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Everything posted by DirtyscumbagLith

  1. DirtyscumbagLith

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    get some friends to play with. see how long you last typing things to them or using in game voip. lol. noob!
  2. DirtyscumbagLith

    Long Range Scope?

    found 2 back to back rooms in the barracks. i never see it anywhere else tho.
  3. DirtyscumbagLith

    Any Good Loot In The Castles?

    ive died in house staircases and ladders- you think im going in that glitchy castle?
  4. DirtyscumbagLith

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    LOL. what a comical post. i usually dayz with 4 of my friends. we all use teamspeak. like someone else said, when we come across you as a solo, you're going to have a bad day. we've become pretty tactical and usually win. but to call this cheating....ahhh, how funny. thats how gaming has been for the last 3 to 5 years? so put on your big boy pants and suck it up.
  5. DirtyscumbagLith

    Reaction On Dying

    blind rage? uh, no. I honestly dont care if I die. often times, Im bored fully decked out. to me, the real fun is gathering- esp the NEAF where it gets so hairy going into the barracks. its fun, wild and entertaining. and theres something fun about wanting- maybe from a find, or maybe bashing/shooting someone who has everything i want- i might lose, but if i win, ahhh, thats fun as hell. if i have a mosin and the long range scope, i get a little bummed losing the scope. aside from that, i dont care. but mad? no way. embrace starting as a bambi. its like enlightenment.
  6. DirtyscumbagLith

    Was I Wrong?

    wow. i must be chaotic evil if you are pondering your decision in a forum.
  7. DirtyscumbagLith

    I'm now killing on sight.

    LOL!!!!!! 1. shitty reading comprehension 2. that fuckin "its alpha" comments from ridiculously stupid fanboys
  8. DirtyscumbagLith

    I am legitimately scared every time I log in

    "Why did you combat log?" "THERE WERE 4 GUYS WITH M4'S HEADED TOWARDS ME!!!" "Why did you combat log?" "I ran across an airfield and nobody was there! Freaky shit, man!"
  9. DirtyscumbagLith

    Now starting the coastal Marathon!!

    you guys should do a race from chero, to guba, to nwaf and end at electro.
  10. DirtyscumbagLith

    no more alphas for me

    did i just read a post from a guy i dont know saying he's not going to play any more games in alpha? why?
  11. DirtyscumbagLith

    Hot Spawning, Ghosting, Combat Logging. @@@

    if everyone has such a problem with sever hoppers, go into a barrack, wait and take them out. good fuck man, everyone always whining about SH's. so fuckin what. go get some action and go after them if it offends you so much.
  12. DirtyscumbagLith

    shotguns are incredible....

    "i see one blood squirt coming from his ass" Sounds about right. Mix that in with a wall glitch and dying from a failed ladder climb.
  13. DirtyscumbagLith

    Caring Is Sharing

    "Toady I finally made it alive to a military base."
  14. DirtyscumbagLith

    3rd Person/1st Person

  15. DirtyscumbagLith

    I'm now killing on sight.

    First off let me say, welcome to the dark side. We look a lot cooler than those hero/medic types. What threw me off the edge was getting knocked out by a bambi- he ran at me, I hesitated, he punched me out *UNCONSCIOUS* and I wake up 15 seconds later with all my gear gone. I dont mind dying in a fun gun battle- its part of the game- you win some, you lose some- but being mature enough not to shoot a bambi and then that bambi knocks me out and takes all my shit- oh my FUCK that annoyed me. After that, if a bambi is 50m to me, I start blasting. Fuck 'em all.
  16. DirtyscumbagLith

    What would you do? My small encounter.

    I would have bumrushed the barracks without letting him know and then hate sprayed m4 rounds all into his body. And then I'd search his body...if I felt something worthy, I would feel proud. If I didn't find anything worthy, I'd grin ever so slightly.
  17. DirtyscumbagLith

    how to go to nwaf

    definitely use the map to get there. pretty easy. usually a long run. i never find anyone at the nwaf. ghost town. great for loot tho. be sure to check the military base nearby
  18. DirtyscumbagLith

    Why so many bandits? How to deal with them?

    Why people kill each other: 1. for ammo 2. for weapons 3. for food 4. for pristine items 5. for the fuck of it 6. to cure boredom 7. hunting someone is more exciting that being up in Palano by yourself with nothing to do but listen to the birds chirp 8. if this was the end of the world with a zombie apocalypse, would you run up to strangers, hug them and trust them right away? this is the strangest set of game fans- if i play battlefield 4, the objective is to kill people. if i plays dayz, a certain amount of people are so astonished when they are killed. SMFH. staggers my brain. if you have any sort of wealth (weap, food, ammo)- people will want it from you, plain and simple.
  19. DirtyscumbagLith


    in battlefield 4, all you hear is people companing about the sks. lol. cant wait for dayz users to start whining.
  20. DirtyscumbagLith

    Raining in DayZ?

    snow would be awesome. it would be so much fun tracking someone in that.
  21. DirtyscumbagLith

    Weirdest player loot you have found

    i hacked someone at the supermarket. he didnt stand a chance. i was like jason from friday the 13th with that day. he had an m4- all pristine parts. and about 400 rounds of ammo. all pristine cartridges. everything so pristine. i always remember that kill. he must have been pissed, being so obsessive about pristine. dunno who on the planet needs 400 rounds, but hey, im not picky. i almost shed a tear. almost. i got killed later that night. i dont mind dying from a player from the stuff i gathered. but murder items- ahhh, that one stung a little.
  22. DirtyscumbagLith

    Have you ever been scared to continue?

    when im fully geared, i tend to get bored. so a couple times i suicided just so i can start gathering again. if you dont enjoy gathering, this probably isnt the game for you. youre going to die a lot. and sitting in the bushes paranoid and too scared to move is well, lame.
  23. DirtyscumbagLith

    Server Hoppers

    Why not make weaps and ammo spawn in other places? youre telling me the houses are a bad place for weaps and ammo? really? make weapns and ammo random spawn anywhere. that takes away the need for everyone to visit the airbase. spread the loot out. problem solved. also, spawns need to happen IN GAME- not this every 4 hour crap. randomly, anytime, any place (within reason). that eliminates the player who comes in after 2 hours after the server has been picked clean and doesnt waste 2 hours running around with a can of beans. right now, its too easy to find stuff if you know how to work the system. your character being forced on 1 server is a shit idea unless you want to play 1 out of 7 days. i have my favorite servers now and often times they are filled up with people.
  24. DirtyscumbagLith

    My biggest massacre to date (with pics)

    dunno who is goofier- you for doing this or the bambis for stopping and looking?
  25. DirtyscumbagLith

    Stay away from the shotgun(s), here is why.

    say you have a mosin, miss the head, hit the body, switch to a shotty and finish the job. its a great backup weap.