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Everything posted by Rammur

  1. Rammur

    so we just found this hacker

    This post isnt as bad as most the posts they seem to frown at when you complain about the hackers with littlw to no proof because the hackers feed on the attention it gives them and the devs wont say much because if they do it give the hackers a chance to avoid future anti cheats. VAC ban wont get rid of them on dayz however that only really works on vac enabled games i dont think vac really up and running on dayz so its better to give the report directly to the dayz guys so they can ban his gui.
  2. Rammur

    why cant i run dayZ

    His rig problably better than mine and i run the game great just play the options in game till you get something that works good elektro and cherno are pretty crappy for everyone so cant judge it off them places go out in a field screw with the options.
  3. ill say its the cpu it may be i-5 but they are 2.80's looks kinda low aim for the 3.5s if anything im not pro so im not 100% sure all i know is im running the game fine on 2 i-3's at 3.80
  4. Rammur

    Are Helicopter Crashes Working in .52?

    Im just gonna assume so considering some of the items added only spawn at crashsites.
  5. Rammur

    Smoking Ash Gaming

    Was a good server back when i played on it the damn admins that made it crappy whomever originally made the server should kick all the admins i know not all of them are bad but when you get a rep as bad as most of them best thing to do is start from scratch get some admins that are 18 PLUS not the little 12-13 year old squeekers they have now,I wont ever come back to this server even though it was one of the smoothest out there.
  6. Rammur

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    Know what i hope i hope when h1z1 comes out all the jack off complainers leave for it and bitch and moan all day over there and leave us dayz fans alone for awhile kind of what happened with the dayz mod whiners warz came out they ran over there and started a bitch fest lol.So i hope that trend continues when the next big game in the genre hits.
  7. Game awesome thoiugh love watching and being apart of its growth but yeah as one guys stated above if your not into the hardcore survival game with losts of perma deaths and bugs and alot of traveling this game isnt for you stay away im so sick of the damn kids who play and bitch because the game map is big and immersive and you have to travel all over.Some people need to srick with ther lobby based shooters/.
  8. Rammur

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    I think it flew way over his head :D
  9. Rammur

    Amazing .51 Experience

    Hey i dont mind koser's at all they actually add to some of the immersion its when they make crap up to try and justify it if your a koser fine its fun for you just admit it.Some people enjoy the thrill of the hunt :D
  10. Rammur

    A New Breed of People

    Most of that is comming at least crafted leather clothing is.
  11. Rammur

    Amazing .51 Experience

    Gotta give him credit for the detailed story on coastal KoSing.
  12. I wasnt trash talking didnt say it was a bad thing so dont jump the gun so fast i simply said it looked like it and yeah they are common sense rules im not sure lol as far as i know they copy pasted yours lol i just said ive been part of that other server for a few years but im not "trash talking" so relax.
  13. Rammur

    is DayZ the best FPS ever made?

    not pure fps because 90% of the people play in third person lol more of a hybrid but yeah ill keep enjoyin dayz all the haters can just run along.
  14. Sounds like a copy/paste of dayzrp server rules lol not a bad thing but after being part of the dayzrp community for about 2 years now what it looks like too me.
  15. Im down but so long as i dont have to write some 500 paged backstory because i like rp but i like the improvised rp ill run around dayz like i always do surviving and killing only when neccessary.Im whitelisted on dayzrp as well.
  16. Rammur

    2 minutes that sums up this game...

    I try and be friendly but its just impossible some people who complain about being kosed are the ones at fault SOMETIMES. I get so many people who run up shouting friendly and thats fine,except they keep running at me lol so im forced to shoot almost everyone i run across lol.
  17. Its ok im curious whatever are people gonna do when they end up hiving mini hiving all the servers like they did in the mod whatever will the little hoppers do? lol will they actually learn how to play the game correctly.
  18. Rammur

    Where can I find a press vest these days?

    Only place ive found them are inside the train stations and on the wrecked ship.
  19. Rammur

    Do you consider this glitching?

    let them store items in an item and in an item you relize how much of a pain in the ass it is to go through it all to find the item you need lol.
  20. Rammur

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    I love the realism of the game but no thanks maybe a fear mechanic that makes you wet yourself or something in that range but we dont need to be taking a crap every 5 minutes.
  21. Rammur

    Beware of the Cherno snipers

    Lol yep sounds about right.
  22. Rammur

    Player Housing / Storage

    MMmm no although im sure they will have basebuilding and a type of storage tents and the like people will be able to break in and steal or loot tents this is dayz not the warz and its lame coded safes and global inventory.I do like the idea of storage that can be broken into with a hamemr and stuff that sounds interesting.I honesty dont see any of that happening untill after the servers are mini hived up or when the mod support is open which im sure a mod will pick up that idea im like 99% positive when mod support is open we will see some of the epoch and overwatch etc etc make a leap over.
  23. Rammur

    Beware of the Cherno snipers

    Yeah my tip too new players is get the hell off the coast as soon as you spawn the biggest mistake i see new players making especially on mid and high pop servers is they always want to loot up and down the coast which is pretty much picked clean anyways so they always get murdered or they qq because they cant find loot.Best thing too do is head inland loot the little hamlets on the way chances are they are not looted.With coastal spawns back the coast is a killing field its even like that on the mod.
  24. Rammur

    Beware of the Cherno snipers

    Well yeah its best to have a squad chances are you may have ran into our crew we typically have 4 people 2 for the yello 2 for the blue spotter and sniper for both and then we have sometime 2 maybe 4 other people running a ground op in cherno pretty tactical op.But now people are getting smart some people are freakin good at sniping and they sit way out in the apartment buildings to the north of cherno and countersnipe so now we need more so we can run ops into those locations.
  25. Rammur

    So Uh...

    The spawns on the map are kind of approximate just because you see the marks dont mean they spawn with pin point accuracy thats just the are they have been spotted ive found all 3 sites once all in range of green mountain found a few on the coast inbetween elekro and cherno on the other side of the road ill add.