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Everything posted by Rammur

  1. Rammur

    Fun Community.

    O dont even see why anyone would be negative in my playtime on bmrf ive always had a pretty smooth gaming experience at least on the dayzero mods those were almost as sa as they could get back then.
  2. Rammur

    The one police car that spawns in 49...

    I find that car all the time it is bugged though its always burried lto the roof lucky if i can even see any loot it may actually have lol i find it alot in the 3 northern towns of chernogorst with all the apartment buildings.
  3. Rammur

    New maps

    They have plans for that dean even said that n one of his last interviews that he hopes the epoch and other crews will make a move over once that mod support is released.
  4. Rammur

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    yeah im noticing alot of buggy hitboxes again not all the time but melee is still f'ed up.
  5. Rammur

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    Ill point out as well you need to move inland for food and gear get off the coast mainly because the spawns are coastal and you have to stop and remind yourself everyone who fressh spawned has already been through the coastal spawns.So move inland and dont be so predictable.
  6. Rammur

    The servers restart so often...

    I wish they would add that countdown timer like they had in the mod.
  7. Rammur

    Ingame map

    O prefer the ingame map because too me the othermaps that people use feels metagamed too me but thats just my personal opinion.
  8. Rammur

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    a majortity isnt having a problem playing its a minority it seems having these issues either wau just ride the alpha storm a bit the weather system is still a work in progress matter fact so is the whole game it is alpha and it been only 1 year in a 3 year development cycle :D
  9. Rammur

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Well in real life doesnt matter wth peopole wear you can wear 20 coats eventually your gonna get cold it will seep in and you will freeze so find stuff to make a fire and slow down that process go indoors etc etc common sense it actually can be applied to the gameplay but hell its alpha and they just rolled the patch out for weather EXPECT changes to it as we go be a little contructive when giving feed back as well instead of sounding like bratty 12 year olds ima go with 12 since 90% of the encounters ingame have been against groups of sqeeky kids.
  10. Rammur

    Opened doors are not random!

    That majority i think figured sa was gonna be dayz overwatch as well :p Which i hope they do bring over once they open the server files and stuff that will seperate the community a little bit.
  11. Rammur

    Opened doors are not random!

    I was just being sarcastic either way server hopping i dont care what people do at this stage hopping will eventually be non existant when they begin mini hiving in the future which they will do eventually and the server files get released etc etc rigth now i guess it doesnt matter people are gonna get butt hurt too when they do hive everything off but that will be their fault for not learning to play correctly.
  12. Rammur

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Ive yet to die in the said 15 minutes ive died too cold a few times but not that fast and normally from my own stupidity run indoors make sure your not damp get gloves boots etc etc normally a wool coat will warm you enough where you wont get the freezing status stay like in the yellow.Find matches and an axe as soon as possible and some bandages for a fire kit.If you cant find a shirt to rip into bandage for the kit find a book they are allll over you can rip the paper out of the book use it instead of bandages. Weather is set up this way so people cant simply race up north it gives us a bit of a inccentive to actually play the game how its meant to be played as in looting all the building people tend to just pass when they are tunnel visioning it up too the military looting zones and rain coats are almost always spawning up in the long barns btw find one they are life savers.
  13. Rammur

    New Temperature System

    Big diffrence in voicing and opinion and just outright bitching and moaning most people complaing or the basic CoD/BF fanbase or people who came over from the Dayz Overwatch mod which wasnt done by rocket those guys are simply looking for the next big pvp shooterfest when in fact dayz is about survival.After all this stuff is added into the game and mod support and more server files are released to the public then people can simply play how they want its so early in alpha people need to relize what that means and just suck up and roll with it till after the test phase which is problably gonna be another 2 years. No clue why i used quotes on this but hey.
  14. Rammur

    Opened doors are not random!

    Thats still server hopping bro! Call it what you will.
  15. Rammur

    Opened doors are not random!

    There is no pattern ive relogged on fresh restarts near the barracks some are open some or closed and sometime all open or all closed keep overthinking though your brain may explode.But in my dayz experience always be on your guard lol.
  16. Rammur

    We got owned by snipers.....doh!

    All good it think you got killed by the nasty zombie glitch, they like to hit through that ceiling on the police roof happened to me alot.
  17. Rammur

    Persistence and a wearable "key"

    This isnt warz or epoch ,even though epoch is a dayz mod most of us dont want to see clusters of storage lockers tents or fine and some time in the future they have plans for a base building mechanic we will see.
  18. Rammur

    New Temperature System

    I came to a conclussion this system is used for a progression style element since so many people spawn in and expect to make the cross country trip to nw or way up north to the military spawns.This dynamic kind of forces the players to actually i dont know Play the game how its intended to be played? Survive,seek shelter from the weather etc etc.
  19. Rammur

    Vybor spawns?

    Just means you are actually playing dayz correctly, adapt and overcome.
  20. Rammur

    Vybor spawns?

    Funny spawn last time i spawned there was 3 other players it turned into a last man standing fist fight and others kept spawning in lol.
  21. Rammur

    The 22 rifle

    Any gun any bullet is better than nadda.Gotta use what you find at least us legit non server hopping people do.
  22. Rammur

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Dude its like 2014 not the 1900's use your imagination on how weapons get to russia :p russia has lots of organized crime i mean do the math lol.
  23. dean hall didnt mod the mods for the mod dude he didnt do overwatch and epoch or origins those were diffrent independent modders dean did dayz vanilla which most people DO play for the simulation you want acvtion stick with ya damn bf/cod games or wait till he openes up the game for mods and wait for the mod teams to take root.
  24. May need to post the server next time.I so cant wait for server to all get hived up so we can actually have some small communities lol.