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Everything posted by Rammur

  1. Its the warz kids they are comming over not liking the actual survival feel so they bitch because its not a warz game telling you i see them everyday just wait till they start bitching because they cant bunnyhop around with snipe rifles.
  2. Rammur

    All servers on night?

    They need to either brighten the nights or get rid of them or simply start adding nvgs sooner than later nights suck in dayz always have but some mods for the dayz mods added starry nights making it toleratable learn guys learn from them.
  3. get off the coast there are more than those towns left hell even in the mod the coastal towns are already looted and loot is suppose to be crazy rare problems finding food and water? mmmm im sure there are ponds and wells and now there are berrries good luck.
  4. Wish people stop askin for vehicles its stupid they are gonna be a looong ways off before they get to that point so asking now is plain dumb.
  5. Rammur

    Just opened a can of bean soup w/knife in RL

    Use to open these cans all the time with pocket knives and small rocks sometimes sticks when i was in the scouts not hard .
  6. Yeah what id like to see the zombie now are so broke they aggroe from miles away and have little to no collision at all which makes them pretty much run and aggroe through buildings lol. Guess thats why there so very few they be broken.
  7. Rammur

    Do you like killing zombies?

    Need to expect to get shot in the back if your standing in an area just unloading on zombies pro tip either melee or silenced weapons when killen seds if not shoot and then loot and get out as soon as possible bandits depend on sound and it travels so they hone in and they come for their prey.
  8. It was also quated to be cheaper for those who bought the arma for the mod as well of supposedly been out like 2 years ago if they keep going on this dev cycle we wont see the full game till like 2019 they need to start rolling that ball faster lol.We aint gettin any younger!
  9. Its fun but as of now its very very stale till we see more stuff like we seriously need some heli crashes or some randomized loot places there isnt much to do yet except get agun and roam the coast north is barren as hell and from all the hype there was suppose to be alot more up north to do in standslone at least add some crashes or some reason to get off the coast.
  10. Rammur

    Smoking Ash Gaming

    And warhog or whatever you seem like you have your shit together dont let these lame childish admins drag a good server down because thats exactly whats happening.
  11. Rammur

    Smoking Ash Gaming

    I mean come on im not a 12 year old kid when i did crash all i had was my fucking started gear who the hell COMBAT LOGS AS A BAMBI!!!!! A damn noob wouldnt combat log with bambi shit.
  12. Rammur

    Smoking Ash Gaming

    Same here i killed some dude in some barracks then i got killed respawned ran a few yards i crashed then i got admin banned for combat logging which is bullcrap and it was just the admin is was that douch phatom ranger or whatever his damn name is he claimed iw as on admin ilsand when in fact i crashed on some train track sad part is he a owner not a normal admin i think this server needs to get revoked or the damn main admin needs to age check his partners i pretty sure i killed one of their buddies and they got pissy.