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About ghsi011

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. hello fallow survivors :) i found out a small detail about the timer you get when logging out of the game and logging back in with the same character (same or different server) and made a video about it! i did fix the thumbnail but please tell me if it still shows watting timer it's important to note that this tip has nothing to do with server hopping and is merely for your own comfort .
  2. ghsi011

    [guide] how to craft splint

    i just did thanks
  3. hi, I made a short video explaining how to craft a splint and showing a current bug\exploit (that will hopefuly be fixed soon) that allows you to craft as many splints as you wold like (tested in experimental build only) hope i helped you :)
  4. ghsi011

    M4A1 fire mode

    there is a problem with the default key here go to my guide post - http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164667-guidehow-to-toggle-semi-auto/
  5. ghsi011

    Toggle between burst and single shot

    from some kind of reason you can't use T as it is I made a video explaining this visit this post http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164667-guidehow-to-toggle-semi-auto/
  6. hello, i found out how to make the semi auto work. for those of you who don't know you should be able to toggle the the m4 to semi-auto by pressing T but form some kind of reason it doesn't work so i made this video explaining how to do it - http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3807022185&feature=iv&src_vid=ZjVMwmWUIyA&v=df8ixP6NNUM
  7. i didn't say it in the video but you can use other keys other then T
  8. yes it was because i just found out how to toggle the semi automatic mod here is the new link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df8ixP6NNUM
  9. here watch this video it explains it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df8ixP6NNUM