pre-Alpha" phase of development, gearing to me is fun, because I tend to get pretty anxious when I am fully geared, which usually gets me killed in someway or fashion. It's these bugs/glitches that we need to accept and get over, there is nothing we can do but report the problems when we see them, and hope that the Devs get it sorted out soon. I wouldn't give up on the game OP, I would just not overly gear yourself so if you lose your stuff, it's not the end of the world.
  14. Alright I get it, Devs, you want us to make Camp fires to warm ourselves up and to cook meat to eat, but honestly if I am wearing something such as, Full Gorka w/ Gloves/Boots/Ski-mask ect. things that in their description note that it is designed to KEEP YOU WARM, then I should stay warm, I know condition of your clothing effects it keeping you warm, and rain and such, but my gear is pristine, and I'm not wet, please turn the in-game thermostat up, lol.
  15. I really like this idea, being able to damage your surroundings would make it very interesting, as when someone is in a building, tossing a nade at the wall and having it blow a hole in the wall, would allow people to overtake that person or people inside, but then again, places like elektro and cherno would be piles of rubble...
  16. comikz

    Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

    If you find someone in-game that is saying something racist or over-the-line, there's a function where you can check their name ( Check Pulse. ) and then find their name on the player list ( Press P ) then below their info, there is a [Mute] button, press it, you will now no longer hear them in-game. I honestly don't get why people get so bent out of shape about how someone acts or what someone says in a video game, I mean, ignore it, if they want to be ignorant or mean spirited, then that's them, be the bigger person and move on, no reason to allow someone to ruin your gaming experience by something you can just ignore completely. You can also lower VOIP volume. But as others have said, this is an 18+ game, there is and will be very vulgar/racist remarks made over voice chat, because in the apocalypse, respect and being nice is long past dead.
  17. comikz

    Anyone having trouble skinning people?

    Yeah I have a problem, they all seem to run away screaming... I mean come on people, I'm hungry.
  18. Yeah I've played long enough that land markers, and that gut feeling is all I need when it comes to finding where I need to go.
  19. comikz

    Appearances can be deceiving.

    It just goes to show that people will use any/all excuses to classify someone as a "Hostile/Bandit" by something so simple as a bandana tied mask... It's like ohh look, he's/she's eating that kiwi menacingly must be a bandit!!! I dress in this game how I want to dress, what I think looks nice/cool, if I manage to find a nice bandana to tie into a facemask, then so be it, doesn't mean I'm a big bad meanie bandit, just means I like wearing it... What's next, killing people with gloves, because they are obviously hiding something on their hands... But back OT, I think that the OP just likes that clothing, things that match and go together, I mean how many of us wear, TTsKO/Gorka/HCVests/Smersh Vests ect. doesn't mean the people wearing them are Military elite soldiers, just means they like how it looks, and how it benefits them. Besides with my current, " I'm John Wayne " attire, I wear a bandana (red) with my cowboy setup.
  20. comikz

    When was the oubreak?

    I agree that this game is FAR too clean to be a post-apoc zombie infested game, to me there needs to be A LOT of carnage on the streets, buildings big and small crumbled, something that says, "The world went to shit". Right now, it's, like people just up and left, and the remaining inhabitants ( zombies ) are angry they weren't told people where leaving, lol...
  21. I would say out of every 10 fully geared people I meet, 6 want to kill me, but 4 want to interact and actually be friendly, it's those 4 that make it worth getting shot/killed by the other six, it's those 4 who haven't given into your way of thinking, that every fully geared person on the coast is there for no other reason to shoot and kill other players, people need to learn to form their own opinions, and not join the, "Those fully geared people are big bad mean people, who will only shoot me dead. " way of thinking. I've played this game the standalone for over 1700 hours, I know very well about how unfriendly people can be, but I too know that there are others out there who are truly friendly, and enjoy interaction. My peaceful tendencies and risk taking died out a long time ago, but I'm not one of those people you've described when I go down to the coast, either. Dying is part of this game, currently there is no real reason to survive for any real time, when they add in far more persistent items/gear/vehicles and base building, then surviving will be "worth it". Oh and thanks for the kiddo part, made me giggle...
  22. comikz

    Too many guns or just silly spawning

    Ohh I know full well that I suffer from the "Vanity" bug, but before choosing what looks good, I pay special attention to what it offers, such as, protection/amount of storage/what elements it protects me from ( weather mainly. ) and of coarse does it suit the environment that I will be spending most of my time in, all these factor in before I choose what I feel looks the best, and in the case of weapons, I go with the balanced guns ie ones that perform well at most distances, but don't excel in one or the other.
  23. These attitudes in here about people who are kitted up is the same reason why so many others live in paranoia when they see anyone with decent gear, the sentiment that someone who is kitted is only there to kill, is why so many fear interaction and only shoot. I feel that people would be more open to interacting with one another if the whole, "This guy/gal is wearing this, and using that gun, he/she will only want to kill you." hysteria would die down.
  24. comikz

    Too many guns or just silly spawning

    My prime objective in game is to outfit myself with gear that has been statistically beneficial to you when worn, such as ballistic helmets, assault vests, press vests, and other high-tier gear, other is vanity, I like/enjoy looking good, choosing gear that matches, or has a certain look when combined, this goes for the guns I choose, I find that guns such as the M4/AKM/AK101 when fully modded with their respective attachments looks very nice, more importantly the "feel" I get from wearing gear and shooting a gun is another objective I go for, even if it's considered the best gun in the game, if I don't get that "feeling" from it, I won't use it, ect. I agree with your sentiments about not wanting DayZ to become some CoD clone, but this is early in the games development, and with what they will be adding in the future I believe that even if gun spawns where normalized and things where kept to how they are, or heck certain guns/mags ect. became slightly more easy to get, that this won't be some hurrdurr fps game, I feel this game will have SO much more than what any game with guns has, so I'm not worried.
  25. comikz

    Too many guns or just silly spawning

    I've read several posts by people using the word, "Realism", as a means to backup their feelings towards how guns and ammunition should or should not be in a game such as DayZ. Several of them seem to have quiet valid reasons, and some, you can just tell are covering up their true feelings in an attempt to appear as something else... Like the people who in the past have posted irate threads about being KoS'd and labeling people as CoD/Battlefield rejects, ect. Then these very same people will either reply or post a thread about "Realism" and how the devs should reduce the amount of guns and ammunition in game to establish a sense of true realism, which in reality their saying, " I don't like being shot, devs please nerf gun/ammunition spawns into the ground, so I can continue playing Zombie Slayer 2014..." Then you have the people who post things like, " I feel it would be more realistic if there where less guns because, well they wouldn't just be laying around all over the place, ect ect." Then you have people like me who feel there should be a balance between time spent and items found, right now, I spend 70% of my playtime gearing up, not because I want too, it's that it takes so bloody long to get attachments/mags/ammo tin ect. not because I'm obsessed with, hurr durr military lootz, but because most of the guns that have that "feel" to me are indeed the higher tier guns.